
  1. 我想买几本北京导游手册。

    I 'd like to buy some guide books to beijing .

  2. 北京导游服务如何收费?

    What 's the charge of Beijing tour guide services ?

  3. 《日语北京导游》多媒体教学初探

    On Multi media Teaching of Japanese Tour-Guiding in Beijing

  4. 我想要一本北京导游手册。

    I 'd like a guide book to beijing .

  5. 组织专家进行全面调研和系统论证,开发和推广一套标准的北京导游系统。

    Experts will be organized to conduct comprehensive research and systematic analysis in order to develop a set of standardized tourist guide systems for Beijing .

  6. 而现实中,来自北京的导游、25岁的魏秋明(音译)说

    Wei Qiuming , 25 , a tour guide in Beijing

  7. 北京故宫导游词中话语标记那么的功能

    The Functions of Discourse Marker " n à me " in the Tourism 's Language of the Forbidden City