
  • 网络Cutting Depth;Cut Depth;Depth of cut
  1. 它比Al2O3陶瓷刀具有更高的断裂韧性和抗冲击性,可承受更大的切削深度和进给量。

    It has higher fracture toughness and shock resistance than Al_2O_3 ceramic tools and can employ bigger cutting depth and feed rate .

  2. 结果中度近视组术中角膜切削深度较深,haze形成比率较高;

    Results The cutting depth of the medium myopia cases was higher and had higher ratio of haze than that of low myopia .

  3. 角膜切削深度与PRK治疗近视疗效的关系

    Correlation of corneal ablation depth and results of PRK for myopia

  4. 结论PRK术后TGF-β1影响haze的形成并具有一种剂量依赖的关系,而且与切削深度相关。

    Conclusion TGF - β 1 affects haze formation in a dosage dependent relationship and is related with the depth of ablation .

  5. 结论LASIK治疗近视眼术后的眼压值降低与CCT差、角膜曲率差、术前近视度数、切削深度等多种因素有关。

    Conclusion Many facts , such as CCT , CASC , DMBS , CCD , are related to the change of intraocular pressure after LASIK treatment for nearsightedness patients .

  6. 初步测定,在2~4cm切削深度内,破碎钴结壳分布的分形维数为2.5左右,由此证明破碎过程中的能耗比较符合邦德的裂缝学说。

    In the primary measurement , with the cutting depth of 2 ~ 4 cm , the fractal dimension of broken cobalt-rich crusts was measured around 2.5 , which proves that the energy loss in the breaking process consists with the Bond 's theory .

  7. 首先分析两种描述193nm准分子激光对角膜的消融机理的模型:光蚀除模型和光物理模型,得出能量密度与角膜切削深度的关系。

    In this paper , we analyze photoablation model and photophysical model that describe the mechanism of action of excimer laser ( ArF : 193nm 8ns ) on cornea , elicit the relationship between the energy density and the ablation depth .

  8. 优控主轴转速系统极限切削深度

    Experimental Study On Limit Cutting Depth by Optimal Controlling Spindle Speed

  9. 硅片纳米磨削过程中磨粒切削深度的测量

    Measurement of the cut depth of grain in nano-grinding of silicon wafers

  10. 结果表明:加工表面切向残余应力为拉应力,其主要影响因素是切削深度;

    The results show that surface residual stress by turning is tensile stress .

  11. 切削深度的定义应予修正

    The Definition of the Cutting Depth Should being Modified

  12. 适合变化的切削深度和适合间断性切割。

    For varying cutting depths and interrupted cutting .

  13. 准分子屈光手术中非球面系数对球差以及切削深度的影响

    Effect of asphericity parameter on Seidal aberration and ablation depth in laser refractive surgery

  14. 在干切状态下,切削深度对刀具寿命影响最大。

    Under dry cutting state , tool life is affected mostly by cutting depth .

  15. 超声波振动金刚石刀具对脆性材料临界切削深度的影响

    Influence of ultrasonic vibrated diamond tool on the critical depth of cut of brittle materials

  16. 大洋富钴结壳实时开采切削深度优化分级模型研究

    Study on multilevel model of optimized cut depth in real-time mining of ocean cobalt-rich crusts

  17. 基于遗传算法的大洋富钴结壳开采的切削深度优化控制

    Optimization control of cut depth in the mining of ocean cobalt-rich crusts based on GA

  18. 仅当切削深度、进给速度等参数值增加时,材料去除率增加;

    Only depth of cut and federate have effects on material removal rate ( MRR ) .

  19. 通过砂轮的横向进给能得到任意所需的切削深度。

    Any desired depth of cut can be obtained by the cross feed of the grinding wheel .

  20. 千分表切削深度调整

    Micrometer cutting depth adjustment

  21. 切削深度通过改变砂轮对工件的横向进给来进行调整。

    The depth of cut is adjusted by the cross feed of the grinding wheel into the workpiece .

  22. 切削深度、节块金刚石浓度和进给速度对锯切钢纤维混凝土的锯切力显著影响。

    Sawing depth , diamond concentration and feed speed were remarkably affect sawing force in sawing steel fiber concrete .

  23. 切削深度d是未加工面与已加工面之间的垂直距离。

    Depth of cut , d , is the normal distance between the unmachined surface and the machined surface .

  24. 随着切削深度的加大,圆度呈下降趋势,尽管切削力增加了;

    For higher depths of cut a decreasing tendency for the roundness can be observed although process forces increase .

  25. 纳米磨料的自身变形抵消了纳米磨料嵌入基体材料的切削深度,从而也决定了抛光表面的粗糙度;

    The deformation of the abrasive counteract part of the cutting depth which determines the roughness of the polished surface ;

  26. 再根据切屑的折断条件,对铝合金切屑折断界限进行了研究,建立了极限进给量与极限切削深度的预报数学模型。

    The predictive models of the critical feed rate and the critical depth of cut are developed based on chip-breaking conditions .

  27. 实验结果表明:切削深度、进给速度和切削速度对锯切素混凝土的锯切力显著影响;

    Experiment consequence was that sawing depth , feed speed and cutting speed were remarkably affect sawing force in sawing plain concrete ;

  28. 生产效率相同时,刀具轴向最大切削深度减小,更能有效地减弱切削加工系统的振动。

    With the same productivity , decreasing axial cutting depth is more effective to weaken vibration than decreasing the workpiece feeding speed .

  29. 通过车铣和车削两种加工方法的对比,重点研究了切削深度对微细轴类零件加工精度的影响问题。

    Contrast the two machining method between turn-milling and turning , research the effect on machining precision of micro-shaft parts about cutting depth .

  30. 采用角正交回归试验法分析切削深度、进给量和切削速度三个变量与金属去除量的函数关系。

    Angle Orthogonal regressive experimental method is used to analyze the function relationship between cutting depth , feed rate , cutting speed and metal removal .