
  • 网络phlegm-dampness syndrome
  1. 结果:气血瘀滞证、黯舌、腻苔的患者血清VEGF值明显高于气虚痰湿证、阴虚热毒证、气阴两虚证的患者。

    Result : The VEGF value of the energy-stagnation and blood stasis patients with dark tough and greasy fur is higher then others .

  2. 两组患者痰湿证、血瘀证、阴虚证比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Comparison of the two groups in the phlegmy wet syndrom 、 blood stasis syndrome and Yin deficiency syndrome showed that there was no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 早期2型糖尿病痰湿证与hs-CRP、Fractalkine的相关性研究

    Study on Correlation between Tcm Phlegmatic Hygrosis Syndrome and Hs-CRP , Fractalkine in Early Stage of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  4. 临床肺癌的气阴(精)两虚、脾虚痰湿证较常见。

    Lung carcinoma is often due to qi-yin deficiency , and spleen hypofunction and dampness accumulation .

  5. 吸烟、体重指数、病程是影响痰湿证的主要因素;

    Smoking , body weight index and course of disease are those affecting phlegm - damp syndrome ;

  6. 结论结合证素,高血压病常见证候分布以阴虚证、阳亢证、痰湿证、血瘀证等为主;

    Conclusion Common patterns of hypertension are yin deficiency , yang hyperactivity , phlegm-damp and blood stasis .

  7. 痰湿证:四肢沉重,苔腻,脘痞纳呆;

    For phlegm-damp syndrome , the principle components were heaviness of limbs , greasy fur , abdominal distension and impaired appetite ;

  8. 女性患者气滞证较男性多见,男性患者痰湿证较女性多见。

    Female patients with Qi stagnation are more common than men , but men patients with phlegm are more common than women .

  9. 病程在15年以上者,血瘀证型、痰湿证型达100%。

    In the cases with disease course longer than 15 years , the patterns of blood stasis , and phlegm-damp accounted for 100 % .

  10. 敏疏糖胶囊对2型糖尿病外周胰岛素抵抗(痰湿证)患者症状体征的影响

    Influence on Therapeutic Effect of Min Shu Tang Capsule in Improving Type 2 Diabetes Patients ( Tanshi Syndromes ) with Symptoms and Signs of Impact

  11. 结果:在脑梗死结构方程中各因子与临床证型间存在着较好的对应关系,其共因子为风瘀证、各分因子分别为阴虚、气虚、火热、痰湿证;

    Results : There was better corresponding relation between common factor wind and blood stasis and others qi-insufficiency 、 yin-insufficiency 、 fire-heat and phlegm-damp syndrome ;

  12. 通过多元回归分析得阴虚证、阳虚证、阴阳两虚证、血瘀证、痰湿证、肝郁证等回归方程。

    The regression equations of syndromes of yin deficiency , yang deficiency , yin-yang deficiency , blood stasis , phlegm damp and liver stagnation were obtained .

  13. 此外,当肺癌出现脾虚痰湿证时,当以培土生金法阻断癌毒向脑部转移;

    Besides , strengthen metal by way of reinforcing earth to prevent brain metastasis when the syndrome of water and phlegm retention due to spleen deficiency appears .

  14. 与同期脾虚痰湿证、阴阳两虚证相比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01);

    The difference was significant as compared with the patterns of spleen deficiency with phlegm-damp , yin - and yang-deficiency ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  15. 结果:1气虚证、血虚证及肾虚证均存在自由基损伤;痰湿证、血瘀证也与自由基增多有关。

    Results : There was free radical damaged in Qi deficiency and Blood deficiency syndrome , and the phlegm dampness and blood stasis syndrome were related to free radical added .

  16. 结果单证的发生率:气虚证60.0%、阴虚证56.3%、血瘀证63.8%、痰湿证75.0%和火热证86.3%;

    Results The incidence rates of qi deficiency , yin deficiency , blood stasis , phlegm-damp and fire-heat patterns were 60.0 % , 56.3 % , 63.8 % , 75.0 % and 86.3 % respectively .

