
  • 网络molecular current;molecular electric current
  1. 这为有机分子电流的调控提供了一种方法。

    Our results supply a method to adjust and control the organic molecular current .

  2. 安培分子电流假说思想的应用

    Applications of ampere 's molecular current hypothesis

  3. 用分子电流观点推导磁库仑定律

    To deduce the coulomb 's law in aspect of molecular electric current

  4. 磁块的磁性,是由磁块的表面分子电流产生的。

    Magnetism of the bar magnet is produced by the surface molecule electric current .

  5. 第3节我们研究了有机分子电流的门偏压效应。

    In the last subsection , we study the gate bias effect of organic molecular current .

  6. 基于磁流变液的无限长单链模型,本文利用安培分子电流假说、偶极子理论以及安培定律对磁流变液受小角度剪切进行了研究。

    Based on the infinite single-chain structure model , research is done on MR fluids sheared by a small angle .

  7. 另外对于噻吩分子电流曲线的研究表明它的输运能力强于单苯分子。

    Our study to I-V curve of thiophene shows that its transport capacity is stronger than that of single benzene .

  8. 本文介绍了安培分子电流思想在磁力对载流线圈做功方面的应用和对斯托克斯公式的几何解释。

    This paper introduces the application of Amperes molecular current hypothesis in magnetic force doing work on current-carrying coil and in the geometrically explain Stockers formula .

  9. 基于分子电流法轴向永磁轴承轴向刚度的分析无速度传感器的无轴承异步电机定子磁场定向控制的研究

    Analysis of Axial Stiffness of Permanent Magnet Bearings by Using the Equivalent Surface Currents Method Research on Stator Flux-Orientation Control for Bearingless Induction Motor Based on Speed Sensorless

  10. 依据安培分子电流假说、偶极子理论以及安培定律,建立了计算磁流变液中一条单链内两磁性球粒子间相互作用力的一个新的理论模型,并推导出了相互作用力的计算公式。

    The interaction force of two magnetic particles in an infinite single-chain is deduced using a new theoretical model which is founded on Ampere ' molecular current hypothesis , Dipole theory and Ampere ' law .

  11. 测量得到的光电压与增益、光强、动态阻抗和温度的关系可用类似于CO分子光电流的解析式来表示。

    Dependence of opto-galvanic voltage on the gain , intensity , dynamic resistance and temperature measured can be expressed by a solution similar to that OGE of 00 molecule .

  12. 生物大分子对电流场中红细胞沉降行为的影响

    The Influence of Macromolecules on Erythrocyte Sedimentation Behavior in Electric Field

  13. 我们对于并苯、三并苯分子的电流曲线的研究则揭示了分子输运的非经典行为。

    Our study to I-V curves of naphthalene-dithiol and anthracene-dithiol shows the nonclassical behavior of molecular transport .

  14. 我们从理论上给出了单苯分子的电流曲线,得到了与实验定性相符的结果。

    We give the I-V curve of single benzene in theory and the result accords with the experimental one qualitatively .

  15. 计算结果表明,当外加偏压小于0·9V时分子结存在电流禁区,随着偏压升高,分子结的电导出现平台特征。

    Numerical results show that when the external applied bias is lower than 0.9V , there is a current gap . With increasing bias , the conductance of the junction exhibits plateaus .

  16. 氮分子激光器放电电流的测量

    Measurement of Discharged Current of Nitrogen Laser

  17. 碘分子的光电流光谱实验

    Optogalvanic spectrum of molecular iodine

  18. 第1节介绍了我们对单苯分子及其聚合物电流曲线的研究。

    The first subsection introduces our study results about I-V curves of single benzene and its oligomers .

  19. 考察了扫描速率对小分子氧化还原电流和电位的影响,求解了相关的电化学参数。

    The influence of scan rate to redox current and potential were observed and the related electrochemical parameters were calculated .

  20. 我们的研究结果发现:外部横向门电压的不同施加位置能够有效地调节分子器件的电流-电压(Ⅰ-Ⅴ)特性。

    The results show that different applied positions of the external transverse gate voltage can effectively tune the current-voltage (ⅰ - ⅴ) characteristic of molecular devices .

  21. 氨基在同侧取代双OPV分子后,器件的电流要大于氨基在异侧取代分子后的电流。

    The current of the device substituted by two amino groups on the same side is bigger than that on the different side .

  22. 研究表明,分子的电子输运具有显著的非线性特性,分子的电流电压(I-V)曲线可以用Simmons隧穿模型来很好的拟合。

    The measured current-voltage ( I-V ) curves show obvious nonlinear behavior and can be fitted with Simmons tunneling model .

  23. 通过调控门压可以使分子器件在高导态与低导态之间切换从而实现分子电流开关功能。

    As a result , we can modulate the device between the high and low conductive states and make it as a gate-controlled current switch .