
  • 网络Beijing Municipal Education Commission;Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
  1. 北京市教育委员会在5月份发布的新条款规定,大学食堂里的主要饭菜每份不得超过6块钱。

    Beijing Municipal Commission of Education announced new rules in May that the price of staple dishes at college canteens must not exceed 6 yuan .

  2. 报道称,北京市教育委员会的人士说,北京的学生将从小学三年级才开始学英语,而不是小学入学第一天。

    Sources with the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education said students in Beijing will only start to learn English in third grade , instead of starting English on the first day of elementary school , according to the report .

  3. 本文课题源于北京市教育委员会资助科技项目基于MIS的印刷机械智能工艺决策系统研究。

    It combined with advanced research project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission-funded , which is the study of MIS-based intelligent decision system for press manufacturing process .

  4. 北京市教育委员会主任刘宇辉解释了这种合作的好处。

    Liu Yuhui , director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission , explains the benefits of this cooperation .

  5. 本课题是北方工业大学承担的北京市教育委员会科学基金的捆扎线材图像测量计数仪的子课题。

    This study is sub study of counter of bundle bar by image processing , taken on by North China University of Technology , sponsored by education committee of Peking city .

  6. 据中国官方媒体新华社报道,北京市教育委员会计划减少英语科目在高考中的分值,从150分下降到100分,这一政策将自2016年起在全国主要城市开始实施。

    The Beijing municipal commission of education plans to reduce the English section of the all-important college admissions test , the Gaokao , from 150 points to 100 points in major cities by 2016 , China 's official newswire Xinhua reported .

  7. 根据北京市教育委员会发布的一份声明,西城、东城、海淀、朝阳、石景山、丰台这6个人口稠密城区至少各有3所普通校或薄弱校将与优质校合并。

    According to a statement by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission , at least three mediocre or low-quality schools in each of the six densely populated districts - Xicheng , Dongcheng , Haidian , Chaoyang , Shijingshan and Fengtai - will be merged with high-quality counterparts .

  8. 北京市教育委员会一位官员表示,将优化北京高校布局和办学结构,并承诺支持高校通过整体搬迁、办分校、联合办学向郊区或天津、河北转移。

    An official from Beijing Municipal Education Commission said both the location and educational setup of the city 's universities would be optimized , vowing to support full relocation of universities , establishing new campuses or opening cooperative programs in suburban areas , Tianjin or Hebei .

  9. 本文来源于北京市哲学社会科学规划项目&北京市教育委员会人文社会科学研究计划重点项目课题:北京汽车及相关产业发展研究。

    The dissertation was part of the research on Beijing auto and relative industry : the project of human social science of Beijing Municipal Education Commission .

  10. 北京论坛是经国务院和教育部批准,由北京大学和北京市教育委员会联合主办的国际性学术会议。

    Forum in Peking is through State Department and the Ministry of Education approval , international academic meeting sponsor by the University of Peking and education board consociation in Peking City .