
  • 网络FRONT WHEEL DRIVE;front-wheel drive;FWD
  1. 估计燃油经济性为18英里的城市和27前轮驱动模式,为全轮驱动18/25英里公路。

    Estimated fuel economy is18 mpg city and27 mpg highway for FWD models , 18 / 25 for AWD .

  2. 拆下主减速器拆卸和安装前轮驱动。

    Remove the final drive removing and installing front wheel drive .

  3. 丰田用于前轮驱动混合动力SUV的变速器介绍

    Introduction of the Transmission of the Hybrid FWD SUV of Toyota

  4. 现在,克莱斯勒集团(ChryslerGroupLLC)称其将推出一款九速变速箱,用于尺寸相对较小的前轮驱动汽车。

    Now , Chrysler Group LLC says it will introduce a nine-speed gearbox designed to fit into a relatively small , front-wheel-drive car .

  5. 目前,在前置发动机和前轮驱动(FF)、四轮驱动(4WD)汽车零部件生产中,已广泛采用了精密锻造工艺。

    Precision forged parts are now used extensively in FF and 4WD passenger cars .

  6. 我们允诺要把所有汽车都改用前轮驱动工艺。

    We promised to convert our entire fleet of cars to front-wheel-drive technology .

  7. 拨禾轮前后位置调节器这辆车有前轮驱动装置。

    Reel fore-and-aft adjuster This car has front-wheel drive .

  8. 小型的,节油的,前轮驱动的汽车是今后的趋向。

    Small , fuel-efficient , front-wheel-drive cars were the wave of the future .

  9. 前轮驱动车辆越障能力的计算机模拟及试验研究

    Computer simulation and trial research on surmounting obstacles ability of a front-wheel driving vehicle

  10. 更重要的就这些前轮驱动的汽车是唯一的前悬挂。

    Even more important on these front-wheel drive only cars is the front suspension .

  11. 这辆车有前轮驱动装置。

    This car has front-wheel drive .

  12. 在大多数前轮驱动的车辆,脚趾超时设置必须提供一个零运行脚趾。

    On most front-wheel-drive vehicles , toe-out setting is required to provide a zero running toe .

  13. 而随着其他各大洲汽车厂商纷纷开始研发前轮驱动、搭载了多气门发动机甚至是油电混合动力系统的汽车,美国汽车厂商渐渐丧失了竞争优势。

    Detroit lost its engineering edge as manufacturers on other continents pioneered front-wheel-drive , multi-valve engines , and hybrid gas-electric powertrains .

  14. 其结论对指导前轮驱动汽车的总布置、某些参数确定及公路设施设计具有参考意义。

    The conclusions are of significance in improving the layout of front-wheel drive cars , defining structural parameters and designing traffic facilities .

  15. 在一个前轮驱动的汽车,电力传输通常是结合最后驱动器的形式什么是所谓的一个跨桥。

    On a front wheel drive car , the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle .

  16. 在这种情况下,这款车即使有前轮驱动,也只不过是一辆性能好的车。

    In this case , this is a car that even if with just front wheel drive , simply be a pretty darn good car .

  17. 前轮驱动自行车机器人是一种依靠原动机驱动前轮在地面上运动来获得前进动力的新型自行车机器人系统。

    The front-wheel drive bicycle robot is a kind of novel bicycle robot which gets advancing force by the rolling of front-wheel at the ground .

  18. 它搭载132千瓦(177匹马力)功率的电动机,扭矩为339牛米,无级变速前轮驱动。

    An electric motor rated at 132 kW , or 177 horsepower , and 251 pound-feet of torque , drive the front wheels through a single-ratio transmission .

  19. 现代经济型轿车大都采用前轮驱动的布置型式,等速万向节是其中的关键部件之一。

    The modern economical car adopts the pattern of assigning of front-wheel drive mostly , and the constant velocity universal joint is one of the key components among them .

  20. 随着发动机前置前轮驱动型轿车日益增多,因汽车前轴负荷的增加使得转向轻便性成为人们普遍关注的问题。

    As the number of FF car is increased and there is more loading on the front suspension , people widely pay more attention to the steering handiness of automobile .

  21. 发动机在一个前轮驱动的汽车,通常采取侧身在汽车上与跨桥藏下它放在一边的引擎所面临的汽车尾部。

    The engine on a front wheel drive car is usually mounted sideways in the car with the transaxle tucked under it on the side of the engine facing the rear of the car .

  22. 分别建立了前轮驱动并可转向的移动机器人和两轮差动驱动的移动机器人的运动学和动力学模型。

    Kinematic and dynamic model of the two kinds of mobile robots are designed , which are the mobile robots driven and steered by front wheel and the mobile robots driven by two different rear wheels .

  23. 为了确定矿用车辆及其它工程机械的垂直越障能力,本文通过简化力学模型,建立了各种工况下前轮驱动车辆垂直越障时车辆参数与障碍物高度间的关系,并在计算机上进行了模拟计算。

    By simplifying static model of the front-wheel driving vehicle , the paper sets the relationship between vehicle 's parameters and height of obstacles in variety of working conditions while the front-wheel driving vehicle is surmounting the obstacle vertically , and makes simulating calculation on computer .

  24. 通过建立电动汽车的整车动力学模型和仿真研究,分别对单电机和双电机结构下前轮驱动与后轮驱动的整车驱动效率进行分析,得出了电动汽车的高效率驱动形式。

    Based on the whole vehicle dynamical model of EV and simulation , the drive efficiency of the front-wheel drive , the rear-wheel drive , single-motor drive and double in-wheel motor drive was studied , respectively . The high efficiency drive mode of EV is obtained .

  25. 从最早的模型研究,到平衡控制研究;从传统的后轮驱动,到新兴的前轮驱动;从单一的平衡直线行走,到原地定车以及定周回转运动,自行车机器人的研究领域不断扩展。

    From the modeling study , to the balance control , from the traditional rear-wheel drive , to the emerging front-wheel drive , from the basic straight line moving , to the track stand motion and circle motion , the research of bicycle robot has been extending .

  26. 前轮独轮驱动水田耕整机以其许多特有的优点深受着耕种水田的农户的欢迎。

    The utility model discloses a front wheel-driven tillage machine used in paddy field , which is welcomed by paddy field ploughing farmers by a plurality of unique advantages .

  27. 于是,与前轮相连的转向节臂使车轮在其轴线上左右转动。前轮驱动(转向不足)概念的成功就在于此。

    " The steering-knuckle arm , attached to the front wheels , are therefore forced to swing the wheels to the right or left on their pivots . " From here follows the success story of the FWD concept ( understeering ) .