
láo dònɡ dìnɡ é
  • labor quota;work norm
  1. 基于BP网络矿山劳动定额管理预测系统

    Mine labor quota management forecasting system based on BP network

  2. xlt和劳动定额管理。

    Xlt & labor quota management . xls three documents .

  3. 阐述如何采用计算机编制铁路工业劳动定额以及如何将劳动定额与企业的BOM表进行衔接,最终计算出产品各大部件及整个产品的劳动定额的方法。

    It was explained how to formulate the work quota for railway industry , how to link up the work quota and the enterprise BOM form , then computed the work quota of every part and the whole of the product finally .

  4. 改革劳动定额调整方式推动定额工作科学化

    Reforming the Adjusting Mode of Labour Norm , Promoting Scientific Norm

  5. 新时期劳动定额管理的若干对策

    Several Countermeasures of Labour Quota 's Management in the New Times

  6. 概率统计在劳动定额制定中的应用

    The Application of Probability Statistics in Drawing Up the Work Quota

  7. 在经济体制改革中改善劳动定额管理

    Try to Improve the Production Quota Management in Economic System Reform

  8. 运用线性回归方法制定劳动定额

    Using the linear regression method to make the work quota

  9. 劳动定额作为劳动管理的一个重要责成部分。

    Labor quota as labor management an important obligate part .

  10. 工业企业劳动定额的分析与制定

    The Analysis and Establishment of Labor Quota in Industrial Enterprises

  11. 文中还设计出企业劳动定额管理体系。

    Standard time control system of the enterprise is designed .

  12. 煤炭企业内部承包与劳动定额应用

    Application of labour quota in Internal contracts of coal enterprises

  13. 论企业对劳动定额管理的重要性及今后发展方向

    Discussion about the significance and future development direction of labor quota management

  14. 劳动定额在工程预算管理中的重要作用

    Key role of labour ratings in engineering budget management

  15. 新形势下劳动定额的作用及发展方向探讨

    Examining the Function and Development Orientation of Production Quotas in the New Situations

  16. 铁路工业劳动定额管理信息系统研究

    Research on MIS of Work Quota for Railway Industry

  17. 浅谈建筑业劳动定额与劳动力市场价格

    Discussion on the labor rating and labor power market price in building industry

  18. 主要从劳动定额、产管理、励制度等方面进行了探讨。

    These questions primarily involve labor norm , production management , incentive system .

  19. 劳动定额在现代化煤炭企业中的应用

    Application of labor quota in modern coal enterprise

  20. 劳动定额程序的开发和应用

    Development & Application of Labor Quota Program Software

  21. 应用排列组合制订劳动定额

    Setting Norms by Means of Permutation and Combination

  22. 计算机辅助机加件劳动定额制定与管理系统研究

    Research on Computer Aided Conformation and Management System of Work Quota for Machining Parts

  23. 劳动定额管理是企业基础管理中一项十分重要的内容。

    Labor quota management is a very important part in the basic management of enterprises .

  24. 任何施工定额,从物质内容和生产要素看都由三部分组成,即劳动定额、机械定额和材料定额。

    Any construction ration is composed of labor ration , machine ration and material ration .

  25. 综合治理提高劳动定额水平

    Synthetically Administer Raising Level of Standard Time

  26. 应用回归分析的方法建立劳动定额数学模型的不适应性分析

    Analysis of Inadaptability of Establishing Mathematical Model for Production Quota by Adopting Method of Regression Analysis

  27. 论考核干部、工人和确定劳动定额的合理方法

    On the Rational Methods for Evaluating Staffs and Workers and Determining Labor Quotas in an Enterprise

  28. 定额标准化是提高企业劳动定额管理水平的唯一出路。

    Quota standardization is the unique means to improve the management level of enterprise labor quota .

  29. 劳动定额的稳健估计方法

    Robust Estimation Method of Production Quota

  30. 本文叙述了生产线平衡、劳动定额理论及相关的理论和方法。

    This paper has recounted pipeline balance , man-hour quota theory , relational theory and method .