
  • 网络beijing snacks
  1. 丹尼尔:那有北京小吃吗?

    Daniel : Are there any Beijing snacks ?

  2. 后来,这一小吃流传到了民间,就成了颇受欢迎的北京小吃。

    Afterwards , the snack was introduced to the folk and became a popular snack in Beijing .

  3. 驴打滚:又称豆面糕。是北京小吃中的古老品种之一。

    Lvdagunr ( Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour ): also called Pastry Made of Soybean Flour , is an old Beijing snack .

  4. 想吃点什么?你尝过北京的特色小吃吗?

    A : What would you like to eat ? Have you tried any special foods in Beijing ?

  5. 芝麻酱凉面是老北京的地道小吃,只需要一些佐料的简单混合即可制成。

    Sesame paste cold noodles is the traditional Beijing style dish that uses a much simpler combination of ingredients .

  6. 北京有很多成都小吃,我觉得经济实惠,你可以考虑一下。

    I 'm very grateful to you from the bottom of my heart !

  7. 问:北京还有很多传统小吃像北京烤鸭等等,你都吃过吗?

    Beijing have lots of traditional snacks , for example : Beijing roast duck , Have you eaten yet ?

  8. 2011年访华时,拜登带着随从去了北京的一家小吃店,点了当地风味小吃炸酱面,一共才花费了79元。

    In a 2011 visit to China , Biden and his men dropped by a snack store in Beijing and ate noodles with soybean paste , a local delicacy , spending a total of 79 yuan .