
  • 网络processability;processing;workability;machinability
  1. Fuzzy数学在材料切削加工性评价中的应用

    Application of fuzzy mathematics to evaluation of material machinability

  2. CE环境下基于实例的零件设计可加工性评价

    Machinability Evaluation of Part Design Based on Cases under CE Environment

  3. 添加TiN改善Si3N4陶瓷加工性的研究

    The Development in Improvement Si_3N_4 Ceramic Properties of Processing by Adding TiN

  4. 可加工性BN/Al2O3陶瓷基复合材料的制备

    Fabrication of machinable BN / Al_2O_3 ceramic composites

  5. 聚丙烯(PP),具有相对密度小、价格低、加工性优良等特点。

    Polypropylene ( PP ) has low relatively density , low price and well processing property .

  6. Mg(OH)2表面处理对LDPE力学性能及加工性的影响

    Influence of Surface Treatment of Mg ( OH ) _2 on Mechanical and Processing Properties of LDPE

  7. 添加Mo型高耐热性和高加工性汽车排气歧管用不锈钢的开发

    Development of High Refractoriness and High Machinability Stainless Steel with Mo-adding Type Applied in Automobile Exhaust Manifold

  8. 研究结果表明,POE在加工性、增韧改性等方面比EPDM更具有优势。

    The results showed that POE was superior to EPDM on processability and toughening effect .

  9. 本文采用放电等离子烧结技术(SPS)制备Si3N4/BN复相陶瓷,在极大提高烧结效率的同时,保持可加工性,提高力学性能。

    In this article we use spark plasma sintering ( SPS ) to process Si_3N_4 / BN ceramic composites .

  10. 在此基础上应用模糊层次综合评判和灰色聚类法对陶瓷材料的磨削加工性进行评价,并且通过面向对象的程序设计语言VB编制了应用软件。

    On the basis of above results , the grindability of ceramics was evaluated by using fuzzy hierarchy comprehensive evaluation and grey cluster analysis methods .

  11. 试验表明Zn-5%Al-RE合金镀层比纯Zn镀层具有更加优异的耐磨性和成型加工性。

    The test results show that Zn - 5 % Al - RE alloy - plated layer has better wearability and formability than pure zinc - plated layer .

  12. 增加导电填料含量可提高CPC材料电导率,但往往导致加工性和导电稳定性劣化。

    It is observed that increasing CNTs content (φ CNT ) can improve the conductivity of CPC , but usually result in bad processability and conductivity stability .

  13. 如聚乙炔、聚亚苯基乙烯(PPV)及其衍生物,其缺点是缺乏良好的可加工性和持久的光稳定性。

    Polyacetylene , poly ( phenylene vinylene ), and their derivatives are typically lacking a desired processability and longterm photostability .

  14. LDPE具有优良的透明性和加工性,主要用于生产膜类产品。

    Because of its superior transparency and processability , LDPE is mainly used for film products , which is warmly welcomed in the PE market .

  15. 表面活性剂单独使用或与ZnO、MgO并用均可硫化氟丁橡胶CR-1211,且能明显延长混炼胶的门尼焦烧,改善橡胶的加工性,提高硫化胶的物理机械性能。

    Cationic surfactants could vulcanize CR - 1211 either alone or together with ZnO and MgO , with much better scorch resistance and processability , as well as better mechanical properties of vulcanizate .

  16. 应用蒙脱土母料改性PC工程塑料,制备PC/蒙脱土纳米复合材料,改善了PC材料的加工性、耐应力开裂性能,同时提高PC材料的力学性能。

    The nano-montmorillonite concentrates were utilized to modify the PC engineering plastics for preparing PC / MMT nanocomposite , ameliorating the processability and resistance stress crack properties of PC plastics , leading to the improvement of PC plastics mechanical properties .

  17. 指出PTT集良好的加工性、机械性、热塑性、高弹性、尺寸稳定性和染色等诸多特性于一体,具有广阔的市场前景。

    Pointed out that PTT has good workability , mechanical properties , thermoplasticity extensibility , high elasticity size stability and dye-ability , and would take good application prospect .

