- foreland

Other then the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake , ten more examples of changes in earth-resistivity ( px ) prior to strong earthquakes , five of which with magnitudes M ≥ 6 , are given in this paper .
NPK pool treads of aboveground biomass before 2.5a could be used to account the ratio of nutrient supply , in rapid accumulation of NP before 3.5a .
Yuanyuan , do you know where Senate Square is ?
Linear polarization feature of geoelectric field before strong earthquakes at Tengchong station
A study of ellipse anomaly of ground tilt vector before the Tangshan earthquake
Study on the Characteristics of Microseism Changes Before Strong Earthquakes by Digital Seismic Network
The preliminary studies on temporal and spatial linearity variations of geomagnetic field before large earthquakes
Comprehension of short & term sudden change and tendencious abnormal of earth tilt before earthquake in Wuyuan
Isolation and characterization of Aspergillus flavus from the underground parts of peanut before harvest in Eastern Hebei
Preliminary Study and Application on the Tremors with Lower Frequency Recorded by Seismograph Before the Wenchuan Earthquake
Tilt precursor characteristics of the medium and great earthquakes in the northern Zhejiang and in the vicinity and the significance in the earthquake prediction
Having collected and arranged seismic examples of ground tilt , characteristics of ground tilt anomaly before earthquakes in Jilin area have been summarized in this paper .
The data accumulation of the geoelectric field observed in Wenxian and analyses of examples of earthquakes show that a lot of abnormal precursory signals of the geoelectric field preceding earthquakes can be recorded .
Compared with conventional-till transplanted super hybrid rice , no-till direct seeded super hybrid rice was characterized by more panicle number per m2 but less spikelet number per panicle , and lower aboveground biomass production before heading but higher aboveground biomass accumulated during heading to maturity .
We sum up the characteristics of tilt anomalies before 3 earthquakes with % M % s5 in the west of northern Tianshan Mountain and think that the anomalies are of the staged characteristics in time and there is a moving process from west to east in space .
After a fruitless morning sitting at his desk he had given up .
He halted before the door in indecision .
James was particularly attached to the cat , and when he had to leave town for several days , he left Herbert meticulous instructions about the pet 's care .
This live data capability can help hone your testing efforts before checking in code into a CM system , for example .
Objective : To construct MRI system on the localization of the cerebral gyrus and sulcus along the low middle convexity in the chinese brains .
One of the most famous moments in film is the mysterious deathbed murmur in " Citizen Kane " : " Rosebud ! "
Its online consumer sales company , Taobao , went mano-a-mano with eBay ( eBay ) and effectively ran the global giant out of China a few years ago .
The single biggest benefit is the in-lining of method calls ; but this can 't be done statically ahead of time . Instead , other optimisations simplify the code until the method in-lining can occur .
One selling point of LLMs is that they help round out students ' knowledge of Anglo-Saxon common law - used also in the Commonwealth of former British colonies - as well as the civil law-based systems in much of the rest of the world .
People are scrambling to get things down before the weekend .
Before she left , she unashamedly asked for a present .
Put down the remote and back slowly away from the television .
The farmers turned the soil over carefully before planting .
Ground title anomaly and grounder water radon anomaly before Xiaojin M6.6 Earthquake
The two statesmen shook hands cordially in front of the cameras .