
  • 网络HYDROCRACKED;Hydrocracking
  1. 试验结果表明,沥青烯加氢裂解的初始阶段为一级反应。

    The experimental results indicate that the reaction in initial stage of asphaltene hydrocracking is first order .

  2. 如果将FT合成油进一步加氢裂解、异构化,我们可以得到具有高辛烷值的低碳链的异构烷烃,从而提高了汽油的辛烷值。

    By further hydrocracking and isomerizing the synthesis oil , the iso-paraffins of low carbon chains with high octane numbers will be produced .

  3. 湿性天然气加氢裂解制取乙炔及其最优化控制数学方程

    Hydrocracking of wet natural gas for producing acetylene

  4. 反应过程中,酯化和裂解(醇解,加氢裂解)是最主要的两个过程。

    During these reactions , esterification and cracking ( alcoholysis and hydrocracking ) were the two dominant processes .

  5. 提出了乙烷与水蒸汽转化反应的新化学计量方程式,对已有的反应机理作了补充,指出甲烷同系物的水蒸汽转化与其加氢裂解反应的相似本质。

    A new chemical equation for the reaction of ethane with steam is suggested . It is pointed out that the steam conversion is similar to hydrocracking of methane homologs .

  6. 玉米生物化工醇以玉米淀粉为原料糖化裂解生产山梨醇,再将糖化得到的山梨醇加氢裂解成乙二醇、1,4-丁二醇、丙二醇等化工醇产品。

    By using production technology of Bio-chemical corn polyols , corn starch could be hydrolyzed into sorbitol , which could be turned into ethylene glycol , propylene glycol , 1,4-butanediol and other chemical products by hydrocrack .

  7. 发现加氢裂解催化剂和加氢精制催化剂按1:1混合使用,可获得较高的煤转化率和油产率,氢耗也较低。

    It is found that if the hydrocracking catalyst and the hydrorefining catalyst are used in ratio of 1:1 , both high coal conversion and oil yield can be obtained , and the hydrogen consumption is low .

  8. 本文介绍一种氢化分析裂解新技术,加氢还原裂解气相色谱法用于烯烃类塑料物证微细结构分析。并就该技术的原理及其在刑事技术鉴定中的应用给予综述。

    The new hydrogenation analysis pyrolysis technology of microstructural analysis for olefine plastic evidence has been reviewed and it 's application also has been introduced in this paper .

  9. C4馏份加氢生产乙烯裂解料

    Ethylene Cracking Feed from Hydrogenation of C_4 Fraction

  10. 加氢尾油裂解集总动力学模型的研究

    Research on lumping kinetics models for cracking of hydrocracker tail oil

  11. 炼油厂C4馏分加氢生产优质蒸汽裂解料的研究

    Hydrogenation of refinery c_4 fractions for steam cracking feedstock

  12. 对活性成分为Co-Mo-Ni的LY-9702加氢催化剂催化蒸汽裂解抽余C5馏分(含60%左右的C5烯烃)制戊烷的工艺条件进行了试验研究。

    A hydrogenation catalyst contained Co-Mo-Ni active component was used for preparation of pentane with the raffinate of 5-carbon fraction from steam cracking as the raw material .

  13. 单段一次通过加氢裂化生产蒸汽裂解制乙烯的原料

    Feedstock preparation for ethylene plant by hydrocracking with single stage and once through operation

  14. 加氢尾油作裂解原料的工艺参数对产品收率的影响

    The effects of operating parameters on product yields with hydrogenation tail oil as feedstock in steam cracking

  15. 为更好地掌握加氢尾油作裂解原料的工艺参数,为装置工业化生产提供可靠的科学依据。

    Studies on the operating parameters with hydrogenation tail oil as feedstock to provide reliable scientific data for commercial steam cracking were conducted on a pilot plant .

  16. 综述了世界乙烯工业最新技术进展,主要介绍了裂解炉技术、抑制结焦技术、分离技术、选择加氢催化剂以及催化裂解等乙烯生产新技术和上、下游一体化等方面的技术进展。

    Recent progress in world ethylene technology were reviewed including cracking furnace , anticoking technology , separation technology , selective hydrogenation catalyst , catalytic cracking and upstream / downstream integration .

  17. 用微型热解设备模拟工业管式裂解炉裂解的典型产物分布、考察了抚顺页岩轻柴油加氢生成油的裂解性能,预测了作为裂解原料的主要轻质烯烃产率,并对其结焦趋向作了估计。

    By using a laboratory micro-pyrolysis system that can simulate the olefin yields of commercial pyrolysis units and measure the coke deposit , the pyro - lysis of hydrogenated light diesel fraction of Fushun shale oil has been studied with the light olefin yields estimated and the coking tendency evaluated .

  18. 本文报导了在微型反应器中用模型化合物甲苯及正辛烷表征催化剂的加氢-脱氢及加氢裂解功能的方法。

    Hydrogenation-dehydrogenation and acidic functions of hydrocracking catalysts were characterized by the use of model compounds of toluene and n-octane in a microreactor .

  19. 综述了裂解汽油重质馏分增产BTX芳烃的技术进展以及与此相关的加氢脱烷基和非芳烃加氢裂解技术。

    Technology Progress of producing BTX aromatics from heavy fraction of pyrolysis gasoline and correlative hydrodealkylation and non-aromatics hydrocracking techniques were reviewed in this paper .

  20. 煤加氢液化研究&模型化合物的加氢裂解

    Study on coal liquefaction & hydrocracking of model compounds

  21. 加入硫显著阻碍了加氢反应,却大大促进了加氢裂解反应。

    The addition of sulfur depressed the hydrogenating reaction , but greatly promoted the hydrocracking reaction of DNM .