  18. 汽车排气管使用的ERW不锈钢管,要求具有较高的耐高温、抗氧化性能,而且还要具备良好的二次加工性。

    S : The ERW stainless motor vent-pipe not only requires high anti-temperature and ant-oxidation property , but also requires the best reprocess ability .

  19. 耐蚀合金G3、G3-Z和825热加工性的研究

    A Study on Hot Workability of Corrosion Resistance Alloy G3 , G3-Z and 825

  20. 通过往ZrO2多孔陶瓷浸渗LaPO4液态先驱液制备了具有可加工性的YTZP/LaPO4复相陶瓷。

    A machinable Y TZP / LaPO 4 composite ceramic was prepared by infiltrating LaPO 4 liquid precursor into Y TZP porous ceramic .

  21. 研究了聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)对聚丙烯(PP)共混物固态等通道转角挤压(ECAE)加工性及性能的影响。

    The effect of polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) on processability and properties of polypropylene ( PP ) / PTFE composites by equal channel angular extrusion ( ECAE ) was researched .

  22. Fe-Mn-Si系形状记忆合金因其很好的可加工性和低廉的价格而备受关注。

    Fe-Mn-Si based shape memory alloys have attracted much attention recently due to their low price , excellent workability , and good prospect of application .

  23. 富勒烯聚合物可以显著提高溶解性、相容性和加工性。但是C60与聚合物反应时,通常伴有多种反应中间体和无法避免的多加成反应,难以得到高纯度和结构明确的富勒烯聚合物。

    Synthesis of fullerene polymers with high purity and well-defined structure has been difficult due to the reactive nature of fullerene towards various reaction intermediates and the often unavoidable multiple additions .

  24. 本产品无毒具有良好的耐候性和加工性,半透明,是目前低性能的Ca(St)2,Zn(St)2等稳定剂和有毒的钡镉类稳定剂的理想替代品。

    It has good weathering resistance and malleability , is semi transparence and non toxic . Therefore , it is an ideal alternative to low performance stabilizers such as Ca ( st ) 2 、 Zn ( st ) 2 and so on .

  25. 聚乳酸(PLA)作为可完全生物降解的生物基高分子材料,具有特殊性能&来源的可再生性、生物相容性、可降解性,具有与传统石油基树脂相当的力学性能、加工性等综合性能。

    Polylactide or poly ( lactic acid ) ( PLA ) as a completely biodegradable and bio-based polymer , with special performance : recycle , biocompatibility , biodegradability , has mechanical properties and processing correspond to petro-based resins .

  26. 本论文系统研究了SC-CO2注入对PPO/POE-g-MAH,PPO/HIPS共混体系流变性、加工性及共混物力学性能和微观结构的影响,初步分析平均SC-CO2辅助PPO共混改性的优缺点。

    In this study , the SC-CO2 injection influence on rheology behavior , processability , mechanical property of the blends and the microstructure of the PPO / POE-g-MAH and PPO / HIPS blends was studied .

  27. 不同温度下的转矩测定和190℃二次热压的塑性流动证实交联BIIR具备热塑加工性。

    The torque measurement at different temperature and thermal recompression indicated that the crosslinking BIIR had good thermal induced flowability and thermal reprocessing ability at190 ℃ .

  28. 实验结果表明:采用辊涂法预处理液C50可获得耐蚀性、涂装性及加工性均优的合金化热镀锌有机涂层钢板。

    The results of study show that : if the rolling chemical pretreatment solution C50 is used , the products with both high corrosion resistance and good bonding can be obtained .

  29. TiB2-BN复相陶瓷具有方便的电性能可设计性和优良的机加工性等,其作为真空蒸镀,尤其是真空镀铝的蒸发容器被广泛使用。

    TiB_2-BN composite has a great application as evaporation source in vacuum evaporation , especially in evaporating aluminium , owing to its designability of resistivity and excellent machinable property .

  30. 超强Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系铝合金具有密度低,强度高,韧性、热加工性和耐腐蚀性能较好等特点,广泛应用于航空航天领域,为该领域的主要结构材料之一。

    Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys were widely used as structural material in the aerospace industry because of their high strength properties , low density , and excellent formability , combined with sufficiently high fracture toughness , fatigue and corrosion resistance .