
qián nǚ yǒu
  • The Ex;ex-girlfriend;Former girlfriend
  1. 你的前女友导演了一场古老的盘问好朋友的戏。

    Chuck : Predictably , your ex ran the old grill-the-best-friend play .

  2. 你对你的前女友还有什么出于同情的幻想吗?

    Are you having remorse sex fantasies about your ex ?

  3. 他的前女友是皇家芭蕾舞团的舞蹈演员。

    His previous girlfriend was a dancer with the Royal Ballet

  4. 我生命中这个新男人(就叫他戴夫吧),他的前女友是个醋坛子。

    The new man in my life ( let 's call him Dave ) had a very jealous ex-girlfriend .

  5. 当我的前女友离开我时,我很伤心,但不到两周我就遇到了一位更适合我的人,现在我们结婚了。

    I was sad when my ex-girlfriend left me , but within1 two weeks I met someone who is much better for me and now we 're married2 .

  6. 卢卡斯访问过的一名男子承认,他曾经入侵过前女友的Facebook账户。

    One man Lukacs interviewed confessed that he had hacked into his ex-girlfriend 's Facebook account .

  7. 我的前女友吕贝卡·巴Rebecca·B美国人,我的美式英语的老师,英美文学的很好交流者。

    My ex-girlfriend Rebecca · B Americans , my American English teacher , a good communicator and American Literature .

  8. 不过OneDirection的歌手哈里斯泰尔斯对前女友并没有表示不满,他说泰勒在晚会上的表演非常好他甚至又接着补充道她看起来很赞。

    But it appears the One Direction singer has no bad feeling towards his ex-girlfriend , as he described her performance at the event as being really good even going on to add that she looked great .

  9. 你听说过他的前女友Katherine么?

    Bonnie : Do you know what happened with his ex-girl friend Katherine ?

  10. Bridge和佩罗塞尔去年夏天就分手了,但这位曼彻斯特联队的后卫还是为他最好的朋友和他前女友好上了而感到震惊伤痛。

    Bridge and Miss Perroncel split last summer , but the Manchester City defender is said to be devastated that one of his best friends apparently had a relationship with his former girlfriend .

  11. 欧沃斯崔前女友是BrookeButler从2015年开始约会。

    Overstreet last dated Brooke Butler , who he started dating in 2015 .

  12. 这是他殴打前女友,歌手Rihanna所受的惩罚的一部分。

    This is part of his pulishment for beating his ex-girlfriend singer Rihanna .

  13. Cloak程序的发明者布朗.摩尔和克里斯.贝克透露,他们的发明灵感是来源于经常和前女友的尴尬偶遇。

    Cloak developers Brian Moore and Chris Baker say they came up with the idea after too many chance encounters with ex-girlfriends .

  14. 在《别了,我的至爱》中,穆斯·马洛伊诙谐地对他的前女友维尔玛说:“你好,宝贝儿。Longtimenosee.”奥格登•纳什1949年在《纽约客》上发表了诗歌《LongTimeNoSee,再见》。

    In Farewell , My Lovely , Moose Malloy drolly tells his ex-girlfriend Velma , " Hiya , babe . Long time no see . " And in 1949 , the poet Ogden Nash published his poem " Long Time No See , Bye Now " in The New Yorker .

  15. 我们几个女生都讨论过了,然后,嗯,我们猜测是不是PAULYOUNG把HUBER太太给杀了,要真是他干的话。那么杀你前女友的凶手兴许也是他,

    The girls and I were talking , and , we think that maybe Paul Young killed Mrs. Huber , and if he did , then maybe he killed yourold girlfriend , too ,

  16. 法国总统前女友瓦莱丽・特里耶韦莱(ValerieTrierweiler)也坐在这儿,还有凯瑟琳・德纳芙(CatherineDeneuve)、杰德・贾格尔(JadeJagger)、凯特・莫斯(KateMoss)和一位泰国公主。

    Valerie Trierweiler , the French president 's ex-girlfriend , was there , as were Catherine Deneuve , Jade Jagger , Kate Moss and a Thai princess .

  17. 哈萨德39岁,是驻阿拉巴马州的一名美国国家航空及太空总署(NASA)工程师。他听说朋友开始与自己的前女友约会,所以有一天他在教堂见到他时,想上前问个究竟。

    He had heard his pal had begun dating his ex-girlfriend , so Mr. Hassard , 39 , a NASA engineer from Muscle Shoals , Ala. , approached him in church one day to ask about it .

  18. 在和Zoe恋爱之前,去年10月和恋爱三年的前女友布莱克·莱弗利之后,Penn一直都是过着单身生活。

    Previous to linking up with Zoe , Penn took some time to live the single life , having split from his girlfriend of three years Blake Lively last October .

  19. 目前还不清楚Sam将怎样被重新介绍,我们知道在首映时他和家人搬离了,那么他的返回对其前女友Quinn和Mercedes意味着什么?

    Its unclear how Sam will be reintroduced we learned in the premiere that he moved out of state with his family or what his return will mean for exes Quinn and Mercedes .

  20. 一位纽约市民用他这只上镜的小狗创建了一个名为Sammy和这座城市的博客。而他正将关系失和的前女友告上法庭,声称其盗用了这个利润颇丰的网站。

    One New Yorker who used his photogenic dog to create a blog dubbed Sammy and the City is now dragging his estranged girlfriend to court claiming she stole the lucrative website .

  21. 一位纽约市民用他这只上镜的小狗创建了一个名为“Sammy和这座城市”的博客。而他正将关系失和的前女友告上法庭,声称其盗用了这个利润颇丰的网站。

    One New Yorker who used his photogenic dog to create a blog dubbed " Sammy and the City " is now dragging his estranged girlfriend to court claiming she stole the lucrative website 。

  22. 紧接着似乎是要给这些传闻添一些佐证,贾斯汀·比伯在Instagram放上了他和赛琳娜在一起的黑白照,显然他和享受和前女友赛琳娜·戈麦斯的亲密时光。

    Taking to his Instagram account the following day , Justin Bieber gave credence to those whispers by posting a black and white shot in which he appears to be enjoying another , more intimate moment with former girlfriend Selena Gomez .

  23. 据了解,39岁的演员塞洛克斯在和恋爱多年的35岁设计师前女友HeidiBivens分手之后,就和42岁的安妮斯顿谈起了恋爱。

    Aniston , 42 , and Theroux , 39 , did not begin dating until the actor ended his longtime relationship with girlfriend , costume designer Heidi Bivens , 35 , according to sources .

  24. 昨天我意外在街上碰到我前女友。

    Yesterday I accidentally ran into my ex-girlfriend on the street .

  25. 戴伦的前女友请他吃饭。

    Darrin 's ex-girlfriend has invited you both over for dinner .

  26. 你前女友是不是在和编辑恋爱?

    Was it the editor your ex-girlfriend was in love with ?

  27. 贾斯汀•比伯心中还是有前女友赛琳娜•戈麦斯的。

    Justin Bieber still has ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez on his mind .

  28. 甚至还包括沃斯前女友烧焦的尸体

    Right down to the charred remains of Voss ' ex-girlfriend .

  29. 他们的研究表明,女性喜欢有过前女友的男性

    Their study showed that females preferred men who had ex-girlfriends

  30. 这把斧头曾经劈开前女友的家具。

    This axe was once used to hack an ex-girlfriends ' furniture .