
liè zhī dūn shì dēng
  • Liechtenstein
列支敦士登[liè zhī dūn shì dēng]
  1. 总部位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)目前将列支敦士登列为了不合作的避税天堂。

    The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development currently lists Liechtenstein as an uncooperative tax haven .

  2. 她警告称,德国议会可能阻止列支敦士登今年11月加入欧盟免签的申根区(Schengenzone)。

    She warned that the German parliament could block Liechtenstein 's entry in November into the European Union 's border-free Schengen zone .

  3. 上月,德意志银行和列支敦士登的LGT集团进行独家谈判。

    Last month Deutsche entered exclusive negotiations with LGT Group of Liechtenstein .

  4. 沃斯在CBC的午间广播中说这对他来说是一种学习经历,“完全不了解安道尔共和国,立陶宛和列支敦士登也不太知道。”

    Voth told CBC 's Radio Noon that it has been a learning experience for him , " Andorra , I had no clue about . Same with Lithuania and Lichtenstein . "

  5. 当然,在这个故事里,她的名字叫做列支敦士登。

    No , in this story , her name was Liechtenstein .

  6. 现行名单上只有摩纳哥、安道尔和列支敦士登。

    The existing list includes only Monaco , Andorra and Liechtenstein .

  7. 1925年,列支敦士登首先在立法上承认了一人公司。

    In 1925 , Liechtenstein first acknowledged one-man company in the legislation .

  8. 列支敦士登制造及出口非常多机械。

    The country makes and exports a lot of machinery .

  9. 这个数字超过了列支敦士登的全部人数。

    That 's more than the entire population of Liechtenstein .

  10. 列支敦士登通过自治实现自决公约草案

    Liechtenstein Draft Convention on Self - Determination Through Self-Administration

  11. 列支敦士登也是真正意义上的内陆国家,没有海港,甚至连个飞机场都没有。

    It 's truly land-locked , without a seaport or even an airport .

  12. 可现在只剩四个:德国、奥地利、瑞士和列支敦士登。

    Today there are only four : Germany , Austria , Switzerland and Liechtenstein .

  13. 虽然镇上只有5000人口,但这里是列支敦士登的首都。

    While it has only 5000 people , it 's the country 's capital .

  14. 要出现实质性变化,列支敦士登必须签署和批准新的法律协助合约。

    Before effective change can occur , Liechtenstein must sign and ratify new legal-assistance treaties .

  15. 列支敦士登家族从神圣罗马帝国皇帝手上买下了这块地产。

    The Liechtenstein family purchased this piece of real estate from the Holy Roman Emperor .

  16. 在列支敦士登法律中,逃税并没有被列为刑事犯罪。

    Tax evasion isn 't listed as a criminal offense in Liechtenstein 's legal code .

  17. 列支敦士登和安道尔周四双双表示了愿意配合国际调查的意愿。

    On Thursday , Liechtenstein and Andorra both indicated a wish to cooperate with international probes .

  18. 对于一个人口这么少的国家而言,列支敦士登的贸易往来已经很多了。

    For a place with such a small population , Liechtenstein has a lot of businesses .

  19. 有多种理由这样认为,对列支敦士登的瓦杜兹城堡进行一次不受打扰的游览是一件难得的乐事。

    A PRIVATE visit to the castle of Vaduz in Liechtenstein is a treat for many reasons .

  20. 他们辩称,其他一些国家,比如邻国列支敦士登和奥地利等,也坚守着类似的传统。

    They argue that other countries , such as neighbouring Liechtenstein and Austria , maintain similar traditions .

  21. 实际上,直到20世纪,才有第一位列支敦士登王子真正居住在这里。

    In fact , it wasn 't until the 20th century that the first Liechtenstein prince actually lived here .

  22. 这宗数据失窃事件将加剧人们对瑞士和列支敦士登银行客户保密状况的担忧,这两个欧洲国家施行严格的银行保密制度。

    The theft will heighten concerns about client confidentiality in Switzerland and Liechtenstein , which have strict bank secrecy .

  23. 就算是在很小很小的列支敦士登,风景一样很壮观,而去徒步旅行可供选择的地方也越来越多。

    Even in little , little Liechtenstein the views are big and the hiking possibilities go on and on .

  24. 只有三个国家(安道尔、列支敦士登和摩纳哥)仍在经合组织“不合作”避税天堂的名单之列。

    Only three countries Andorra , Liechtenstein and Monaco remain on the OECD list of " unco-operative " tax havens .

  25. 瑞士是欧洲中部的内陆联邦共和国,和德国、法国、意大利、奥地利和列支敦士登为邻。

    Switzerland is a landlocked federal republic in Europe , bordering Germany , France , Italy , Austria and Liechtenstein .

  26. 再之后,经历了第一次世界大战,困难的境况迫使列支敦士登公国与瑞士形成了经济共同体。

    Later , after World War I , tough times forced the principality to enter into an economic union with Switzerland .

  27. 列支敦士登的货币与邻国瑞士相同,但是从19世纪60年代它就是一个独立的国家了。

    Liechtenstein uses the same money as its neighbor Switzerland , but it has been an independent country since the 1860s .

  28. 如今只有五个依然在榜:安道尔、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马绍尔群岛和摩纳哥。

    Only five of them still remain on the list : Andorra , Liberia , Liechtenstein , Marshall Islands and Monaco .

  29. 在中欧阿尔卑斯山地区的列支敦士登,是拥有30000人口的小国,主要语言为德语。

    Within the Alps in Central Europe is Liechtenstein , a tiny country of about 30000 people who speak mostly German .

  30. 另外,值得注意的是,英国、法国和列支敦士登提议,应该有一个10年的过渡期,也就经过长达10年的磋商和评审才比较妥当。

    There are other ideas floating around UK , France and Liechtenstein proposed an interim arrangement for10 years and a review thereafter .