
liè biǎo
  • tabulation;summarizing;entry;listing;tabulate;arrange in columns or tables
列表 [liè biǎo]
  • [tabulate;arrange in columns or tables] 把制成表,以表显示

列表[liè biǎo]
  1. 凝结函数Fs的计算和编表列表法在分部积分中的应用

    The Application of Tabulation in Integration by Parts

  2. 本文对静电场描绘实验进行分析,运用列表法、作图法、最小二乘法及Excel分别对数据进行处理,其结论为:应用Excel处理可提高实验数据的准确性,减小相对误差。

    This article discusses electrostatic field experiment by tabulation method , graphic method , Least squares procedure and Excel dealing with data . The conclusion is that Excel dealing data can improve experiment data 's accuracy and decrease relative error .

  3. 你的打印任务已经发送到了网络打印列表中。

    Your print job has been sent to the network print queue .

  4. 在下拉列表项中选择“全部删除”。

    Select ' Delete all ' from the drop-down list .

  5. 已经对约2,300份植物列表进行核对,并注明了相互参照项。

    Nearly 2,300 plant lists have been checked and cross-referenced .

  6. 一个选项列表反复出现在屏幕上。

    A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen .

  7. 列表能使一切井然有序、便于管理。

    Making lists can create order and control .

  8. 但被调查者将它排在优先事项列表的最后。

    But respondents ranked it last on a list of priorities .

  9. 克雷格列表网站很快就取代了报纸分类广告,使报纸经济发生了天翻地覆的变化。

    Craigslist quickly overtook newspaper classified ads and turned newspaper economics upside down .

  10. 你是否曾沉迷于一本小说,但惊奇地发现它没有出现在伟大著作的列表上?

    Have you ever fallen for a novel and been amazed not find it on lists of great books ?

  11. 在TamarAvnet和AnneLaureSellier进行的实验中,他们让参与者按时间或待办事项列表来组织项目规划、假日购物、瑜伽等活动,以评估他们在“时钟时间”和“任务时间”下的表现。

    In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier , they had participants organize different activities — from project planning , holiday shopping , to yoga — by time or to-do list to measure how they performed under " clock time vs " task time . "

  12. 他们按照列表工作,每个任务在前一个任务完成时开始。

    They work down the list , each task starts when the previous task is completed .

  13. 他和宾夕法尼亚大学的一位同事分析了六个月“用来发邮件最多”的列表。

    He and a Penn colleague analyzed the " most e-mailed " list for six months .

  14. 通过流程图和思维导图来做笔记,而不是仅仅抄写一个列表。

    Take notes by drawing charts and connecting ideas instead of just copying down a list .

  15. 实时注意客户FTP上的兼容性列表和质量警报

    Monitor daily customer FTP site for Compatibility Matrix & Quality Alerts .

  16. 极大的改进了用于操作样式的用户界面——(列表样式)在ribbon(工具栏)的galleries(图形目录)中

    The UI for applying styles – galleries in the ribbon – is a big step forward .

  17. BookCrossing.com网站的社区层面的意义不断发展,这是网站建立之初人们没有想到的,比如博客或论坛讨论,邮件列表以及遍布全球的年度会议。

    The community aspect of BookCrossing.com has grown and expanded in ways that were not expected at the outset , in the form of blog or forum3 discussions , mailing lists and annual conventions throughout the world .

  18. 可以操纵菜单、列表、屏幕选项和进入编辑文本

    Navigates in menus , lists , choice screens and into edited texts .

  19. 让我将结果列表如下。

    Let me tabulate the results as follows .

  20. 请注意,这只是一份不完全列表。

    Note that this is a partial list .

  21. 于是这个列表程序也就染上了病毒,

    The listing program is then infected .

  22. 撤消上一个操作或者一系列操作,这些操作显示在“撤消”列表中。

    Undoes the last action or a sequence of actions , which are displayed in the Undo list .

  23. 某些人也许会把你放在他们的“打招呼列表”里,尽管他们并不在你的列表上(意思是他们会主动和你打招呼,而你不会)。

    Some people might decide to put you on their hello lists , even if they aren 't on yours .

  24. 也许是传播到了另一个由该雇员保存的与电子表格程序存储在同一个软盘上的目录列表程序上。

    perhaps to a directory listing progam that the employee keeps on the same floppy disk as the spreadsheet data files .

  25. 如果雇员的个人计算机与该机构的网络相连,那么,雇员就可以把这个列表程序传送给网络上的另一位用户。

    If the employee 's computer is connected to the organization 's network . the employee may send the listing program to another user over the network .

  26. 把某人从“打招呼列表”里移除,碰到时只是点点头,可能会被对方视作怠慢。

    Example : Dropping someone from your hello list to just a nod when you pass him or her might be considered a snub by the other person .

  27. 最近,美国有几项研究都发现,播放列表不仅是“我们生活的音轨”,同时也能作为合理的判定标尺推测出约会对象、求职者以及政党候选人的个性特征。

    Several recent studies in the US have shown that these lists are not only ' the soundtracks of our lives ' , but also reasonably reliable personality barometers and political candidates .

  28. “未办事项列表”指在每个月、每周甚至每天开始的时候,列出一些打算完成的事项,可在计划的截止时间却发现事项都没有完成。“未办事项列表”其实就是没有按计划完成的待办事项列表。

    The didn 't-do list is list of things you intended to do at the beginning of a month or a week , or even a day , but failed to get them done by the planned deadline .

  29. “打招呼列表”指的是你平日里碰见时必须或想打招呼的人,那些经常穿梭于教学大楼的学生,或单位里的职员,都会有这样一张“打招呼列表”。

    Hello list refers to the list of people you have to or want to say " hello " to on a daily basis , especially relevant1 for students in university buildings , or coworkers in a workplace2 .

  30. Action类具有列表变量,名为state和status。

    The Action class has the list variables named state and status .