
fēn zāng
  • divide the spoils;share the loot;share the booty
分赃 [fēn zāng]
  • [share the loot;devide the spoils] 瓜分用肮脏手段得来的钱物

分赃[fēn zāng]
  1. 他们因分赃不均吵了起来。

    They quarrelled over the spoils .

  2. 那些盗贼为分赃激烈争吵。

    The robbers disputed violently over the stolen goods .

  3. 盗贼们同意,卖了珠宝后就进行分赃。

    The thieves agreed to divvy up the profit when the jewels were sold .

  4. 因为分赃不均,他们在打架。

    They are fighting because they did not split up the profit from obey equally .

  5. 这些分赃者,而不是人民,才是国家管理工作的基本单位。

    The shareholder , not the citizen , is the fundamental unit to whom stewardship is owed .

  6. 他从破损的屋顶裂缝看进去,发现有六个小偷正忙着分赃;

    He looked through the crack of the broken roof and saw six thieves busy dividing loot among them .

  7. 人与盗贼分赃,是恨恶自己的性命。他听见叫人发誓的声音,却不言语。

    The accomplice of a thief is his own enemy ; he is put under oath and dare not testify .

  8. 这些所得必将与他们经济上的幕后推手分赃,主要在黎巴嫩、索马里和阿联酋。

    That must be shared with their financial backers , especially in Lebanon , Somalia and the United Arab Emirates .

  9. 指罪犯匿藏赃物的地方,例如像仓库之类的地方,以便以后出手或分赃。

    A hiding place , such as a warehouse , for stolen goods that criminals are waiting to sell or distribute .

  10. 战争结局实质上是一种政治分赃,确保了墨菲家族在林肯县的垄断地位。

    The war in fact resulted in the division of political spoils and ensured the position of monopoly of Murphy family in Lincoln county .

  11. 有些人猜测青年党和在索马里中部的哈拉尔代雷港口外活跃的海盗有分赃关系。

    Some reckon that the Shabab shares some of the ransoms earned by pirates who operate out of the central Somali port of Haradheere .

  12. 朗朗乾坤,光天化日,摧毁生态园又悍然抢劫分赃,无法无天。

    As bright as sun and moon , said of peaceful times . , destroy ecological park and flagrant robbery loot , defy laws human and divine .

  13. 当地群众说,他们分赃的曾经不是鸡鸭鹅,也不是鸽子,那是弱势群体老百姓的血和泪;

    Local people said , they loot is not the duck and goose , also not pigeons , it is vulnerable groups of people with blood and tears ;

  14. 冉阿让猜想可能还有其他盗贼藏在近处的角落里而德纳第不打算和他们分赃。

    Jean Valjean thought that other ruffians might possibly be concealed in some nook , not very far off , and that Thenardier did not care to share with them .

  15. 戈西河的官员与对印度最为友好的尼泊尔政府没有达成正式协议,这是因为要解决的问题不是工作,而是分赃。

    Kosi officials made no formal approach to the most India-friendly government in power in Nepal because the issue to be resolved was not doing the work , but sharing the booty .

  16. 一个海盗表现在袭击时表现出胆量,分赃时表现出公平;这些方面做不到的话,他就不是“好样的”海盗。

    A pirate must show courage in attack and justice in the distribution of the spoils ; if he fails in these respects , he is not a " good " pirate .

  17. 对加拿大籍的这三个劫匪来说,移动电话上的重拨键可算是彻底把他们出卖了。他们的犯罪经过和争吵该如何分赃的全过程都被电话录音给记了下来。

    The redial button proved an inconvenient cell-phone feature for three Canadian robbery suspects , providing police with a recording of the crime and an argument over how the loot should be split .

  18. 在共同犯罪中,认定责任数额应采取不同的标准,对于定罪数额,采取犯罪总额说;对于量刑数额,采取分赃数额说。

    Should be taken to a different standard in the crime , finds that the amount of liability , say , take crime total amount for conviction ; take spoils amount that amount for sentencing .

  19. 去年6月,当地警方在武汉某高校破获了一起有组织的盗窃案件,作案人将从同学那里偷来的笔记本电脑交与同伙销赃分赃。

    Local police investigated a case of organized theft on a Wuhan-based campus in June last year and found a student stealing laptops from classmates before passing them to others to sell , splitting the proceeds .