
  1. 荷兰阿姆斯特丹的这栋异形公寓是当地的创意建筑之一。

    This unusual block of flats is one of several innovative housing developments in Amsterdam .

  2. 以创意建筑长城下公社为范本解析色彩空间环境的构筑形式法则及应用。

    Creativity building the Great Wall next commune as analytical color space environment of sample build form rule and application .

  3. 那就是何园最有创意的建筑,船厅。

    That 's the most creative structure , the Boat Hall .

  4. 本文从环境、功能、材料和技术几个层面,介绍了上海浦东通用汽车展示厅及办公楼的设计创意和建筑形象。

    This article makes introduction to the originality of design and architectural image for Shanghai GM Exhibition Hall and Office Building in terms of surroundings , functions , materials and techniques .

  5. 由于钢材可回收利用且具有优越的力学性能,可以使优秀的创意在建筑中得以完美体现,使得钢结构相对其它材料的结构形式具备很强的竞争力与发展的潜力。

    Recyclable steel with excellent mechanical properties , can be the perfect embodiment of outstanding creativity in the construction , steel structure and thus the relative structure of other materials with strong competitiveness and development potential .

  6. 第四章则具体分析空间要素及其相互关系,包括空间的量、空间的形、空间的界面以及空间的联系,并且简要分析了创意产业园建筑空间的物理环境设计。

    Then this part also analysis the design of the physical environment .

  7. 本文以大量富有创意的旧建筑改造更新案例为基础,通过对近些年的旧建筑改造更新案例进行分析。

    This thesis analyzes study cases of creative building renovation in recent years .

  8. 本文试图通过分析影响创意产业园建筑空间的各种因素,分析其主要特点,指出其设计策略和发展趋向。

    This article analyses the various elements that affects the architecture of the creative industry building .

  9. 第五章的主要内容是对创意产业园建筑空间发展趋向的展望。

    The fifth part is the suggestion about the future of architectural space of creative industry cluster .

  10. 最后将研究理论与实践相结合,探讨我国创意产业园建筑设计的发展方向,为我国创意产业园的建筑设计提供一定的指导意义。

    Finally , the thesis further studies the direction of developing architectural design in Creative Industry Park and provides guidance to the architectural design Creative Industry Park in China .

  11. 充满创意的雕塑和建筑遍布市区。

    Innovative sculptures and modern buildings can be seen everywhere .

  12. 创意&现代博物馆建筑设计的灵魂

    Originality-The Soul of Architectural Design for Modern Museum

  13. 浅析城市创意产业与历史建筑保护的有机互动

    Analysis on the Organic Interaction of Creative Industries and the Protection of Historical Buildings

  14. 创意产业园的建筑空间研究

    Studies on Architectural Spaces of Creative Industry Center

  15. 本文主要讲述建筑环境设计创意的重要性和建筑环境所表达的各种意境和意义。

    This paper mainly discuss the originality of architecture environment design and the various meanings and artistic conceptions which is architecture environment expressed .

  16. 为了能创作出新形式,许多建筑师殚精竭虑、挖空心思地经营着他们的创意,探索着建筑形式的创作新途径。

    For creating " new form ", many architects deeply investigate their originality and think the new ways of creation for the architecture form .

  17. 我们曾参与世界各地多项最富创意的可持续发展建筑、运输及基础设施,是这些项目背后的一股创意力量。

    The firm is the creative force behind many of the world 's most innovative and sustainable buildings , transport and civil engineering projects .

  18. 从传统工业区到创意产业园的建筑更新浅谈关于创意产业园区集群内部多样性模式

    Research on Architecture Reconstruction for Transition from Traditional Industrial Area to Creative Industrial Park ; On diversity model of group inner of originality industrial garden area

  19. 设计引入了多元的手法,形成旋转和动态的形象,以前卫的姿态,展示了设计师的创意和对高层建筑设计的大胆探索。

    The project forms a rotated and dynamic shape by pluralistic methods , which represents the creative conception and the bold exploration in high-rise design of the architects by a forward shape .

  20. 产品是基础,但奢华可以从创意收集到店面建筑;从广告到客户服务构建一个全球品牌。

    Product is fundamental but luxury is to be able to built a global brand from a creative collection to the architecture of the stores , from advertising to services to the customer .

  21. 第四部分,在第二、第三部分的基础上进行创意产业园的的建筑设计研究,总结出创意产业园建筑空间设计的主要原则和设计要素。

    The fourth part , on the basis of the second and third part of the creative industry park of Architectural Research , summed up the creative industry park architectural design principles and design elements .

  22. 最后从创意产业发展的角度总结提出对创意产业园建筑空间的要求。

    And it gives some suggestions to the architectural space of the industry from the angle of the development of the industry .

  23. 第一章概述是对相关问题进行概括性总体研究,主要包括创意产业、创意产业园和创意产业园的建筑空间三方面。

    It analyzes the general research , including three parts , creative industry , creative industry center , and creative industry architectural space at the first part .

  24. 本论文是关于产业建筑可适性再利用,尤其是城市中的产业建筑结合地区新兴的创意产业功能,被改造为多元化创意社区的产业建筑可适性再利用方式的研究。

    This paper studies the adaptable recycle of industrial building in the city , especially the recycle of those buildings when they were reconstructed into multi-function community combined with the rising creative industry .

  25. 第三部分,在环境行为学、环境知觉理论和场所精神的理论基础上,分析创意产业工作者的行为模式和心理需求,以及创意产业园建筑空间与创意工作者的关系。

    Third part of the Environmental behavior , based on the theory of environmental perception theory and the spirit of place , patterns of behavior and psychological needs of the analysis of creative industry workers , and Creative Industry Park building space and creative workers .