
  • 网络Chemistry Teaching Theory;chemistry pedagogy;Theory of Chemistry Education
  1. 本文旨在运用研究型课程理论和化学教学论的基本原理,尝试在高师化学专业学生中采用研究型课程的形式开设以微型化学实验为主要内容的选修课。

    Under the direction of project-learning curriculum theory and chemistry pedagogy , this paper aimed at the study of implementing project learning in microscale chemistry elective course .

  2. 《化学教学论实验》教学内容设计

    Design of Training About Chemistry Pedagogy Experiment

  3. 研究性学习在《化学教学论》课程中的实践与研究

    Practice of and Studies on Research-oriented Learning in Chemistry Instructional Theories

  4. 改革化学教学论实验培养学生创新能力

    Reforming Experiment Teaching in Chemical Pedagogy , Fostering Students ' Innovative Ability

  5. 谈化学教学论研究范式的转换

    Discussion on the Shift of Research Paradigm of Chemistry Didactics

  6. 创新教学思路,提高师范生素质&谈化学教学论教学方式的改革

    Innovate View of Teaching Improve College students ' Quality

  7. 高等师范院校化学教学论课程改革的理论探索

    Theoretical Research of Curriculum Reform on Chemistry Instructional Theory of Higher Normal School

  8. 《化学教学论》教材内容体系的发展及思考

    Development and thoughts of Chemistry Didactics textbooks content system

  9. 化学教学论三阶段教学模式探讨

    On three-stage instructional model in chemical teaching method course

  10. 化学教学论整合课程的教学设计

    The Design for the Teaching of the Instruction of Integrated Course in Chemistry

  11. 对化学教学论中案例教学效果的探讨

    Discussion of the Teaching Result of the Case in the Chemistry Teaching Theory

  12. 化学教学论是化学师范专业大学本科学生的必修课程,是对学生进行专业教育的重要途径。

    Theories of chemical education is a curriculum for senior students of normal university .

  13. 先分散后整合&谈化学教学论中的说课

    Integrate follow separate & way of talk about lesson in the chemical teaching theory

  14. 浅谈化学教学论教学

    On the Teaching of Chemistry Teaching Theory Course

  15. 构建模拟课堂探究教学模式改革化学教学论实验教学

    Studies on the construction of the teaching mode and the reforming of the experiment teaching

  16. 化学教学论素质教育目标导学教改研究

    Reform of content of chemistry teaching and Research on the OBJECTIVE-TARGETED guidance systen for competence education

  17. 经提炼升华后,推动了我院化学教学论课程体系、结构及培养途径的改革。

    This research has deepened the reform of the course system and structure and cultivating approach .

  18. 化学教学论课程的案例制作

    Preparing Cases for Chemistry Teaching Course

  19. 化学教学论研究范式的缺陷是客观存在的,其原因是多方面的。

    The defects of research paradigm of chemistry didactics exist , and the reasons are various .

  20. 论化学教学论课程的时空发展

    Discussing on the Development of Instructional Theory of Chemistry Curriculum from the Perspective of Time and Space

  21. 高师教育类课程角色体验教学模式的实验研究师范生化学教学论实验演说改革的实验

    Experimental Research of " Role-experience " Teaching Model in the Educational Curriculum in the Normal Universities and Colleges

  22. 化学教学论实验课程应包含以下四个实验模块:1.基本实验技能训练;

    The curriculum , chemistry pedagogy experiment part , should include four modules : 1.basic experiment skill training ;

  23. 系统论指导下的高师化学教学论课程建设

    The Setup of the Course of Teaching Science for Higher Chemistry Education Under the Guidance of System Science

  24. 本文旨在课程理论的研究基础上,对化学教学论的课程内涵提出自己的一些看法。

    On the study of curriculum theory , the thesis put forward some views on connotation of chemistry instructional theory .

  25. 化学教学论研究范式的转换,可由移植研究转向本体研究,由演绎研究转向归纳研究。

    The research paradigm of chemistry didactics may shift form transplant research to reality research , from deductive research to inductive research .

  26. 本文从微格教学在化学教学论中应用的角度,谈谈对化学师范生导入技能的训练。

    Starting from the application of microteaching to chemistry , this paper discusses the introduction of skill training to chemistry majors in the teachers college .

  27. 本文主要通过文献研究与分析,问卷调查和整理,对化学教学论课程研究提供了理论基础和实践基础,在此研究基础上对化学教学论课程进行理论建构。

    Theoretical construction of chemistry instructional theory curriculum is based on theoretical and practical foundation , which attained through document-research and analysis and questionnaire-survey and collation .

  28. 师范生通过运用新课程理念的化学教学论实验课的学习,实验教学能力、学习方式和研究能力以及对基础教育新课程理念的理解都有所提高。

    Through the study of the course , the students make great improvement in experiment teaching competence , learning manner and research ability , and their understanding of the new curriculum idea .

  29. 第三部分:首先从学生自身的需要和教学能力的性质及构成出发,利用学习结果分类确定化学教学论的教学目标领域;

    In part three , first , considering the students ' development need and on the basis of the construct of the teaching ability , the article will establish the teaching objective fields on the subject-pedagogy curriculum ;

  30. 根据新一轮基础教育课程改革的要求,作者结合自己的教学实践,从教学内容和教学方法两方面,就如何进行化学教学论教学谈了自己的看法。

    Based on the newly requirements for course innovation of fundmental education and anthors'own teaching practice , this paper mainly talks about how to teach chemistry teaching theory course from two aspects : namely teaching content and teaching method .