
qián kē xué
  • Pre science;prescience
前科学[qián kē xué]
  1. 论图书馆学范式&评图书馆学是前科学的观点

    On the Paradigm of Library Science & A Comment on Library Science Is a Prescience

  2. 高中化学教学中前科学概念的研究

    Research on the Fore-scientific Concept in Senior Middle School Chemistry Teaching

  3. 职前科学教师科学本质观的调查与思考

    The Investigation and Thinking on Pre-occupation Teachers ' View of Nature of Science

  4. 前科学概念是造成学生错误概念的重要原因;

    Preconception is an important factor to misconception ;

  5. 使用科学本质观问卷对高师职前科学教师进行施测。

    Using the questionnaire on nature of science to pre-occupation Teachers , and make statistics and analysis .

  6. 分析了学生的前科学概念特点和对教学的影响;

    This paper analyses the characteristics of students pre-conceptualization of physics and its effect on physics teaching .

  7. 海德格尔认为,现代科学建立在对世界的前科学、前理论的先验的筹划的基础上。

    Heidegger posited that modern science was based on the priori schema of world 's ante-science and ante-theory .

  8. 新的科技部取代了1982年建立的前科学、文化和体育部。

    The Science and Technology Ministry replaces the former Ministry of Science , Culture and Sport established in1982 .

  9. 初中物理几个典型概念(力学)的前科学概念研究聋青少年分类学联系概念词词汇联想

    The Preconceptions Research on Several Typical Physical Concept ( Mechanics ) of Junior High School ; Deaf Adolescents'Word Association with Taxonomic Categories

  10. 这种在接受正规的科学教育之前所形成的概念一般称之为前科学概念(或前概念)。

    This kind of concept formed before students ' accepting of formal and scientific education is generally called pre-scien-tific concept or pre-concept .

  11. 我们认为学生化学前科学概念主要源自:日常经验、日常语言、社会环境、学校教学和不当的类比,具有隐蔽性、顽固性、与科学发展史的一致性等特点。

    We think the chemical pre-scientific conceptions of students come from common experience , ordinary language , social environment and inconsonant analogy .

  12. 研究结果表明,学生对于化学的一些核心概念普遍存在个人的前科学概念认识。

    In this investigation , 153 juniors have a written test on their preinstructional conceptions about chemistry and some representative students were interviewed .

  13. 本文分析了英国伦敦大学教育学院职前科学教师的培养目标、课程体系与评价方式,旨在为我国综合与分科科学教师的培养有所启示。

    The teaching objectives , curriculum system and means of assessment for the pre-service scientific teachers in London University of UK were introduced and analyzed .

  14. 简要回顾几年来关于医学庸俗化的学术讨论,明确提出应从本质上对前科学、科学、伪科学和反科学这四个相关概念加以区分。

    We review the recent academic discussion of the medical vulgarize , and raise the different concepts about pre-science , science , pseudoscience and counter-science .

  15. 中国传统史学是一种具有前科学性质的诗性史学,可以置之于艺术性的视角下进行研究。

    Traditional Chinese study of history is a poetic one that possesses the characteristics of pre-science nature and can be probed from the artistic perspective .

  16. 以概念转变理论为指导,以前人已有的概念转变教学模式为参考,我们设计了适合学生明显具有化学前科学概念的教学模式。

    On the basis of conceptual change theory and conceptual change teaching model , we construct the conceptual change teaching model in chemistry composed five phases .

  17. 它要求在前科学之真之中赋予美术教育以生活的意义,让人在美术教育生活中能自然的、可经验的与人性化的安居。

    It requires that Pre-scientific True give art education to the meaning of life , people naturally in the life of art education , experience and humane stay .

  18. 弗洛伊德是深层审美心理学的真正创始人,他使得深层审美心理学由前科学阶段和潜科学阶段走向了独立发展阶段。

    Fraud is the real founder of deep layers aesthetic psychology and he makes deep layers aesthetic psychology walk up from pre-scientific phase , potential phase to independent developmental phase .

