
láo dònɡ lì cān yù lǜ
  • rate of labor force participation
  1. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的统计显示,在美国,65岁至74岁的劳动力参与率从1988年的16.1%上升到2008年的25.1%。

    According to the Bureau of labor statistics , in the U.S. , the labor force participation rate among people aged 65 to 74 rose from 16.1 % in 1988 to 25.1 % in 2008 .

  2. 经济转型时期的中国劳动力参与率问题

    On China 's Labor Force Participation Rate during Economic Transition Period

  3. 劳动力参与率的影响因素错综复杂。

    Influencing factors of labor force participation rate are intricate and complex .

  4. 我国当前劳动力参与率问题的难点与对策

    Problem and Solution : Labor Force Participation Rate in China

  5. 有证据表明,不这样就会压低劳动力参与率。

    Some evidence indicates they depress labour-force participation rates .

  6. 今年劳动力参与率已降至1985年以来的新低。

    That number has fallen this year to levels not seen since 1985 .

  7. 现阶段我国劳动力参与率结构研究

    The Research of Present Chinese Labor Participation Rate

  8. 我国人口劳动力参与率影响因素的实证分析(1978~2001年)

    Positive Analysis of Influencing Factors of Labor Force Participation Rate in China during 1978-2001 ;

  9. 如果这招管用,就能永久性减少福利支出,提高劳动力参与率。

    If it works , this could permanently reduce benefits outlays and boost labour participation .

  10. 结果导致韩国女性劳动力参与率远远低于规模类似的其他经济体。

    As a result , Korea 's labor force participation rate for women is much lower than similar-sized economies .

  11. 更为重要的是,劳动力参与率比00年还要低1个多百分点。

    More importantly , labour-force participation is still more than a full percentage point below what it reached in 2000 .

  12. 首先,明确介绍失业城镇登记失业率劳动力参与率下岗职工的涵义。

    Firstly , introduce the specific meaning of the related concepts , including Unemployment , Urban Registered Unemployment and Labor Participation Rate .

  13. 与其他国家相同,近年来我国女性劳动力参与率有下降趋势,但是直至2007年我国女性劳动力参与率仍高居世界第十七位。

    Although our female labor force participation rate was declining recent years , it still ranked 17th in the world in 2007 .

  14. 劳动力参与率,受教育制度与教育供给规范。社会保障制度、就业观念等因素的影响;

    As to labor participation rate , the educational system & the educational scale and social security system have their influences on it .

  15. 妇女在劳动力参与率、获得信贷的机会、企业家比例、继承权和土地私有权、以及收入等方面,仍然不如男性。

    Women trail men in labor force participation , access to credit , entrepreneurship rates , inheritance and land ownership rights , and income .

  16. 但他补充称,随着婴儿潮时期出生的人进入老年,女性劳动力参与率停止上升,劳动力供应的放缓可能比一些人估计的更快。

    But he adds that labour supply may also be slowing more rapidly than some believe , as the baby-boomers age and female labour-force participation rates stop rising .

  17. 第三,从劳动力参与率、劳动力供给时间、就业三个方面对劳动力供求变化进行了较深入的分析。

    Thirdly , in this dissertation , the LSD is analyzed on three aspects of the labor force participation rate , the supply time of labor force and employment .

  18. 经济增长和教育水平的提高与劳动力参与率水平正相关,而固定资产投资、城市化水平的提高和失业率的上升却是引起劳动力参与率水平不断下降的主要因素。

    Economic growth and elevation of education level are positively correlative to it , while fixed capital investment , urbanization and unemployment are major factors contributing to its decline .

  19. 2010年的第六次全国人口普查(每十年一次)表明,到50岁时,女性的劳动力参与率会下降20个百分点。

    The sixth National Census ( these happen every ten years ) conducted in 2010 shows that women 's labour-force participation rate dropped by 20 percentage points at 50 .

  20. 研究表明,劳动生产率对经济增长的贡献远远高于劳动力参与率,提高劳动力质量已成为促进我国经济增长的根本途径。

    Results show that the contribution of labor productivity is more than that of labor participation and the increase of labor productivity is an efficient approach to accelerating economic growth .

  21. 转轨时期中国的劳动力参与率发生了很大变化,但仍存在一定的问题。

    Great changes have taken place in chinas labor force participation rate , but there are still many problems to deal with , which result from historical and practical resources .

  22. 目前我国劳动力参与率方面仍存在的许多问题,如劳动力参与率水平总体较高,其中的女性人口劳动力参与率、青年人口劳动力参与率和老年人口劳动力参与率均尤为高。

    There still exist some problems in labor force participation rate in China , such as the participation rates of the female , the young and the old are all too high .

  23. 世行还指出,许多亚洲国家具备空间大幅提高女性劳动力参与率,这一指标通常落后于男性,可采取措施包括改善公共幼儿托管服务的提供。

    The World Bank also argues that many Asian countries have scope to significantly increase female labour force participation , which typically lags behind that of men , for instance by improving public childcare provision .

  24. 与此同时,劳动力参与率在经历数年的下滑之后已开始缓慢上升。这是因为,人们推迟了退休,同时日益严峻的家庭财务状况迫使次要工作收入者进入就业市场。

    Meanwhile , after several years of decline , the labour participation rate has started to edge higher as people postpone their retirements and as challenging family finances force second earners to enter the job market .

  25. 本部分研究了我国城镇登记人口失业率、城镇劳动力参与率的变化趋势以及我国三大产业的就业结构状况,在此基础上对我国目前的就业现状与问题进行了深入地分析。

    This part studies the Chinese registered urban unemployment population and urban unemployment rate , the trends of Chinese registered urban labor force participation rate and the structure of employment condition in Chinese three major industries .

  26. 通胀本身不会解决更为根本的问题,即如何提高劳动力参与率、改善公司治理、解放妇女和让日本更加开放。

    On its own , inflation will not address more fundamental issues about how to raise labour participation , how to improve corporate governance , how to liberate women or how to make Japan more open .

  27. 一方面,过去20年间,女性在职场的进步可谓突飞猛进——女性的劳动力参与率翻了一番,正在进入职场的年轻女性的受教育程度普遍高于男性。

    On the one hand , women 's advancements in the workplace have skyrocketed in the past 20 years - their participation in the labor force has doubled , and now young women are entering the workforce better educated than their male counterparts .

  28. 战略对策:保持经济持续增长,改善就业结构,提高就业容量,加速城市化进程,降低劳动力参与率,利用国际市场拓展就业空间。

    The measures to be taken include the maintenance of continuous economic growth , the improvement of employment structure as well as employment capacity , the quick urbanization , the decrease of the rate of labor participation , and the use of international market to increase the employment .

  29. 据认为“劳动力参与率”在过去三年一直维持在64.1%的水平没变,表明劳动力队伍没有缩水迹象。“劳动力参与率”是衡量劳动年龄人口中就业或待业人口比例的指标。

    The so-called " labour force participation rate , " which measures the proportion of the working-age population who are working or looking for work , is thought to have remained steady at 64.1 percent for the past three years , showing no sign of the labour force shrinking .

  30. 劳动力市场参与率接近历史高位。

    Participation in the labour market is near a record high .