
  • 【计】mechanical system
  1. 变质量力学体系的LAGRANGE方程

    Lagrange 's Equation in Dynamic Systems with Variable Masses

  2. 从非惯性系动力学方程出发,导出了力学体系在非惯性系中的Lagrange方程、Nielsen方程和Appell方程以及广义动量积分和能量积分,并举例说明它们的具体应用。

    Base on equation of dynamics of non-inertial reference system , this paper introduces Lagrange equation , Nielsen equation , Appell equation , generalized momentum integral and generalized energy integral of system of particles in non-inertial reference system . It also gires some example in practice usage .

  3. 关于非相对论量子力学体系能量守恒的讨论

    Discussion on the Energy Conservation for a Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics System

  4. 双质点力学体系的启示

    An approach to dynamics of two - particle system

  5. 牛顿力学体系的创立,是科学史上的一座不朽丰碑。

    Founding Newton 's mechanical System is an immortal milestone in scientific history .

  6. 经典弹塑性力学体系下岩土材料的本构方程

    Constitutive model for geomaterials within classic elastoplastic theory

  7. 保守力学体系的广义能量积分

    Centralized energy integral of the conservative mechanics system

  8. 广义坐标下求力学体系约束力的讨论

    Discussion about computing constraint forces with generalized coordinates

  9. 海森堡矩阵力学体系的形成

    The formation of W. Heisenbergs matrix mechanics system

  10. 力学体系保守力的判据及势能计算

    Criterion of Conservative Force and the Calculation of Potential Energy in the System of Mechanics

  11. 力学体系的路径积分量子化

    Path integral quantization of the mechanical system

  12. 简并量子力学体系演化的高级绝热近似与非阿贝尔诱导规范结构

    High-order adiabatic approximations for evolution of degenerate quantum mechanical system and non-Abelian induced gauge structure

  13. 我们已假设量子力学体系的态用态函数来描述。

    We postulated that the state of a quantum-mechanical system is specified by a state function .

  14. 这牵涉到经典力学体系建构的历史起点问题。

    This ques - tion concerns the historical starting point of the construction of the classical mechanics system .

  15. 根据这一理论,先前的困难是由于采用了根本站不住脚的力学体系造成的。

    According to this theory the previous difficulties were the result of using an essentially unsound system of mechanics .

  16. 本文在已有矿压观测成果基础上提出了坚硬顶板弹性悬梁结构模型,揭示了支架一围岩力学体系的内在联系,阐明增加岩体裂隙面、降低强度是控制坚硬顶板的主要方法。

    The model of elastic hanging beam structure of hard roof is made on the basis of rock pressure observations .

  17. 同时,还解决了两体问题。突破了传统上的对双质点力学体系的一般处理方法,收到了举一反三的效果。

    It is also a break away from the traditional treatments of two-particle system , and better results can be obtained .

  18. 初步尝试在高中力学体系中,系统性、针对性地设置探究性实验教学的具体方案;

    Try preliminarily in the physical mechanics system of high school , and systematically design a specific scheme of enquiring experiment teaching ;

  19. 利用波包分析量子力学体系的动力学行为在研究经典和量子的对应关系方面越来越成为一个非常重要的方法。

    The use of wave packet to analyze the dynamics of quantum mechanical systems is an increasingly important method to the study of the classical-quantum correspondence .

  20. 利用拉格朗日分析力学体系,推导了考虑转向系统刚度、轮胎侧偏刚度和转向助力等因素的线性多轴转向车辆的三自由度普适动力学方程。

    Using Lagrangian analysis method , a3-DOF multi-axle steering vehicle model is established , which considers steering system stiffness , cornering stiffness and power steering system .

  21. ε机是计算力学体系中的主要理论工具,它的目标在于用尽可能少的人为假设,去揭示系统隐含的固有模式。

    Epsilon machine is a theory tool of computational mechanics , and its goal is to discover patterns intrinsic to a process about process 's structure with little priori assumptions .

  22. 深入的研究表明,生态系统不同于以力和原子概念为主导的经典力学体系,而是一个以熵和能量耗散概念为主导的非平衡热力学和统计力学系统。

    Further studies have shown that ecosystems are different from the atomic concept of classical mechanics-oriented system , but rather a concept of energy dissipation and entropy-driven non-equilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics systems .

  23. 用虚功原理求解力学体系的平衡问题时,应尽量选择角量为广义坐标,并选择建立在固定参照物上的固定坐标系。

    When virtual displacement principle is employed to solve equilibrium problems of mechanical system , angular coordinates should be chosen as the generalized coordinates and fixed coordinates system also should be ( preferred . )

  24. 本课题的研究从分析高中力学体系的知识结构、基本技能和重点难点出发,结合现代教育学、心理学和科学哲学理论;

    The research of this program is on the foundation in key difficulty and the knowledge structural , basic ability of the analysis mechanics system of high school , combines modern pedagogy , psychology and philosophy theory .

  25. 高中物理力学体系是高中物理的重要基础,也是学生掌握学习物理的基础知识和基本能力、形成科学方法的一个重要阶段。

    The physical mechanics system of high school physics is the important foundation of high school , it is also the basic ability that a student grasps learning physics , and the important stage of scientific method .

  26. 进一步,根据改进的多重微变空间上的变分原理以及改进微变空间上对应变分的独立性发展了拉格朗日力学体系,并推广到事件空间。

    Then , on the basis of the independence of the variations and improved variational principle in variant space based on integral groups , improved theoretical system of Lagrangian mechanics is established , which can be generalized to the event space .

  27. 经典力学体系是物理学发展中的第一个高潮,也是近代工程技术的理论基础,它当中的物理方法和物理思想不仅是科学世界观形成的基础,也是学习物理研究方法的基础。

    Classical mechanics brings Classical Physics to the first climax . At the same time it is academic basic of engineering and technology . Physical method and thought in Classical mechanics redound to forming scientific worldview and studying physical researching method .

  28. 工程力学课程体系与内容的改革与实践

    Reform and practice about engineering mechanics course system and teaching contents

  29. 水泥粉煤灰稳定碎石的力学参数体系研究

    Research on Mechanical Parameter System of Cement Fly-ash Stabilized Crushed Stones

  30. 对建立一种力学新体系的定性分析

    A Qualitative Analysis on a New Mechanical system