
cì wei
  • hedgehog;Rrinaceus earopaeus
刺猬 [cì wèi]
  • [hedgehog] 哺乳动物,头小,四肢短,身上有硬刺。吃昆虫、鼠、蛇等

刺猬[cì wei]
  1. 刺猬蜷成一个圆球。

    The hedgehog scrunched itself up into a ball .

  2. 刺猬团成了一个球。

    The hedgehog rolled up into a ball .

  3. 一家玩具店降低了电脑游戏《刺猬索尼克》的售价。

    A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game

  4. 刺猬一受到攻击就蜷缩成一团。

    A hedgehog rolls itself into a ball when attacked .

  5. 形容词,猬的,似猬的,多髦毛的尽管她不会知道是什么意思,但永永远远都不要告诉你的女朋友Erin“她今晚打扮的像个刺猬一样。”

    erinaceous adj . of , pertaining to , or resembling a hedgehog Although she won ’ t know what it means , never , ever tell your date Erin that she is “ looking quite erinaceous this evening . ”

  6. 你不能说刺猬逗人喜爱。

    You can 't call a hedgehog cuddly .

  7. 利物浦大学的研究人员们创建了一个有亲缘关系的食虫类哺乳动物的基因家谱,包括刺猬和鼹鼠。

    The researchers from the University of Liverpool created a genetic4 family tree of related insect-eating mammals , including hedgehogs and moles5 .

  8. 为了分析比较食虫目高重复顺序的结构特征,我们将食虫目动物刺猬的高重复顺序DNA进行了分离、纯化、分子克隆,并测出了1186bp的核苷酸顺序。

    In order to determine the characteristics of the highly repeated sequence of insectivora , a highly repeated DNA fragment of hedgehog ( one Insectivora animal ) has been studied by molecular cloning and DNA sequencing . 1186 bp sequence has been obtained .

  9. 你会把这个圆圆的,变形虫形状的叫做Bouba,把尖尖的,刺猬状的叫做Kiki。

    you will identify the round , amoeboid shape as Bouba , and the sharp , spiky one as Kiki .

  10. 它在上世纪90年代遭到了世嘉(Sega)推出的电玩游戏《刺猬索尼克》(SonictheHedgehog)的伏击,后来世嘉由于在梦工厂(Dreamcast)游戏机上的失败陷入危机,并将业务缩减至仅做游戏出版商。

    It was ambushed by Sega with Sonic the Hedgehog in the 1990s before Sega faltered with the failure of its Dreamcast console and retreated to being purely a games publisher .

  11. 采集到发热病人血清500份,捕鼠476只、刺猬、獾各一只。2.对发热病人血清IgG的检测:检测出莫氏立克次体IgG阳性174例,阳性率为34.8%;

    Results : 1 . We collect 500 blood serum of fever patients unknown origin altogether , mouse 476 , hedgehog 1 and badger 1.2 . Detect the blood serum of unknown origin : there are 174 Rickettsia typhi IgG antibodies positive , positive rate is 34.8 % ;

  12. 2012年,她的修复成果通过Twitter和Facebook飞速传遍全球——这项工作充满热情,不过却是完全失败的,人们把她修复的图像比作猴子和刺猬,还把它与《蒙娜丽莎》或者坎贝尔(Campbell)汤罐头的图案恶搞到一起。

    News of the earnest , if utterly failed , restoration in 2012 rocketed around the globe on Twitter and Facebook - the image likened variously to a monkey or hedgehog , and superimposed in memes and parodies on the " Mona Lisa " and a Campbell 's soup can .

  13. 我是说,她是狐狸,而不是刺猬。按照古希腊军旅诗人阿尔基洛科斯(Archilochus)公元前7世纪的定义:狐狸知道很多事,但刺猬只知道一件大事。

    I mean she is a fox and not a hedgehog , according to the definition offered in the seventh century BC by the Greek poet and soldier Archilochus : The fox knows many things , but the hedgehog knows one big thing .

  14. 于是,我又跑去看可爱的小刺猬。

    Therefore , I run to look at the small hedgehog .

  15. 狗咬刺猬,没法下嘴

    A dog snapping at a hedgehog / having nowhere to Bite

  16. 豪猪或刺猬身上硬而中空的保护刺。

    A stiff hollow protective spine on a porcupine or hedgehog .

  17. 朝鲜制造的牙签,用的是刺猬的刺。

    North Korean-made toothpicks crafted out of the spines of hedgehogs .

  18. 当她回来的时候,媒人婆带回来了一只刺猬!

    When she returns , the matchmaker brings back a hedgehog !

  19. 苏格拉底:刺猬还是狐狸?&对苏格拉底悲剧的一个再思考

    Socrates : Fox or Hedgehog & A Reflection on Socratic Tragedy

  20. 一会儿,一只刺猬从洞里钻出来。

    While , a hedgehog from the holes drilled out .

  21. 我忧郁吗?刺猬轻轻地笑了。

    Am I mope ? 'the hedgehog smile and reply .

  22. 马达加斯加岛食虫并体表经常带刺的小哺乳动物;与刺猬形似。

    Small often spiny insectivorous mammal of Madagascar ; resembles a hedgehog .

  23. 她在马路中间发现了一只压扁的刺猬。

    She found a squished hedgehog in the middle of the road .

  24. 受惊的刺猬会把身体缩成一个球。

    A frightened hedgehog contracts its body into a ball .

  25. 你的刺猬可能会绻成一个小球。

    Your hedgehog may huff or roll into a ball .

  26. (压力钢管的)刺猬式锚固新型可回收锚杆锚固段应力分布规律

    Hedgehog spine anchorage Stress distribution along bonded length of new-type recoverable anchor

  27. 嗨,我的头发怎么像刺猬一样立起来?

    Hey , is it supposed to sting so much ?

  28. 刺猬听到草嘻嘻索索的声音,蛇出现了。

    Hedgehog heard the grass move , It was snake .

  29. 缺氧对冬眠刺猬激醒作用的初步观察

    A Preliminary Investigation of Hypoxia on Arousal in Hibernating Hedgehogs

  30. 刺猬消化道嗜银细胞形态与分布

    Distribution and morphology of Argyrophil cell in digestive tract of Erinaceus europaeus