
fù tīnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • deputy director-general
  1. 2008年,何绍勇担任四川省教育厅副厅长。

    He became deputy head of Sichuan 's education department in 2008 .

  2. 人才战略提升浙江外经贸国际竞争力&访浙江省对外贸易经济合作厅副厅长夏海伟

    Talents Strategy improves Zhejiang Foreign Trade Competitiveness

  3. 目前,江苏省的财政厅网站“副厅长”一栏已经删除了张美芳及其简历。

    Zhang Meifang 's name and resume have been deleted from the official website of the Jiangsu Province Department of Finance .

  4. 劳动和社会保障厅的副厅长陈晓林(音)承诺将给农民提供更多的培训。

    Chen Xiaoling , vice head of the provincial labor and social security department , pledged to provide more training for farmers .

  5. 在长沙访问期间,天野真也所长接受了湖南省商务厅副厅长刘权的会见。

    During the visit , Masaya Amano met with Liu Quan , vice director of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province .

  6. 清欠永远的现在进行时&山西省建设厅副厅长张立光谈清欠

    Payoff of Arrears Eternal Present Continuous Tense & Opinion of Vice-Director of Shanxi Department of Construction Zhang Liguang on Payoff of Arrears

  7. 论清代前期的闽台对渡贸易政策(续)海峡西岸经济区:阳光灿烂&福建省外经贸厅张秋副厅长谈闽台经贸合作

    Policies on Cross-straits Trade Between Fujian and Taiwan at the Beginning of The Qing Dynasty ( Continued ) Taiwan Strait in the Sunshine

  8. 山东省教育厅副厅长张志勇表示,本次改革将为学生提供多样化的渠道及更公平的机会。

    Zhang Zhiyong , deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Education Department , said that the reform will provide diverse roads and fairer opportunities for students to succeed .

  9. 广东省民政厅王长胜副厅长对协会今年通过广东省“五A行业协会”评估表示祝贺,并在现场为协会颁发了广东省“五A行业协会”荣誉牌匾。

    Wang Changsheng , Deputy Director-general of the Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province congratulated on Guangdong 's Five-A Association 's evaluation and awarded an honour plague .

  10. 据记者证实,这位在江苏省财政厅排名第三的副厅长、党组成员的确于近日被双审。

    A reporter from has confirmed that Zhang Meifang , deputy director of the Jiangsu Province Department of Finance was recently required to report to the Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPC .

  11. 12月21日,成都市中级人民法院对原四川省教育厅副厅长何绍勇,及妻子受贿一案进行审理。

    The former deputy head of Sichuan 's education department , He Shaoyong , and his wife went on trial in the Intermediate People 's Court in the provincial capital Chengdu on December 21 .