
  • 【医】dissipating phlegm for resuscitation
  1. 化痰开窍泻浊法在脑出血治疗中的应用

    The Transform Phlegm Open the Orifices and Drain Turbidity Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

  2. 补肾填精、化痰开窍法治疗脑衰老的实验研究

    The experimental study on treating brain senility with Tonifying the Kidney-Replenishing essence eliminating phlegm for resuscitation

  3. 肺热痰瘀合并痰蒙心窍证,治以化痰开窍、平肝熄风;

    The sixth syndrome was the retention of heat and phlegm in the lung accompanied by mental confusion due to phlegm .

  4. 并以填髓、化痰、开窍法,调神法等论治,收效颇丰。

    And with filling pulp , phlegm , begin to understand method , adjustable divine law and effective treatment such as a lot .