  17. 中医辨证论治方案在改善气虚证、阳虚证和痰湿证方面明显优于氯沙坦方案(P<0.05),中医辨证论治加氯沙坦方案在改湿浊证方面优于氯沙坦方案(P<0.05)。

    Chinese medicine of diagnosis and treatment according to syndrome differentiation scheme was superior to Losartan scheme ( P < 0.05 ), and also in improving deficiency qi syndrome , difficiency yang syndrome and phlegm-dampness syndrome ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 方法:现人工判定将所有病例按四诊信息辨证分为风瘀证、阴虚证、气虚证、火热证、痰湿证。

    Method : by means of artificial method , analyzing all patient syndrome 's information , we divide it into five syndromes , such as wind and blood stasis , floating of yang due to yin deficiency , hot fire , phlegm-dampness .

  19. 甲亢中期分为两个证型,肝肾阴虚证和痰湿内阻证。

    The middle of hyperthyroidism are divided into two types , liver and kidney yin deficiency , phlegm syndrome .

  20. 痰湿内阻证78例,男37例,女41例,年龄平均53.90±6.80岁;病程平均4.95±3.83年;

    Phlegm moisture hindering syndrome ( PMHS ): 78 cases ( 37 male , 41 female ), the average age was 53.90 ± 6.80 years old , and the process of disease was 4 95 + 3.83 years ;

  21. 痰湿壅盛证和肝阳上亢证明显高于阴虚阳亢证和阴阳两虚证(P<0.05)。

    Sensitivity in both Excessive Damp ? phlegm Syndrome , and Hyperactivity of Liver ? yang Syndrome , is higher obviously than in Syndrome of Deficiency of both Yin and Yang ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 肝火亢盛证26例,痰湿壅盛证18例。

    Liver dampness Kang Sheng Group in 26 cases , 18 cases of tan shi yong sheng Group .

  23. 在辨证分型上,以气虚、痰湿、血瘀证型最为多见。

    On the dialectical typing , deficiency of Qi , phlegm , blood stasis is the most common type .

  24. 结论:1.老年原发性高血压中医证型以痰湿壅盛证和阴虚阳亢证为主。

    The main TCM syndromes of elderly primary hypertension are excessive phlegm-dampness and yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity . 2 .

  25. 热结证的病程最短,其次为气滞证,痰湿和血瘀证的病程相当,均偏长。

    Heat junction permits the shortest course of disease , followed by the course of Qi stagnation . Phlegm and blood stasis syndrome have a longer length .

  26. 痰湿、瘀血证候在虚胖者中也更多见,而且虚胖者偏重于水湿证,实胖者偏重于痰浊证。

    What 's more , the dampness syndrome and blood stasis syndrome are more frequently met in deficient obesity , but in excessive obesity the phlegm syndrome is more familiar .

  27. 目的:验证三子咳喘胶囊对慢性支气管炎(痰湿阻肺证)的疗效,并对其安全性作出客观评价。

    Objective : To certificate the curative effects of Sanzi Kechuan Capsule in treating chronic bronchitis with syndrome of phlegm-dampness accumulated in the lung , and evaluate objectively its safety .

  28. 不同中医证型高血压患者及对照组颈动脉血管重构计数指标比较中,阴阳两虚证和痰湿壅盛证患者的颈动脉内膜增厚和动脉硬化斑块形成例数明显高于对照组(均P<0.05)。

    According to the distribution of abnormal cases , increased thickness of tunica intima of artery and number of plaque were higher than those in control group ( all P < ( 0.05 )) .

  29. 结果:1、原发性高血压的四个证型构成比从大到小依次排列为:阴虚阳亢证>痰湿壅盛证>阴阳两虚证>肝火亢盛证。

    Results : 1 . Arrange four TCM syndrome patterns of EH according to their constitute ratio in order : yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity syndrome > excessive phlegm-dampness syndrome > yin-yang deficiency syndrome > liver-fire hyperactivity syndrome .

  30. 常见中医证型有痰热内阻证、肝火亢盛证、阴虚阳亢证、气阴两虚证、痰湿壅盛证、阴阳两虚证六种。

    The common chinese medicine syndrome types had : syndrome of phlegm-heat blocking internally , overabundant liver-fire syndrome , syndrome of hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency , deficiency of both qi and yin syndrome , phlegm-damp syndrome , deficiency of both yin and yang .