
  • 网络Distributed feedback laser;dfb;DFB-LD
  1. 半导体分布反馈激光器的等效耦合系数

    Effective Coupling Coefficient of Semiconductor DFB Lasers

  2. 2.5GHz分布反馈激光器内部参数的实验测量

    Extraction of the Parameters of 2.5 GHz DFB-LD Based on the Measurement

  3. 从分析的结果中可以得出,满足一定参数条件的分布反馈激光器比一般的F-P腔的半导体激光器对外部光反馈更加敏感。

    Are more sensitive to optical feedback than the Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser .

  4. 本文在文献[6]的基础上用特征矩阵法分析并计算了分布反馈激光器中周期性结构TE模的耦合系数。

    We have analysed and calculated the coupling coefficients for TE mode of the periodic structure in distributed feedback lasers by the method of characteristic matrix .

  5. 超低压选择区域生长法制备产生10GHz重复率超短光脉冲的级联电吸收调制器与分布反馈激光器单片集成光源

    10 GHz optical short pulse generation using tandem electroabsorption modulators monolithically integrated with distributed feedback laser by ultra-low-pressure selective area growth

  6. 对于分布反馈激光器来说,光栅的耦合系数是一个重要参数。

    Coupling coefficient is an important parameter for distributed feedback lasers .

  7. 三相移分布反馈激光器的静态及动态特性分析

    Static and Dynamic Analysis of Three Phase Shift Distributed Feedback Laser Diodes

  8. 分布反馈激光器中剩余法布里-珀罗腔模对非简并四波混频特性的影响

    Influences of Residual F-P Cavity Mode on Non-Degenerated Four-Wave Mixing in Distributed-Feedback Laser

  9. 基于窄频分布反馈激光器和光纤光栅的加速度传感器

    Demodulation Fiber Bragg Grating Acceleration Sensor by DFB Laser

  10. 固体染料分布反馈激光器输出光脉冲时间特性数值分析研究

    Numerical Study on the Temporal Behavior of Distributed Feedback Solid State Dye Laser

  11. 大功率分布反馈激光器中光栅优化及试验

    Grating optimization and experiment on high-power distributed feedback lasers

  12. 影响相移光纤分布反馈激光器的增益阈值的因素

    Gain threshold of phase-shifted fibre distributed feedback lasers

  13. 两节分布反馈激光器的性能

    Properties of Two - Segment Distributed Feedback Lasers

  14. 多波长分布反馈激光器阵列

    Introduction of Multiwavelength Distributed - Feedback Laser Arrays

  15. 分布反馈激光器的线宽及其与相干光通信的关系

    The linewidth of distributed feedback ( dfb ) lasers and relation with coherent optical communication

  16. 分布反馈激光器及多外腔情况的自混合干涉

    Effects of Self-Mixing Interference on Gain-Coupled DFB Lasers and the condition of multiple external cavities

  17. 长波长大应变InGaAs/InGaAsP分布反馈激光器的材料生长与器件制备

    Material growth and device fabrication of highly strained InGaAs / InGaAsP long wavelength distributed feedback lasers

  18. 相移光纤分布反馈激光器

    Phase-shift Fibre Distributed Feedback Lasers

  19. 外部光注入分布反馈激光器的非线性动力学特性

    Experimental Investigation on the Nonlinear Dynamical Characteristics of Distributed Feedback Semiconductor Lasers Subjected to External Optical Injection

  20. 半导体分布反馈激光器

    Semiconductor distributed feedback laser

  21. 给出了无相位匹配和有相位匹配分布反馈激光器以及螺旋反馈激光器的统一解析耦合波理论。

    A unified analytical coupled-wave theory on distributed-feedback lasers without and with phase marching as well as on helical-feedback lasers is presented .

  22. 利用耦合波方程,推导出分布反馈激光器自混合干涉频率及增益变化的表达式。

    The general expression of the threshold gain and frequency in the DFB lasers was deduced by using the coupled wave function .

  23. 而相移分布反馈激光器只要一个光栅即可实现光反馈和波长选择,并且避免了有源光纤和无源光纤光栅的熔接损耗。

    The main advantage of the DFB laser is the use of just one grating for feedback and wavelength selection , which provides better frequency stability .

  24. 进一步将这种带位相回路的激光器模型与电吸收调制器的电路模型相结合,构成分布反馈激光器与电吸收调制器集成光源的等效电路模型。

    Furthermore , this modified model is combined with the circuit model of an electroabsorption ( EA ) modulator to simulate the chirp characteristics of the integrated laser-modulators .

  25. 利用色散补偿光纤线性压缩由增益开关分布反馈激光器出射的光脉冲,而后利用电吸收调制器的非线性吸收特性同步调制光脉冲。

    The pulse from gain-switched DFB laser is linearly compressed in dispersion compensation fiber ( DCF ), then modulated synchronously by an electro-absorption modulator ( EAM ) by using the nonlinear absorption characteristic of EAM .

  26. 提出利用钒酸钇晶体偏振干涉滤波器对密集波分复用光通讯系统信道光源(分布反馈激光器)的波长漂移进行监视.越冬卵孵化起点温度低于4℃。

    A temperature-tunable polarization interference filter ( PIF ) made of YVO 4 crystal has been presented and applied for wavelength monitoring of a distributed feedback ( DFB ) laser in a dense wavelength-division-multiplexing ( DWDM ) optical communication system .

  27. 与法-珀激光器相比,分布反馈激光器对外光反馈有更高的灵敏,这一结果显示出分布反馈激光器可以用作更高精度的激光传感器。

    Compared with the effect of laser feedback interference on F-P lasers , the DFB lasers are more sensitive to optical feedback . These results show that the DFB lasers can be used as laser feedback sensors with a high accuracy .

  28. 分析了λ/4相移折射率耦合型及增益耦合型分布反馈激光器的自混合干涉效应,推导出分布反馈激光器的增益及频率的变化,并给出复反馈灵敏度系数表达式。

    The laser feedback interference in λ / 4 phase-shifted index-coupled and gain-coupled Distribute Feedback laser diodes is analyzed . The threshold gain and oscillation frequency variation in DFB laser diode are theoretically deduced , and present the expression of complex feedback sensitivity .

  29. 报道了利用增益开关分布反馈半导体激光器、F-P光学滤波器及掺饵光纤放大器研制成光孤子源的研究工作。

    The studies on an optical soliton source which is prepared using a gain - switched DFB laser , a F-P optical filter and an Er-doped fiber amplifier are reported .

  30. 在目前的WDM系统中,分布反馈半导体激光器(DFB-LD)已被广泛地用作单频光源。

    In present commercial WDM systems , distributed feedback lasers ( DFB-LD ) are widely used as a single-mode tight source .