
  • 网络Functional failure;Function fail;Functional Fail;dysfunctional
  1. 芯片在较低的总剂量水平发生功能失效,γ失效总剂量~165Gy(Si)。

    The total dose failure level of the chips is very low , and the γ total dose failure is about 165 Gy ( Si ) .

  2. 600MW汽轮机LDA功能失效时的甩负荷试验分析

    Load rejection tests for 600 MW steam turbines when LDA function fails

  3. 检查与您的硬件推销员所有BIOS更新,功能失效BIOS记忆选择譬如贮藏或遮蔽。

    Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates , Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing .

  4. 在以往,集成电路(IC)设计工程师往往根据经验来设计电源网络,但工艺到0.18μm,这往往会引起芯片功能失效。

    Before , the IC designer only based on their experience to design power-network , but when the process is under 0.18 μ m , this always causes the failure of chip 's function .

  5. 在MOSFET漏端pn结泄漏电流的影响下,高温CMOS倒相器和门电路的输出高电平下降,低电平上升,导致了电路的功能失效。

    It causes invalidity of circuit functions that high output voltage of high temperature CMOS inverter and gate circuits falls and low output voltage rises under influences of leakage current of MOSFET 's drain terminal pn junction .

  6. 在动态环境或遮挡区域时(这种情况被称为GPS盲区),GPS接收机不能及时捕获和跟踪到GPS定位信号,导致GPS定位功能失效,无法进行连续、准确的人员定位。

    In a dynamic environment or block area ( this is called blind GPS ), GPS receivers can not catch in time to the GPS positioning and tracking the signal , resulting in failure of GPS positioning function , can not be continuous and accurate positioning of personnel .

  7. 通过研究这些病例,科学家确认了SCN9A基因的突变,使得钠离子门控通道包括亚基NaV1.7功能失效。

    By studying these individuals , the scientists were able to determine that a mutation in the gene SCN9A causes a loss of function in the voltage-gated sodium channel it encodes ( subunit Nav1.7 ) .

  8. 电力供应系统地震功能失效问题研究

    Studies on seismic function failure of electric power supply system

  9. 结构使用寿命评定的功能失效概率控制方法

    Structural Function Failure Probability Control Method for Service Life Estimation

  10. 瞬时故障广泛存在于各种系统并导致功能失效。

    Transient faults appear widely in various systems and lead to malfunctions .

  11. 杂质清除系统的作用功能失效或工艺不合适。

    Improper function / setting of trash removal systems .

  12. 腐蚀和磨损是材料功能失效的主要形式。

    Corrosion and wear are the main forms which disable the function of materials .

  13. 电力系统地震功能失效数值模拟与控制分析

    Computer simulation and flow load control of seismic function failure analysis of power system

  14. 工艺缺陷引起霍尔器件功能失效

    Functional failure of Hall device process defect

  15. 当标签为一个特定的工作条目而修改后,就会使电子邮件的通告功能失效。

    This will disable e-mail notification when tags are modified for a given work item .

  16. 电力供应系统功能失效分析

    Seismic function assessment on power supply system

  17. 电力变压器功能失效的检测方法与判据的研究。对电力变压器绕组变形故障的检测方法及判断是何故障进行了研究。

    The research on detective methods and criterions of the disability of the power transformer ;

  18. 或使神经和肌肉功能失效。

    Or attack nerve and muscle function .

  19. 电力二次系统功能失效后果评估。

    Consequences assessment of the function failures .

  20. 介绍了对一进口梳状谐波发生器功能失效样品进行分析的案例。

    Abstract : This paper introduces a failure analysis case on a comb ( harmonic ) generator .

  21. 本文对珠钢电炉电极横臂夹持器功能失效原因进行分析,同时提出解决问题的办法。

    The paper analyses the failure reason of the EAF electrode arm clamper and proposes the countermeasure .

  22. 由旋转、运动部件故障导致的卫星功能失效是当前亟待解决的问题。

    The function failure of satellite caused by rotary and moving components is urgent to be solved .

  23. 该模型对于信息窜改、信息窃听及路由功能失效等类型的恶意攻击有较好的抑制作用。

    This service routing model can help to prevent several attacks of information stealing and modification in some ways .

  24. 汽车座椅的安全性设计目标就是尽可能避免座椅结构破坏和功能失效情况的发生。

    The design purpose of automobile seat ' safety is to try to avoid the occurrence of failure of security .

  25. 依据投资-效益准则,提出了建筑物系统功能失效损失估算模型。

    Based on cost-benefit principles , a estimation mode is presented in the paper for the building function failure loss .

  26. 过大的电压降会导致电源电压波动、噪声容限减小、逻辑门延迟增加、开关速度降低、产生逻辑错误甚至逻辑功能失效。

    This IR-drop will cause supply voltage variation , reduced noise margins , higher logic gate delays and slow overall circuits .

  27. 若支撑板受到损坏,会导致保护系统功能失效和人员伤害。

    Damage to the support plate can lead to impairment in functional capability of the restraint system and personal injury as a consequence .

  28. 如果您不再想在这个表格的任何一个域上激活不能区分大小写查询程序,您可以使整个表格的索引功能失效。

    If you no longer want to enable case-insensitive queries on any field in the table , you can disable indexes for the entire table .

  29. 脆弱的监管机制使资产负债比的预警功能失效,银行也跟着崩溃,而这又引发更大的资本外逃。

    Feeble regulation and supervision had allowed alarming mismatches between assets and liabilities , so banks started to fail , prompting yet more capital outflows .

  30. 提出了结构关键件功能失效概率、单机功能失效概率和机群功能失效概率的概念。

    Notions of probability of structural function failure , probability of function failure for one aircraft and probability of function failure for a fleet are presented .