
  • 网络gaton;Sarah Gadon;gatton;Steve Garton
  1. 加顿预定次日要回伦敦。

    Garton is due back in London on the morrow .

  2. 我想我还需要加顿晚饭。

    But I think I 'm gonna need some dinner , too .

  3. 加顿沉思着搅动自己的乱发。

    Garton pensively stirred the hotchpotch of his hair .

  4. 这些水闸会将船只抬升到巴拿马运河位于大西洋出口处的加顿人工湖的高度。

    These locks raise a ship to the level of Gatun Lake at the canal entrance on the Atlantic side .

  5. 本文扼要介绍了格林加顿等人的现代试井解释图版的特点及功能。

    This paper briefly introduces the characteristic and function of the modern well testing interpretation chart of Gringarten et al .

  6. 但读者们想了解加顿•阿什对于政权更迭之后的乱局有何见解的渴望却未得到满足。

    But the reader is left hankering to know what Mr Garton Ash thinks about the mess that has succeeded it .