
  • 网络Principle of Chemical Engineering;Chemical Engineering Principle;Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
  1. 化工原理实验CAI课件的开发与应用

    The Development of a CAI Software for the Experiment of Unit Operation Principles of Chemical Engineering and Its Applications

  2. Excel在化工原理教学中的应用

    Application of Excel on Teaching and Learning Principles of Chemical Engineering

  3. 基于Web的化工原理虚拟仿真实验系统

    Experimental simulation system for chemical engineering principles based on web

  4. 化工原理智能多媒体CAI系列课件开发

    Development of intelligence multimedia CAI course-ware for chemical unit operation

  5. 化工原理实验CAI课件的研制

    Development of the Multimedia CAI of Chemical Engineering Experiment

  6. 化工原理课程设计系列CAI课件的研制与应用

    Design and Application of CAI Series Software for the Design of Chemical Principles Course

  7. aspenplus在化工原理课程设计教学中的应用

    Application of Aspen Plus in the Course Design of Chemical Engineering Principle

  8. 多媒体技术在化工原理优化设计CAI课件开发中的应用

    Application of Multimedia Techniques in Development of Optimum Design CAI Courseware of Chemical Engineering Principle

  9. VC++利用Excel实现图表功能在化工原理实验中的应用

    VC + + using excel drawing chart in the application of chemical engineering principle experiment

  10. 计算过程及结果表明,利用Matlab解决化工原理工程计算问题具有数值稳定性好、使用方便、高效快速等特点。

    The results show that it is convenient and quick to solve the problems of engineering calculation in unit operations with Matlab .

  11. 基于PowerBuilder的化工原理查询软件的开发与实现

    Development of Query Software for Principles of Chemical Engineering Using Powerbuilder

  12. 采用VB6.0开发化工原理实验数据处理系统

    Developing Data Processing System for Experiments of Chemical Engineering Principles Using VB 6.0

  13. 讨论了CAI发展趋势,认识到化工原理智能多媒体CAI课件开发是一项系统工程。

    Discussion to the tendency towards CAI . The development of intelligence Multimedia CAI Course-Ware for Chemical Engineering Unit Operation teaching is a system engineering .

  14. 以Authorware、VC++为开发工具,开发了化工原理塔设备课程设计多媒体CAI应用软件。

    In this paper , based on Authorware and VC + + , the applied software of multimedia CAI for the tower equipment design is developed .

  15. 该文描述CAI在化工原理课程认识实习中的应用,介绍了合成氨工艺仿真系统的设计原理、特点及应用。

    This paper describes the application of CAI in cognition practice of the course principle of chemical engineering and introduces the fundamentals , methods and usage of synthetic ammonia mechanism emulation system .

  16. 本软件为Pc级,主要应用传热学、化工原理的基本原理,开发设计了模具冷却水道计算模块,并对模具的冷却系统进行设计。

    This software is a PC progam , We to the advantage of basal principle of transfer thermology and chemical engineering , developed for calculation module of injection mold cooling waterway , and designing injection mold cooling system .

  17. 该文以计算机应用软件EXCEL在化工原理实验数据处理应用为例,探讨计算机应用于化工原理实验,处理化工实验数据,以提高学生学习的积极性和学习效率及学生的综合素质。

    This paper gives an example of the application in data processing of chemical engineering experiments with Excel software , discusses to raise the students ' learning activity and efficiency , and develop the students ' comprehensive quality .

  18. Langrange三点插值法在化工原理课程设计中的应用

    The Application of Langrange Three-Point Interpolation in the Course Design of Principles of Chemical Engineering

  19. 化工原理实验CAI软件的设计目的是模拟实验操作与现象,使用户更好的操作实验,补充传统实验的不足。

    The designing objective of CAI software in the experiment of chemical engineering principles is to simulate the manipulation and phenomenon of the experiment . Users will control experiments conveniently by using this software and it can also overcome the shortcomings of traditional experiments .

  20. 化工原理实验数据回归处理实用程序

    The Utility Program of Regressively Processing Experimental Data for Chemical Mechanism

  21. 辩证思维方法在化工原理教学中的应用

    Using Dialectical Thinking Mode in Teaching the Principles of Chemical Engineering

  22. 全国高等院校化工原理试题库软件设计

    Software design about test-question library system for principles of Chemical Engineering

  23. 面向生物工程学科的化工原理实验教学改革

    Experiment Teaching Reform in the Principles of Chemical Engineering for Bioengineering

  24. 化工原理实验计算及数据处理系统

    Calculation and Data Processing System for Experiments of Chemical Engineering Principles

  25. 化工原理干燥实验的设备改造

    The Innovation on Equipment for Drying Experiment of Chemical Engineering Principle

  26. 化工原理教学与学生综合素质的培养

    The Cultivation of Comprehensive Quality in the Teaching of Chemical Principles

  27. 《化工原理》中离心泵安装高度计算中的问题探讨

    A Discussion on the Calculation of Centrifugal Pump 's Suck-up Distance

  28. 提高化工原理实验教学质量的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice to Improve Experiment Teaching Quality of Chemical Principles

  29. 用多样化教学方法提高化工原理课程的教学效果

    Enhancing Teaching Quality of Chemical Engineering Principle by Diversified Teaching Method

  30. 生物工程专业化工原理课程教学的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Chemical Engineering Principle Teaching in Bioengineering Major