
  • 美女
  1. 目前,最抢眼的是一对跨国“情侣”,女方是中国模特刘雯,男方是韩国组合SuperJunior的成员崔始源。

    Cross-national couple Liu Wen , a Chinese model , and Choi Si-won , a member of South Korean band Super Junior , is the most eye-catching paring .

  2. 而当中国超模刘雯戴着苹果手表登上《Vogue服饰与美容》封面时,几乎没有人任何人站出来挑毛病。

    But when theApple Watch graced the cover of Vogue Chinaalongside China 's most famous model , Liu Wen , hardly anyone batted an eye .

  3. 但这款产品已经在媒体上公开亮相,在本周一发行的《VOGUE服饰与美容》11月刊封面上,它被戴在了超级名模刘雯的手腕上。

    But there it is , the Apple Watch , accessorizing the wrist of fashion supermodel Liu Wen on the cover of Vogue China 's November issue , scheduled to hit the stands Monday .

  4. 我叫刘雯,是一个十二岁的女孩。

    My name is Liu Wen . I 'm twelve-year-old girl .

  5. 刘雯说出了她对超级名模地位的感受。

    Liu explains about how she feels about her supermodel status .

  6. 刘雯被公认为中国第一超模。

    Liu Wen is widely regarded as China 's first supermodel .

  7. 中国超级名模刘雯仍然其名气的历史性上升而震惊。

    Chinese supermodel Liu Wen is still in shock over her history-making rise to fame .

  8. 次年,刘雯因成为化妆品公司雅诗兰黛第一位亚洲模特代言人而再一次成为焦点。

    The following year Liu achieved another highlight by becoming the first Asian spokesmodel for cosmetic company Estee Lauder .

  9. 在《我们约会吧》中,崔始源和刘雯的约会堪称理想中的完美典范。

    In " We Are in Love , " Choi and Liu show a perfect example of ideal dating .

  10. 2009年,刘雯成为第一个登上维密秀的亚洲模特,成为媒体关注的焦点。

    In 2009 made headlines when she became the first Asian model to walk the Victoria 's Secret Fashion Show .

  11. 2005年,刘雯参加了电视真人秀节目《新丝路模特大赛》,之后便开启了自己的模特生涯。

    She started her modeling career in 2005 after competing in the reality TV show New Silk Road World Model Contest .

  12. 刘雯通常被视为中国第一个真正意义上的全球超模,她在模特界的地位备受肯定。

    Often referred to as China 's first truly global supermodel , Wen has become an established and respected runway presence .

  13. 刘雯表示,回到湖南永州的家,她的父母刚开始并不完全理解她的高调工作。

    Liu says that back home in Yongzhou , Hunan Province , her parents at first didn 't truly understand her high-profile job .

  14. 如今,除了走T台,刘雯还参加了许多时装和化妆品主导品牌的国际性活动。

    Today , apart from treading the catwalk , Liu appears in global campaigns for a host of major fashion and cosmetics brands .

  15. 去年福布斯估算刘雯的个人收入达700万美元,这使她成为全球收入最高的模特之一。

    Forbes estimates Liu banked $ 7 million in earnings last year , making her one of the highest-paid models in the world .

  16. 随后,在崔始源生日时,刘雯身穿崔始源送给自己的华丽裙子,为“男友”学做面条。

    Then on Choi 's birthday , Liu learned to cook noodles for her partner , wearing a gorgeous dress that was a gift from Choi .

  17. 据悉,被龚玉雯合拍过的明星包括台湾歌星周杰伦、超级名模刘雯以及韩国演员李敏镐等。

    The list of stars she has taken photos of include Taiwanese pop star Jay Chou , supermodel Liu Wen and South Korean actor Lee Min-Ho .

  18. 从没想过当模特,2006年,23岁的刘雯赢得一台电脑来做功课而参加了一场模特比赛。

    Never dreaming of becoming a model , the23-year-old entered a modelling contest in2006 in order to win a computer to help her with her school work .

  19. 初次见面时,刘雯身穿斯特拉•麦卡特尼随意而时尚的裙装、手拿香奈儿限量版化妆包,从教堂的走道上昂首阔步地走向崔始源。

    When they first met , Liu strutted down the imaginary runway to Choi wearing a casual yet trendy dress from Stella McCartney and carrying a limited edition Chanel cosmetic bag .

  20. 据《福布斯》报道,今年被甩出前十排名的是阿德里亚娜·利马,阿什利·格雷厄姆和刘雯,她们的收入都低于800万美元。

    Dropping off the list this year were Adriana Lima , Ashley Graham and Liu Wen , who all earned just below the $ 8 million cut off , according to Forbes .

  21. 排在第八位的是29岁的中国模特刘雯,她的收入为650万美元,她是榜单上唯一一位亚洲模特,这也反映了缺少多样性的问题依然影响着模特界。

    In eighth place with $ 6.5 million , Chinese model Liu Wen , 29 , is the only Asian model on the list , reflecting the lack of diversity that continues to plague runways .

  22. 今年27岁的吴倩亚(音)是一个狂热的韩剧粉,她说:“林心如和任重之间的尴尬气氛让我想起自己在相亲时的种种经历,而刘雯和崔始源的约会则是我梦寐以求的。”

    Wu Qiaoya , 27 , an enthusiastic fan of Korean TV shows , said : " The embarrassing atmosphere between Lin and Ren reminds me of when I went for a blind date , while Liu and Choi 's dates are what I dream of . "