
  • 网络dividend rights;stock appreciation right;Dividend Sharing
  1. 在部分权能转让项下分析了限制表决权与分红权单独转让之效力。

    Under parts of transfer of powers and functions , it analyzes the effect limiting individual transfer of voting and dividend rights .

  2. 在一般情况下,公司应当不得限制或剥夺股东的分红权,否则,是无法实现股东的根本利益的。

    Under normal circumstances , the company shall not limit or deprive shareholders of the dividend rights , otherwise it is impossible to achieve the fundamental interests of the shareholders .

  3. 优先股比普通股享有优先分红权可赎回有优先权的股份

    Dividends for preferred stock underlie those of common stock . redeemable preferred share

  4. 因此,为后文完善股东分红权埋下伏笔。

    Therefore , to perfect the shareholders after receive dividends lay the basis .

  5. 实现股东分红权应当具备实质性要件和形式要件。

    Shareholders shall have the right to receive dividends realize substantial requirements and formal requirements .

  6. 股权激励机制包括股票期权、股权和分红权。

    The incentive mechanism of share ownership includes stock option , share ownership , stock appreciation right .

  7. 保护股东知情权,完善信息披露制度,是保护股东分红权的前提。

    To protect the shareholder know what happened , improve information disclosure system , is the premise of protecting shareholder receive dividends .

  8. 股东分红权是公司股东众多权利的核心,同时也是股东投资公司的根本目的。

    Shareholders ' rights to receive dividends are large shareholders , but also the core fundamental purpose of shareholders ' investment company .

  9. 库存股不附带流通股的权力,诸如投票权和分红权。

    Treasury stock does not carry the rights of outstanding common shares , such as voting rights and the right to receive dividends .

  10. 对有限责任公司而言,则是大股东长期欺压中小股东,利用资本多数决原则控制公司,侵害中小股东的分红权。

    For a limited liability company , the shareholders are oppressed minority shareholders , use long-term capital control , the majority of small and medium shareholders infringed receive dividends .

  11. 之后,通过分析保护股东分红权的法理基础肯定了司法介入的合理性,为后文完善我国股东分红权提供了理论依据。

    Later , Through the analysis of the legal basis to protect shareholders ' right to divideds affirmed the rationality of judicial intervention , and provided academic basis as well .

  12. 进而提出完善强制利润分配制度和强制利润分配之诉制度的立法建议,充分保障公司少数派股东在不愿退出公司的情况下的分红权。

    Then this paper proposes the legislative suggestion on improving the compulsory profit distribution system , which can protect minority shareholders ' dividend right in the situation that they are not willing to withdraw from the companies .

  13. 重点论述了我国建立和完善中小股东权益保护制度的思路和构想。即充分保障和完善中小股东的知情权、分红权、中小股东司法退出机制、司法救济。

    This thesis emphatically discussed the conceive of establishing and perfecting the protection mechanism on minority shareholders , that is fully guaranteed the minority shareholders Rights to learn the truth , judicial mechanism of minority shareholders ' withdrawal of stock , judicial remedies .

  14. 而对于保单中的各种选择权,包括保底利率、分红权、解约权、投资账户转换权、不定期保费等权利,则不进行评估,更不进入费率厘定过程。

    However , the various policy options , including the guaranteed interest rate , dividend rights , right of rescission , investment account switch rights , irregular premium rights , are not evaluated , and not even being considered in the ratemaking process .

  15. 综述干股股东作为一种区别于普通股东在股东的权利义务内容方面的特点,并着重对干股股东的投票权、分红权从现行的公司法理论和实践中加以分析。

    As a kind of Dry Share shareholders were different from that of common shareholders at the shareholders ' rights and obligations in the aspect of content , with the focus on the Dry Share shareholders to vote , from the current company receive dividends theory and practice of analysis .