
  • 网络creation field
  1. 一种支持协作与知识创造的场

    Ba for collaboration and knowledge creation

  2. 使用哑光色使这个技巧看起来更有现代感,同时还有一些人新增了闪光色和金属色来创造一场真正的精彩表演。

    Using matte shades made the technique look modern while some added glitter or metallic shades to create a real showstopper .

  3. 我们是否需要创造一场运动(一个博爱的事业、其它社会范围的组织)我们的品牌可以支持或赞助?

    Should we invent a cause ( or a philanthropic enterprise or other social outreach organization ) that our brand could support / sponsor ?

  4. 现在普通的商人没有资源创造一场像乔布斯那样的奢华演讲,但是你仍有排练的时间。

    Now , the average business person does not have the resources to create a Steve Jobs extravaganza but you do have time to rehearse .

  5. 目前苹果已经推出了一套高中电子教材。苹果表示将创造一场“教科书新体验”,并暗示这种互动式的电子教科书将会“开启学习的新篇章”。

    Apple claims it offers a " new textbook experience " and suggests its interactive iBooks textbooks are " the next chapter in learning . "

  6. 从物理空间和精神空间两方面建立知识创造的场;以及有效促进知识共享的激励机制和知识管理评估指标体系。

    It has accordingly established a field of knowledge creation from the physical space and the spiritual space , an incentive mechanism aimed at effectively promoting the knowledge sharing and a system of assessing the index in information management .

  7. 他已经在单赛季28场比赛中投入至少5粒三分球,这在NBA历史上是最多的。这一成绩也超越了他上赛季创造的27场。

    His 28 games with at least five 3-pointers are the most in a season in NBA history , surpassing the 27 he had last season .

  8. 这并不是在批评他没有得到充分利用,在勇士赢得冠军和创造了胜场最多NBA历史记录的那两个赛季,汤普森在队内都扮演了比现在更重要的角色。

    It is not a criticism to say that he is underutilized ; the Warriors themselves won a title and mounted the winningest season in NBA history with Thompson playing a larger role .

  9. 那正是上帝创造预订停车场的原因。

    That 's why God created reserved parking .

  10. 但是目前还看不到能创造出一场足以强劲到阻止失业率攀升的复苏的元素。

    But it is hard to see the ingredients for a recovery that is robust enough to stop unemployment rising .

  11. 创新网络内的共享环境创造了对话场与实践场,为默会知识的流动与整合搭建了平台。

    The shared environment in Innovation Network creates the practice field and dialogue field , providing a platform for the integration of tacit knowledge .

  12. 现在我们需要的是另一场恐怖袭击。一场大的,将创造出一场全新而有改进的,针对全球人口的战争。

    What we need now is another terrorist attack , a big one that will create a new and improved war on global population .

  13. 在更加小的范围中,肉身的每一个原子它自身就是一个世界都是自由意志和创造的一场戏剧。

    In a still smaller field each atom of the physical body , being a world in itself , is a drama of free will and creation .

  14. 而本场失利也使得掘金队无缘季后赛。罗伯特森是在1961--1962赛季创造的41场三双的纪录,当时他场均可以获得30.8分,12.5个篮板外加11.4个助攻。

    The loss eliminated Denver from playoff contention . Robertson recorded 41 triple-doubles in 1961-62 , when he averaged 30.8 points , 12.5 rebounds and 11.4 assists per game .

  15. 在区别色情和艺术这个问题上,它创造了一场持续的对话,促使几十年后的观众不会因为色情内容而遗忘一部电影的艺术价值。

    It created an ongoing conversation about the divide between pornography and art , forcing the audiences of future decades not to dismiss a movie 's artistic value due to its adult content .

  16. 实施创造教育是一场深刻的变革,它涉及到教育思想、教育内容和教育方法改革等问题。

    It requires reform in educational idea , content and method .

  17. 巴尔扎克说过,艺术创造是“一场累人的斗争”。

    Balzac once said artistic creation was " an exhausting strug-gle " .

  18. 创造过程经过的场越多,其创造层次也就越高。

    The more fields of creative , the higher the creative levels are .

  19. 艺术自主标准的确立及纯粹艺术的创造成为独立文学场生成的标志。

    The establishment of arts ' independent standard and the creation of pure arts are the sign of the independent literary field .