
each waterproofed and separated from the next to minimise flood damage .
The Question Trunk Based on the Knowledge Points Stores the Design and Research on the Mechanism of the Choices ' Classification Store
Using seismic description technology can effectively distinguish the reservoir layer and the round layer on the certain geology condition , and we can describe the shape of reservoir layer ( oil layer ) visually .
Lately , the limited speed of flywheel rotor has been increased to 200,000 rpm , and the energy storage density has been increased to 134 Wh / kg . Moreover , the theoretic energy storage density could reached 306 Wh / kg .
The natural gas is the dry gas with high content of H_ ( 2 ) S , and mainly comes from the cracking of foregone pool . The high content of H_ ( 2 ) S in gas component is contributed to the thermochemical sulfate reduction .
Design of the central heating-household based storage direct solar water heating system
The multi-element regression analysis can be used to quantitatively express and predict the controlling effect of detrital mineral combination over the porosity of sandstone reservoir .
And the rules in relationship and degree of diffusion and movement of seam gas contrlled by gas constituent , reservoir medium , temperature , pressure and geological stress are put forward .
The structure and principle of energy storage mechanism in V type on-load tap-changer are analyzed . The torque change rule is presented . It is applied in online monitoring of tap-changer .
Fracral dimension is a control parameter of reservoir and random modeling .
In Kuihuadao structure , there are two types of reservoirs : conventional and nonconventional reservoirs .
Research has indicated that the advantaged sedimentary facies , sand structure granularity and chipping component are the important factors affected the physical property of the reservoir ;
Concentrated ammonia aqueous solution , ammonium carbonate solution and mixed ammonia-ammonium carbonate solution were used as precipitator to prepare OSM with different composition , their properties were studied .
With reservoir numerical simulation technique , gas injection is simulated with reservoir profile ; the effects of oil recovery rate , gravity variance , reservoir heterogeneity , capillary pressure and injected gas viscosity on recovery ratio are studied .
Among them , type of pore-lining chlorite cementation and dissolution of unstable components was the best reservoir properties , pore-lining chlorite cement type and development phase followed by the residual porosity , weak compaction calcite cement of the worst-phase reservoir .
Although a part of the gas gathering stations adopted the separated sewage drainage and storage method , the concentration of methanol-bearing sewage varies largely in summer and winter , which is about 20 % in winter , while lower than 3 % in summer .
Polar FRACTIONS'ADSORPTION of crude oil and wettability of reservoir and their research significance
Rainwater storage is divided into resource-based storage and ecotype storage with pertinent scheme .
The reservoirs in Wenchang A sag can be divided into two types : sandstone and fracture reservoirs .
The fine granularity of sandstone and high mica content make the blanket sandstone , mouth bar and distal bar the bad reservoir .
This paper deals with the theoretical inverstigation of the conduction heat transfer in phase-change heat storage using the enthalpy model in conjunction with a finite-difference scheme .
Used common slices Mould slices , mercury injection data to have micro porosity construction research of river channel sand body . Combined with core porosity and permeability , and well test result , Fu-Yang formation was divided four type formations deeply in quantity .
Based on the mercury intrusion data , reservoirs are divided in four types according to the flow unit theory , permeability model and bound water saturation model in different type of reservoir are formed .