
  • 网络northward migration
  1. 其中1龄黑腹滨鹬在北迁前(5月)和南迁后(9、10月)的能量状况都显著低于同时期的成鸟。

    In addition , the energetic state of first-year Dunlin was significantly lower than that of adults just before northward migration ( May ) and after southward migration ( September and October ) .

  2. 环境比较显示,鸻鹬类在北迁时期的主要栖息地在南迁时无法被利用可能是鸻鹬类南北迁徙数量差异的原因。

    Comparison of environments during northward and southward migration periods showed that the unavailability in southward migration of the main habitats that shorebirds used during the northward migration may be the reason of great difference of abundance between northward and southward migration .

  3. 从港厂北迁看经济特区劳动密集型产业的梯度转移

    On the gradient shift or labor-intensive industry in economic special zones

  4. ,我确认一下,1927年他北迁到芝加哥,1940年代他搬到巴黎,1960年在那里去世。

    And in the1940s he moved to Paris , and he died there in1960 .

  5. 低空急流对中国褐飞虱重大北迁过程的影响

    Influence of Low-level Jets on the great events of BPH 's migration northward in China

  6. 都城北迁之后,该地区大型砖室墓数量减少,面积也减小了许多。

    After the moving of the capital , both the number and the scale of the large tombs become smaller in Nanjing .

  7. 台风整体登陆后,西南气流的再次建立,造成褐飞虱的大量北迁。

    After the whole typhoon landed , the southwest airflow rebuilt , and a mass rice brown planthopper migrated to the north .

  8. 由于种种原因,他们屡次北迁,定居在一片当时还较为荒凉的土地上。

    They migrated northwards , at different times and due to different causes , and established themselves in what was then a relatively unexplored territory .

  9. 天师道的北迁与“上层化”运动,促使神仙信仰开始在上层贵族与文人名士中间广泛传播。

    The northward movement and upper layer of Tian-shi Taoism prompted the immortal faith to spread widely among the upper nobility , the literati and the personages .

  10. 渭河在北迁过程中,由于构造上升,河流下切明显,河床下降约6.3米,相应的洪水水位也不断的下降,指示新构造运动发生了强烈上升。

    In the course of north moving , Weihe River downcut clearly and the riverbed of Weihe River descended about 6.3m because of the ascending of the new conformation .

  11. 北方森林也是北美所发现的800种鸟类中半数为了抚育后代而北迁的鸟类家园。

    In the boreal , they are also the home where almost 50 percent of the 800 bird species found in North America migrate north to breed and raise their young .

  12. 在美国,亚洲鲤鱼自1990年代开始从密西西比三角洲北迁,现在已经威胁到五大湖地区的水域。

    Closer to home , the Asian carp , which has been working its way north from the Mississippi Delta since the1990s , is now on the verge of reaching the Great Lakes .

  13. 因此,爬梳与澄清广州国民政府教育行政委员会成立与北迁的史实,有助于深入了解与把握北伐前后纷繁复杂的历史本相。

    Therefore , to sort out the historical facts of the foundation and the move northward of the Committee on Educational Administration of Guangzhou National Government helps to deepen the understanding and mastering the complicated historical truth during that period .

  14. 春、夏季的北迁,迁出地一般位于地面热低压系统的暖区和高空850毫巴图上的偏南气流,特别是西南气流的控制区域;

    The emigratory areas in the northward migrating process in spring-summer are located in the warm sector of warm low on surface and in partial southern air stream on 850 mb isobaric chart , especially in the region controlled by SW air stream .

  15. 本文的第三章主要论述了北魏迁都洛阳之后对这胡、汉两种因素所带来的的影响:即迁都遗弃了那些胡族和胡化程度较深的人口;

    The third chapter mainly discuss two kind of factor brong influence after Northern Wei moving the capital to Luoyang .

  16. 北魏迁都洛阳之后吸收汉文化,草原文化逐渐被遗弃,但是在其他地方也有零星的发现。

    After transferring the northern wey luoyang han culture , the grassland culture absorbed gradually abandoned , but in other places also sporadic discovery .