
huà xué nénɡ
  • chemical energy
  1. 燃料电池(Fuelcell)是一种将存在于燃料与氧化剂中的化学能直接转化为电能的发电装置,具有能量转化率高,环境污染少的优点。

    Fuel Cell is a kind of power generation set which can transform the chemical energy in fuel and oxidant directly into electric energy .

  2. 而有着水解ATP并将化学能转换为动能的重要功能的粗肌丝是飞行的基础。

    And the flying ability of insects based on myosin filament , the functions of which are transferring chemical energy to kinetic energy as well as hydrolyzing ATP .

  3. 本文提出了综合梯级利用LNG化学能和冷(火用)的多重联合循环。

    In this paper a combined cycle which synthetically uses the chemical and cryogenic energy of LNG is proposed .

  4. 分子马达通过催化三磷酸腺苷分子(ATP)水解,将化学能转化为机械能产生自身的定向运动。

    During hydrolization of ATP , conformational changes occur within the motor protein ( a mechanochemical process ), and mechanical work is done .

  5. 通过燃料电池式反应器将CH4的化学能转化为电能和利用SE电池反应器将CH4转化为C1和C2等附加价值更高的化工产品研究方面均取得了进展。

    There are some achievements in changing chemical enemy of methane to electric energy by fuel cell reactor and changing methane to more valuable C_1 、 C_2 chemical products by SE solid electrolyte reactor .

  6. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)能高效地将化学能转变成电能。

    The high efficient conversion of chemical to electrical energy enables solid oxide fuel cell ( SOFC ) to be a promising power technology .

  7. 分子马达一般是以ATP或GTP为能源将化学能转化为机械能,从而完成生物体内的各种功能。

    Molecular motors use ATP or GTP as energy sources and execute diverse biological functions by changing the chemical energy deposited in ATP or GTP to mechanical energy .

  8. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)可以直接高效地将碳氢燃料的化学能转化为电能,它是一种重要的洁净能源转化技术。

    The ability of Solid Oxide Fuel cells ( SOFCs ) to directly and efficiently convert the chemical energy in hydrocarbon fuels to electricity in the clean energy revolution .

  9. 鉴于高温CO炉气既具有化学能又具有热能,可采用融碳酸盐燃料电池/蒸汽联合循环回收电石炉气联产电和热,实现能量的梯级利用。

    Because of chemical and thermal energy of high-temperature CO off-gas , the molten carbonate fuel cell / steam combined cycle can be used to recycle the off-gas for generating electricity and heat and then the entire system can realize the energy cascade utilization .

  10. ATP和ADP之间的相互转换,是连接光能和化学能的纽带,是生物利用光能或者化学能的基本分子机制。

    So the transformation between ATP and ADP are the tie which connects the solar energy and chemical energy and the basical mechanism which solar energy or chemical energy can be used by organisms .

  11. 合成气化学能和冷煤气效率直接影响着整个IGCC电站系统效率,是衡量合成气品质和气化炉性能的关键参数。

    Syngas heating value and cold gas efficiency which are the key parameters to evaluate syngas quality and performance of gasifier influenced the efficiency of whole IGCC power system directly .

  12. 燃料电池电动汽车(FCEV,FuelCellElectricVehicle)以燃料电池作为动力源,通过电极反应将燃料的化学能转变为电能,由电能驱动电机使车辆运行。

    The fuel cell electric vehicle ( FCEV , Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle ) takes the power supply by the fuel cell , transforms the fuel chemical energy into the electrical energy through the electrode reaction , and causes the vehicles movement by the electrical energy .

  13. 天然气直接固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)是以未经转化的天然气为燃料,将天然气的化学能直接转化为电能的电化学装置。

    Taking non-conversed gas as fuel , the solid oxide fuel cells ( SOFC ) directly from gas are the facilities that convert the chemical energy of gas into the electrical energy directly .

  14. 也可能是温光胁迫抑制了光合碳代谢的电子供应,造成棉花叶片PSⅡ的部分失活或伤害,不利于棉花叶片把所捕获的光能转变为化学能。

    Temperature and light stress is also thought to inhibit the photosynthetic carbon metabolism electronic supply , which might result in partial inactivation or injury of PS ⅱ in cotton leaves , making it difficult to convert light into chemical energy . 2 .

  15. 微生物燃料电池(MFC)利用微生物作为催化剂氧化分解有机化合物,同时产生电流,将有机物中的化学能转化为电能,是近年来被国际环保和能源界重点关注的新兴技术。

    Microbial fuel cell ( MFC ) has been proved able to generate electrical currents via oxidizing organic compounds by using microorganisms as the bio-catalysts . Nowadays MFC technology is drawing attention of international environmentalists and energy sector .

  16. 熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC)是一种通过氢或矿物燃料的氧化将化学能直接转化成电能的能源转化装置。

    Molten carbonate fuel cell ( MCFC ) is an energy conversion device that converts chemical energy into electricity by oxidation of hydrogen or fossil fuels .

  17. 具体而言,利用水电解将电能转化为储存于H2和02中的化学能;利用燃料电池将H2和02复合成H20释放出电能。

    Specifically , the electricity can be converted to chemical energy stored in H2 and O2 through water electrolysis , and these two molecules can be re-combined into H2O to output electricity through fuel cells .

  18. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)是将反应物的化学能直接转化为电能的电化学装置,其作为一种新型的,洁净的能源,是解决能源利用率低和环境污染双重问题的高新技术。

    A solid-oxide fuel cell ( SOFC ) is a device that directly converts the chemical energy to electrical energy , which as a new and clear energy can solve the problems of Low energy efficiency and environmental pollution .

  19. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)是通过电化学反应,将燃料中的化学能直接转化为电能的发电装置。它具有清洁、高效、环境友好等诸多优点,近些年来备受关注。

    Over the past years , solid oxide fuel cells ( SOFCs ) whose merits are clean , efficient and environmental-friendly , have attracted great attention for their use in the direct conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy through electrochemical reaction .

  20. 传统的电池是在两根固定电极中储存化学能的;

    Traditional batteries store the chemical energy in two solid electrodes ;

  21. 城市煤气甲烷化工艺的化学能损失

    Loss of chemical energy in process of methanation of city gas

  22. 一马来亚蝮蛇取得化学能治疗中风。

    A Malayan pit viper has yielded a chemical that could treat stroke .

  23. 燃料的化学能并不全部都变成热能。

    All the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat .

  24. 是不是有什么特殊的化学能释放这种元素在人体内的秦?

    Is there any special chemical can release such element in human body ?

  25. 有专门的细胞把化学能转变成机械能。

    Specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy .

  26. 将储蓄的化学能转变为直流电的电气装置。

    An electrical device for changing stored chemical energy into direct electric current .

  27. 电能可以被转换成热能,光能或化学能。

    Electrical energy may be converted into heat , light or chemical energy .

  28. 有效地利用化学能,使其转换成机械能。

    Make use of chemical energy effectively , and transform it into mechanical energy .

  29. 而且其主要的能量来源太阳能,而不是燃料燃烧产生的化学能。

    And the main energysource is solar energy .

  30. 有机金属化合物热化学化学能可以转化为热能。

    Chemical energy may be converted to heat .