
fēn ɡuānɡ jì
  • spectrometer
  1. 基于Matlab的分光计实验数据处理系统的设计

    Design on Data-processing System of the Spectrometer Experiment based on Matlab

  2. 激光Raman分光计中杂散光测试方法间定量关系的实验研究

    Study of Laser Raman Spectrometer on The Method Testing Stray Light

  3. 基于CCD成像的分光计演示实验设计与应用

    Design and application of the spectrometer demonstration experiment based on CCD imaging

  4. 测试激光Raman分光计中超低杂散光的一种新方法

    A New Method for Testing Ultra-Low Stray Light in a Laser Raman Spectrometer

  5. GB/T9045-1988感光材料分辨率的测定ELITE完全综合激光诱导衰减分光计平台,提供不同材料的元素的实时,高分辨率光谱分析。

    The LIBS-ELITE is a fully integrated laser-induced breakdown spectrometer platform that provides real-time , high-resolution spectral analysis of elements in a variety of materials .

  6. 整个系统由显微镜、分光计、面阵CCD相机、载物台自动装置以及数据采集与控制模块等几部分组成。

    The whole system was composed of a microscope , a spectrometer , an area CCD camera , an automatic stage and data acquisition and control subsystem .

  7. 与基于分光计的系统相比,SSOCT系统的设计可以具备更快的线速以及更深的成像深度。

    SS OCT systems can be designed with faster line rates and longer imaging depths than possible with the spectrometer based systems .

  8. 本文提出了一种利用高灵敏度的光子计数技术及中性滤光片分段减光方法去测试激光Raman分光计中超低杂散光的新方法。

    The stray light measurement is a difficult problem in determining the technical performance of a laser Raman spectrometer . This article suggests a new method for testing ultra-low stray light in a laser Raman spectrometer .

  9. 本文简单介绍用计算机程序控制的光谱范围在400~700nm的激光分光计。

    In the present paper authors give a brief account of a computer program controlled dye-laser spectrometer with spectral range from 400 nm to 700 nm .

  10. 风云三号气象卫星是我国的第二代极轨气象卫星。它将首次携带红外分光计(IRAS)、微波温度计、微波湿度计三个大气垂直探测仪器。

    FY-3 meteorological satellite is the second generation of polar-orbit meteorological satellite in China , it will carry InfRared Atmospheric Sounder ( IRAS )? Microwave Atmospheric Sounder , Microwave Atmospheric Humidity Sounder for the first time .

  11. 实验是在自制带恒能量扫描多功能荧光分光计上进行的。咔唑、蒽和苝的检测限分别为1ng/ml、0.8ng/ml和0.5ng/ml,相对标准偏差不大于4.4%。

    The detection limits of carbazole , anthracene and perylene were lng / ml , 0.8ng/ml and 0.5ng/ml respectively . The relative standard deviation was less than 4.4 % .

  12. 对硅酸盐平板玻璃进行恒温恒湿培养,采用原子吸收分光光度计法测定了玻璃的MgO和Na2O的析出量,采用荧光X-射线分光计法测定了玻璃风化后的表面成分。

    By keeping the flat silicate glass at thermostat and humidistat , the amount of MgO and Na_2O dissolved out from glass surface was determined by atomic absorption spectrometer , and the remained MgO and Na_2O on the glass surface was measured by fluorescent X-ray spectrometer .

  13. 为了考察风云三号(FY-3)气象卫星红外分光计的性能,以该仪器初样阶段的光谱通道特征和仪器响应函数为基础,进行大气温度垂直廓线模拟反演。

    To investigate the performance of InfRared Atmospheric Sounder ( IRAS ) aboard the satellite FY-3A , the retrieval of the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature is studied based upon the IRAS channel spectral characteristics in its initial design and the spectral response function of the spectrometer .

  14. 分光计的一种新调节方法及仪器的改进

    A new regulation method of spectrometer and improvement of the apparatus

  15. 一种找分光计镜面反射象的方法

    A method to find image of specular reflection of spectrometer

  16. 分光计测量三棱镜谱线折射率的研究

    Research on spectrum line refractive index of triangular prism with spectrometer measuring

  17. 分光计中各种反射像形成的原因及其分析

    Analysis and reasons of all kinds of reflection pictures in the spectrophotometer

  18. 从而加快了分光计计的调节速度。

    This method will quicken the adjusting speed of spectrometer .

  19. 本文推导了红外分光计串音误差的解析表达式;

    An analytic expression of the crosstalk error in ATPS is deduced .

  20. 科学家们开始使用分光计去研究元素的性质。

    Scientists began using spectrometers to investigate the properties of the elements .

  21. 用于高分辨光谱的电子调谐染料激光分光计

    The laser Spectrometer of Electronic Tuning Dye used in High Resolution Spectroscopy

  22. 他的左臂瘫痪了,动弹不得。机器人左臂前端是一个红外分光计。

    His left arm was paralyzed and he could not move it .

  23. 分光计实验中误差和有效数字的运算问题

    Problems of error and effective numeral in the spectrometer experiment

  24. 用分光计测量三棱镜的折射率的几个问题

    Several questions in measuring the refraction index of three prism by spectrometer

  25. 分光计快速调节法&跟踪法剖析

    Rapid adjustment of spectrometer & analysis of tracking method

  26. 分光计观察钠灯谱线的方法及线系归属的研究

    Methods of sodium lamp spectrum observation with spectrometer and study of spectrum assignment

  27. 能够产生质谱的绘画表现的一种分光计。

    A mass spectrometer that produces a graphical representation of the mass spectrum .

  28. 分光计调节和使用中的困难及解决措施

    Difficulties in Adjusting and Using Spectrometer and its Solution

  29. 分光计的调节要求及系统误差分析

    Demand and system error analysis of the PHOTOMICROMETER adjustment

  30. 试析分光计载物台的角度补偿作用

    Analysis in the angle compensation of the spectrometer table