
chū xínɡ
  • Travel;make a trip;go on a (long) journey;get about
出行 [chū xíng]
  • [go on a long journey] 去外地

  1. 小包一拎就可轻松出行,来自铁路行包部门的统计数字也说明了这一点。

    I 'll be relaxed and go on a journey traveled from the railway line kits sector statistics also illustrate this point .

  2. 可以说,身份证已经与市民的工作、生活、出行等息息相关。

    It can be said that the ID card has been working with the public , life and go on a journey of life .

  3. 别在交通高峰期间出行。

    Don 't travel at rush hour / in the rush hour .

  4. 我们受到忠告,在这种条件下不要冒险出行。

    We 've been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions .

  5. 他出行探险去了。

    He set off in quest of adventure .

  6. 这次出行被认为是成功的。

    The tour was adjudged a success .

  7. 如果你想在伦敦快速出行,最好是乘地铁。

    If you want to get around London fast , the Underground is your best bet .

  8. 他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。

    He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine

  9. 要想出行便宜,就坐小型出租车吧。

    If you want a cheap ride , take a minicab .

  10. 他打开了大门,微笑着欢迎出行的人归来。

    He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home .

  11. 很多坐飞机出行的旅客在长途飞行中脚踝和脚会浮肿。

    Many air travellers suffer puffy ankles and feet during long flights .

  12. 埃布尔先生的医生说他不宜出行。

    Mr Abel 's doctor has said he is unfit to travel .

  13. 这次出行是为了能驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾。

    The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord .

  14. 布拉德利仍然保持着每次出行必派头十足的习惯。

    Bradley is still accustomed to travelling everywhere in style

  15. 就在不到一代人的时间里,坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。

    Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers .

  16. 各种有利因素大大抵消了出行过程中的种种不便。

    The pluses more than compensated for the inconveniences involved in making the trip .

  17. 他们只得乘公共汽车出行。

    They had to travel everywhere by bus .

  18. 要求车主们减少驾车出行的次数。

    Car owners were asked to cut down travel

  19. 旅游限制的放松意味着他们可以自由地出行和工作。

    The relaxation of travel restrictions means they are free to travel and work .

  20. 每次她乘公车出行都至少耽搁3个小时。

    Every time she travels on the bus it 's delayed by at least three hours

  21. 你只能乔装出行。

    You 'll have to travel in disguise

  22. 他竭力筹备好各项事宜以便这次出行看上去像联合国代表团出访一样。

    He tried to organise things so that the trip would be dressed up as a UN mission .

  23. 怀孕28周以后的准妈妈一般不宜乘坐飞机出行。

    It is generally not advisable for expectant mothers to travel by air after the 28th week of pregnancy .

  24. 制约驾车出行量的将会是那些道路的通行能力。

    It 's the capacity of those roads which is going to constrain the amount of travel by car that can take place .

  25. 恶劣的天气破坏了我们出行的愿望。

    The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out .

  26. 通书上说今天是个吉日,宜出行。

    The almanac says that today is a suitable day for going out .

  27. 他们已想出行之有效的挽救办法。

    They have thought out the effective saving .

  28. 不过,飞行汽车始终是个人出行自由的终极象征。

    However , the flying car has always remained the ultimate symbol of personal transport freedom .

  29. 当想到年轻人通常比老年人对出行相关的技术更感兴趣时,这一现象真的特别有意思。

    This is especially interesting when you consider that younger people are generally more interested in travel-related technologies than older ones .

  30. 减少排放、便宜出行似乎很吸引人。

    Fewer emissions and cheaper travel sound pretty appealing .