
  1. 企业契约的利益相关者模型

    The Stakeholder 's Model of Firm Contract

  2. 企业社会责任的对象可归结为两种模型:所有者模型和利益相关者模型。

    The target of enterprise ′ s social responsibility can roughly be summed up in two kinds of models : Owner ′ s model and interest-correlated model .

  3. 本文的创新点是打破惯有的仅按照利益相关者进行模型的指标设计方式,而是从空间上对其进行细化,根据企业所处的不同时期的特点来进行指标设计。

    The innovation point of the paper is breaking the usual ideas which design the index of the model only by the stakeholders , but refine them from the space and design the index according to different characteristics of different periods .

  4. 企业利益相关者会计行为模型研究

    Research on Firm Stakeholder ' Accounting Behavior

  5. 利益相关者满意度测评模型及实证研究&基于公司治理视角

    Evaluation Model of Stakeholder Satisfaction Degree and Its Empirical Research : From Perspective of Corporate Governance

  6. 基于对利益相关者合作博弈模型的分析,发现我国企业的利益相关者全面参与公司治理并不现实,利益相关者财务实施尚存在困难。

    Based on the analyses of stakeholder cooperation game model , it is unrealistic for all stakeholders to join in corporate governance .

  7. 或者,您可以为特定类型的利益相关者创建不同的模型视图。

    Alternatively , you can create different model views for specific types of stakeholders .

  8. 文章将国外学者提出的战略利益相关者管理和固有利益相关者义务两种模型视作企业履行社会责任影响绩效的直接影响和驱动战略两种路径,由此建立本文的研究模型。

    This study will see the Strategic Stakeholder Management and Intrinsic Stakeholder Commitment as Direct Impact and Driving Strategy two route of CSR influencing corporate performance and constitute hypothesis and research model .

  9. 针对利益相关者的心理模糊因素,以基于效用理论的项目利益相关者模型为内核,提出了一种新的项目评价模糊技术方法。

    Focusing on the fuzzy mental factors of benefit relatives , a new project fuzzy evaluation technique is proposed with Br-SD as core .