
  • 网络institution building;system construction;institutional building;system;institution
  1. 制度建设;用益权研究

    Second , institution building ; Studies on the System of Usufruct

  2. 制度建设;泵站计算机监控

    Second , institution building ; Computer-based Pump Station Monitoring System

  3. 请大家放心,我们军队将会继续加大反腐力度,一步一步推进制度建设,逐步形成不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的有效机制。

    We assure the public that the army will continue fighting corruption7 and improving the mechanism8 to prevent corruption . Hopefully , no one in the army will dare to be corrupt6 , no one is able to be corrupt and no one wants to be corrupt .

  4. 加强制度建设,规范图书馆文化。

    And strengthening institutional construction and standardizing library culture as well .

  5. 强化制度建设与创新预防和遏制财会腐败

    Consolidate System Construction and Innovation to Prevent and Restrict Financial Corruption

  6. 完善制度建设,建立行业监督体系。

    Perfecting the system build-ing and establishing the industry supervision system .

  7. 加强监督制度建设,强化制度的硬性约束作用。

    Reinforce the construction of concrete system and their binding functions ;

  8. 科学建制,规范管理:新型农村合作医疗制度建设的关键

    Key of Construction of the New Rural Cooperative Health Service System

  9. 石油企业改革与产权制度建设

    On Reform of Oil Enterprises and Establishment of Property Right System

  10. 节水型社会的核心是制度建设。

    The core of water saving society is the system building .

  11. 社会保障法律制度建设应处理好的五个关系

    The Legal System of Social Security Should be Dealt with Five Relations

  12. 论中国行政指导制度建设

    On the Construction of China ′ s Administrative Guidance System

  13. 从公共行政到公共管理,每个阶段的发展与建设都把重点放在了制度建设上面,对伦理建设的关注较少。

    From administrative management to public management ethical construction is neglected greatly .

  14. 加强制度建设,为维护雇工权益提供政策依据;

    Strengthens the system construction and provides the policy basis ;

  15. 问题发现与管理的制度建设及实施

    How to establish and implement the regime to discover and manage problems

  16. 对国有企业裁员的制度建设和操作原则提出建议。

    Made suggestions for its system construction and operation principles .

  17. 第四章为农村土地制度建设的国际经验借鉴。

    Chapter IV , international experiences on rural land system .

  18. 正所谓:制度建设,理论先行。

    There is a saying : building a system , theories first .

  19. 其次,我们必须加强制度建设。

    Secondly , we must strengthen the system construction .

  20. 加强制度建设,规范证券经营机构和中介机构的行为;

    Regulating the behavior of stock exchange media companies ;

  21. 信用市场需求与我国信用制度建设

    Market Demand of Credit and Construction of Credit System

  22. 我国的水资源管理与水权制度建设

    Water resources management and institutional setting up for water rights system in China

  23. 通过信用教育、制度建设和执法监管,实施标本兼治、综合治理,是加强我国企业信用监管、构建企业信用体系的总体路径;

    The general approaches include credit education , system , supervision and others .

  24. 我国医疗服务监管制度建设的伦理思考

    The Ethical Reflection about China Medical Services supervising System

  25. 弱势群体知识援助的图书馆新制度建设

    Library System Innovation for Knowledge Aids to Vulnerable Groups

  26. 公平与正义:和谐社会中制度建设的价值追求

    Equity and Justice : the Value of Institution Construction to Build Harmonious Society

  27. 论社会主义市场经济的社会保障制度建设

    Comment on the Construction of Social Guarantee System under the Socialist Market Economy

  28. 反腐倡廉制度建设问题不仅具有很强的理论性,而且具有很强的实践性。

    The anti-corruption system construction not only has great theoretical and highly practical .

  29. 实现社会公平的制度建设对策。

    System construction countermeasures of social fairness to realize .

  30. 我们的教学制度建设应该从实际出发,走自己的路。

    Our construction of teaching institution should make our own way from reality .