  19. 社会学的前科学渊源、社会学理论家的出身背景、社会学研究对象的特征等因素造就了西方社会理论多元化的局面,要扭转或阻止这种多元化趋势是不可能的,至少是极其困难的。

    Abstract The diversification of Western sociological theories , due to the difference of the historical origins , personal background of sociological theorists and the characteristics of various fields , could be described as irreversible .

  20. 在韩国,职前科学教师的培养,不仅重视培养学生具有一定的学科专业知识和教育素养,还重视对课程改革具有一定的了解,具有教材开发的能力、科学探究和野外实习的能力。

    Pre-Service training of South Korean science teacher emphasizes not only the mastery of subject knowledge and educational literacy , but also the attention of curriculum reform and the capacities of developing textbooks , scientific inquiry and field investigation .

  21. 语言测试主要经历过三个阶段,第一阶段是在较为正式的语言测试理论形成之前的前科学语言测试阶段;

    There are three main stages of language tests before Bachman put forward the model of communicative approach . The first stage is the time before the regular and formal language testing theory was formed , which is called pre-scientific period .

  22. 最后建议广大一线生物教师更新教育观念,充分认识前科学概念存在的客观性,关注学生的主体性,充分利用前科学概念进行概念转变。

    It is suggested that the biology teacher should update their educational conception , fully understand the prescientific conceptions of objectivity existence , pay attention to the students ' subjectivity , and make full use of prescientific conceptions before conceptual change .

  23. 但这一理论潮流目前尚处于前科学时期,并未形成统一的成熟的科学范式,并且预见以创新为核心的研究具有长远的理论潜力。

    At the present time , however , this academic trend is on the age of pre-science , which has not shaped a uniform mature science paradigm . In addition , it forecasts the researches centered on innovation possessing long-term theoretic potential .

  24. 研究人员能够制成独立的老鼠皮肤组织,多亏了近十年前科学界成功提取幼细胞并将其重组成其他种类的细胞。

    Researchers were able to grow the independent sections of mouse skin tissue thanks to an advance from nearly a decade ago , when the scientific community learned how to take young cells and reprogram them to grow into a different kind of cell .

  25. 1962年,他在《科学革命的结构》一书中提出了一种与传统截然不同的动态的科学发展模式:前科学→常规科学→反常和危机→科学革命→新的常规科学。

    In 1962 , In his " Structure of Scientific Revolutions ", he presents a dynamic pattern of scientific development which is very different from the traditional pattern : the former Science → normal science → crisises and abnormals → scientific revolution → new normal science .

  26. 但由于其在开发前科学调查与研究不足,缺乏整体规划与开发设计,洞内景点规划混乱,不能突出洞穴特点;开发中景点随意命名,缺乏文化内涵,缺乏科学性与艺术性。

    However , few scientific studies on karst cave and lack of total planning and developing design cause the disorder of landscape planning in the cave , and the result of naming scenic spot at random leads to shortage of cultural meaning , science and artistry .

  27. 印度德里MaulanaAzad医学院的前妇科学教授KamalaGanesh说,在印度,一个主要的担心是米索前列醇可能被滥用。

    A major concern is the potential for the misuse of misprostol in India , says Kamala Ganesh , former professor of gynaecology at the Maulana Azad Medical College , Delhi .

  28. 但是在目前多数情况下,人们在进行大树移植前缺少科学分析和审核,移植策略的选择与运用是孤立的。

    At present , the procedures and strategy of big-tree transplanting are isolated .

  29. 希望在我们被它干掉前通过科学研究找到答案。

    Hope that science can find the answer before it kills us all .

  30. 本部分重点介绍域外国家审前羁押科学的法律原则和先进的法律制度。

    This part focuses onthe introduction to the scientific principle of law and advanced legal system abroad .