
  • 网络distribution reinforcement;Distribution Bar;distribution steel bars;Spread bar
  1. 分析了纵向分布钢筋对梁腹裂缝的影响;

    Effect of longitudinal distributed reinforcement on controlling the beam web cracking was evaluated .

  2. 纵向分布钢筋能提高梁的抗剪承载力10%左右。

    A 10 % increase of shear strength can be made for beams with longitudinally-distributed web reinforcement .

  3. 对于多层建筑中的低矮剪力墙,混凝土对墙体抗剪能力的贡献大于分布钢筋的贡献。

    For low-rise walls , the contribution of concrete section to the shear capacity is greater than the distributed bars . 4 .

  4. 单位长度上分布钢筋的截面面积不宜小于单位宽度上受力钢筋截面面积的35%;

    The cross sectional area of the distributing concrete every unit length should be not suitable less than 35 % of the ratio of reinforcement ;

  5. 当按单向板设计时,除沿受力方向布置受力钢筋外,尚应在垂直受力方向布置分布钢筋。

    Designing as the one-way slab , we should still set distributing concrete on the vertical direction of the stress except the loaded concrete along the stress direction .

  6. 在附加横向钢筋区域,纵向分布钢筋可以与箍筋组成钢筋网,对在这个区域内的梁腹裂缝起到了很好的约束作用。

    In the area with additional transverse reinforcement , the longitudinal distributed reinforcement and the transverse reinforcement intersect as reinforcement webs , which can confine the web cracking quite well .

  7. 当按单向板设计时,在垂直受力方向单位长度上分布钢筋的截面面积且应该满足最小配筋率的要求。

    Designing as the one-way slab , the cross sectional area of the distributing concrete every unit length on the vertical direction of the stress should be satisfied the requirement of the ratio of reinforcement .

  8. 在低轴压比下,试件刚度和延性受混凝土强度、截面尺寸以及边缘构件纵向钢筋及箍筋设计控制;分布钢筋对试件的承载力贡献不明显。

    With the low axial compressive force ratio , the stiffness and the ductility of the walls are controlled by the strength of the concrete , the section size and the longitudinal reinforcement and stirrups of the edge element .

  9. 用电化学方法测定砂浆试件中钢筋的极化电阻,并测定了砂浆的孔隙率,结果发现:砂浆的孔隙率、孔径分布与钢筋极化电阻大小有良好的对应关系。

    The polarization resistance of REBAR in mortars is measured by a rapid , nondestructive electrochemical method , and the porosity of the mortars is also measured . A good agreement between them is found .

  10. 本文通过碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁与未加固梁的抗弯试验,分析了碳纤维布对加固梁的抗弯承载力、刚度、裂缝分布及钢筋应变等的影响;

    Through bending tests on reinforced beam and unreinforced beam by this paper , the influences of carbon fiber reinforcement on bending bearing capacity , rigidity , crack distribution , and steel bar strain of the beams are analyzed .

  11. 荷载重分布对退化钢筋混凝土桥可靠性的影响

    Effect of Load Redistribution on the Reliability of Deteriorating Reinforced Concrete Bridge

  12. 试验表明钢质圆柱壳结构的动压力分布不同于钢筋混凝土结构,其中密实砂土中钢质圆柱壳的底部压力大于顶部压力。

    The result shows that the pressure distribution of the steel cylindrical shell was different from that of steel-concrete structure and the bottom pressure was larger than top one .

  13. 根据实测应变分布,计算钢筋与混凝土在完全锚固情况下的粘结剪力,并与混凝土对钢筋的实际粘结强度进行比较,得出钢筋与混凝土粘结破坏并产生滑移的结论;

    By testing strain distribution and calculating bond shear with complete anchorage between steel and concrete and by comparing the bond shear with the actual bond strength , it is concluded that bond failure and slip take place between steel and concrete .

  14. 混凝土内氯离子分布测试及钢筋锈蚀率测试结果表明:混凝土T形梁腹板下端截面形式中,滴水檐型对耐用性改善效果最优,其次是直角型,圆角型。

    Chloride distribution in concrete and steel corrosion rate test show that dripping eaves type affecting on the improvement of durability is optimum in all section forms of concrete T-beam web bottom , right-angle type is second , followed by round type .

  15. 在试验基础上,分析了三角形分布荷载下钢筋混凝土无腹筋梁抗剪机理,指出斜截面受剪承载力由斜裂缝末端剪力决定,并提出了建议计算方法。

    Based on experiment , the shear mechanism of reinforced concrete beam without web reinforcement under triangle load was analyzed . The shear capacity is decided by the magnitude of shear force above the end of the inclined crack , and the suggestive calculation method is presented .

  16. 用分布裂缝模型计算钢筋混凝土结构时,因为影响残留抗剪系数的因素较多,其取值比较困难。

    There are many factors influencing the value of shear transfer coefficients when RC beams with smeared cracking model are calculated .

  17. 对三组复合墙板试件进行了平面有限元分析并与拟静力试验结果进行了比较,分析了骨架曲线、墙板裂缝分布及发展、钢筋应力分布等。

    Specimens of composite wall panels in three groups are analyzed using finite element method and analyzing results are compared with the pseudo-static shear test results .

  18. 分析了预应力碳纤维布加固梁中受拉底面混凝土和碳纤维布节点的应力分布规律、以及钢筋与碳纤维布的荷载-应力关系。

    Stress distribution laws of concrete nodes of beam tension face and CFRP nodes and load-stress of reinforcing bar and CFRP sheets are analyzed for beams strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets .

  19. 计算分析了4片设有约束边缘构件和构造边缘构件的抗震墙边缘混凝土达到极限压应变时,竖向分布冷轧带肋钢筋的最大拉应变;

    By calculating , the maximum tension strain of the cold ribbed welded steel of the RC shear wall with confined boundary elements or with ordinary boundary elements is studied as the maximum compressive strain of concrete reaches its limited value .