
  • 网络molecular pump;turbomolecular pump;TMP;turbo pump
  1. 用之和分子泵组合,可以获得10-8Pa的清洁超高真空。

    Combined with turbo pump , high vacuum to 10 8 Pa can be obtained .

  2. 盘型分子泵3D流动的数学模型

    Model for the 3D Flows of Disk Type Molecular Pump

  3. 盘型分子泵3D过渡流特性

    Simulation of 3D Transient Flow Characteristic of Disk-Shaped Turbo-Molecular Pump

  4. 在这篇论文中,一个能计算分子泵3D流动的数学模型被建立了。

    Abstract In this paper , a new model that can calculate the 3D flows of molecular pump has been established .

  5. 用Riccati传递矩阵法求解涡轮分子泵的振动问题

    Vibration analyses of a turbo-molecular pump with the Riccati tranfer matrix method

  6. 分子泵对Xe气抽速的测试

    Xe pumping speed testing for molecular pump

  7. 分子泵VVVF自适应控制的速度闭环控制建立于真空室真空度的基础上,从而有效解决了真空度稳定和陡降之间的矛盾。

    Speed close-circuit control of the molecule pump VVVF adaptive control is based on a vacuum degree in the vacuum room , which effectively soles the contradiction between the stability and the instability of the vacuum degree .

  8. 对FB-110型涡轮分子泵,用Riccati方法进行了振动分析,说明其工作转速远离临界转速,因而振动小,可以平稳地运转。

    The vibration of a TMP , model FB-110 , is analysed with the Riccati method , which shows that the work speed of FB-110 is very different from its critical speeds , it can operate smoothly .

  9. 该机真空室直径900mm,高1050mm,立式放置,抽气系统由分子泵及机械泵构成并且实现了PLC控制,本底真空小于4×10-4Pa。

    The vacuum chamber with 900 mm in diameter and 1050 mm in height stands vertically . The pumping system includes turbo-pump and mechanical pump and it can be automatically controlled by PLC . The background pressure is less than 4 × 10 - 4 Pa.

  10. 复合式分子泵集两种泵的优点于一体,在很宽的压力范围内(10-6~1Pa)具有较大的抽速和较高的压缩比,大大提高了泵的出口压力。

    Compound molecular pump is set the merits of the two pumps in one . This pump has a larger pumping speed and higher compression ratio over a wide pressure range ( 10-6 ~ 1Pa ), which greatly raised the pump outlet pressure .

  11. 变截面矩形槽牵引分子泵二维抽气理论的研究

    MDP 'S Pumping Theory of Varied Rectangle Channel at Two-dimensional Space

  12. 现代涡轮分子泵的技术现状与展望

    The Present Status and the Future Development of Modern Turbomolecular Pumps

  13. 蒙特卡罗法计算涡轮分子泵叶列的传输几率

    Transmission Probability Calculation of Turbomolecular Pump Vanes Using Monte Carlo Method

  14. 介绍了牵引分子泵和涡轮分子泵的抽气原理以及抽气性能的相关计算理论,提出了磁轴承牵引分子泵的概念。

    The pumping principles and pumping performance computing theory was introduced .

  15. 新型FD-110A直流分子泵电源

    FD - 110 A : latest DC supply for molecular pumps

  16. 短叶片涡轮分子泵&一种复合分子泵

    A Turbomolecular Pump with Short Blades & A New Hybrid Molecular Pump

  17. 两种螺旋通道结构牵引分子泵的性能比较

    Two Kinds of Helical Channel Construction and Performance of Drag Molecular Pump

  18. 新型复合分子泵结构设计理论的研究

    The Theory of Struture Design for New Type of Compound Molecular Pump

  19. 高速高效率分子泵电机设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of High Speed and Efficiency Motor for Turbomolecular Pump

  20. 涡轮分子泵压缩级叶轮对抽速的影响

    The effects of outlet stage on the pumping speed of turbomolecular pumps

  21. 立式涡轮分子泵的设计计算

    Design and Calculation of a Vertical Type Turbomolecular Pump

  22. 本文回顾了分子泵近百年的发展历史;

    In this paper , the history of the molecular pump is introduced ;

  23. 低温水泵和分子泵组合替代低温泵的新设备

    New Combination Supplement of Water Pump with Turbomolecular Pump in Stead of Cryopump

  24. 间隙对涡轮分子泵抽气特性影响的蒙特卡罗模拟

    The Monte Carlo Simulation or influence of Clearance on Turbomolecular Pump Pumping Performance

  25. 分子泵的世纪回顾与展望

    Review and prospects for a century of molecular pump

  26. 矩形截面槽牵引分子泵分子流态下抽气特性的研究

    Study on the Pumping Performance of Drag Molecular Pump at Free Molecular Flow

  27. 新型分子泵的结构与性能研究

    Study of the Structure and Performance of a New Type of Molecular Pump

  28. 分子泵负载特性研究与驱动电源设计分析

    Research of Load Characteristic and Design of Drive Electric Source for Molecular Pump

  29. 分子泵磁轴承的模态辨识与试验研究

    Research on Active Magnetic Bearing for Molecular Pump by Modal Identification and Experiment

  30. 分子泵中螺旋通道在过渡流和滑流态抽气特性的研究

    The Helical Channel Pumping Mechanism of Molecular on Transition and Higher Pressure Regime Flows