
  • 网络export rebate;sistema de reintegro
  1. 因此,只要退税措施得当,财力安排合理,在WTO条件下,出口退税制度一定能够持续、稳定地发挥产业保护功能。

    Accordingly , so long as the measure of drawback is apt , the financial resources are arranged rationally , export drawback system can unquestionably give lasting and steady play to the function of industry protection under WTO condition .

  2. 出口退税制度对我国经济影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Export Drawback System to Our Country

  3. 中国出口退税制度改革与经济可持续增长

    The Reforming of Refunding Export Taxes System and the Sustainable Economic Development

  4. 对我国出口退税制度实施困境的思考

    A Reflection on the Predicament of Our Export Rebate System

  5. 我国农产品出口退税制度优化分析

    Analysis on the Optimization of the Export Rebate System of Agricultural Products

  6. 我国出口退税制度分析与机制研究

    Analyze China 's Export Tax Rebate and Study Its Mechanism

  7. 出口退税制度的国际比较与政策借鉴

    International Comparison and Policy Reference about the System Of Tax Refund for Exporting

  8. 新的出口退税制度改革对甘肃经济发展的影响分析

    The Influence of New System of Exit Taxes Refund on Development of Gansu Economy

  9. 出口退税制度若干问题探讨

    The Research of Chinese Export Duty Rebate System

  10. 第二部分对出口退税制度概念与理论进行了阐述。

    The second part describes the concept and theories of the export tax rebate system .

  11. 实施走出去战略加快我国增值税出口退税制度改革

    Implementing the Step out from China Strategy Accelerating the VAT Export Drawback System 's Reform

  12. 当前税收筹划中应正确认识的几个问题我国现行出口退税制度研究

    Problems on the Tax Planning at Present Research on the Present Tax - Refund System of China

  13. 我们要完善出口退税制度,必然要对国际的先进经验进行研究,以资借鉴。

    In order to optimize the export tax refund system , we must study the international advanced experiences .

  14. 我国1985年正式建立出口退税制度,其后出口退税政策经历了多次调整,对外贸出口和国内宏观经济产生了重大的影响。

    China established export refund institution formally in 1985 , and then the institution has been adjusted for many times .

  15. 从改革开放至今,我们出口退税制度几经变革。

    From the beginning of the reform and opening-up on , we have several changes in the export tax rebate system .

  16. 当前,我国在对外贸易方面的长期政策是实施“走出去”战略,出口退税制度必须为这一战略决策服务。

    At present time , our long-term policy in foreign trade is to implement " step out from China " strategy .

  17. 我国出口退税制度在退税方式和管理上,以及政策的稳定性、协调性等方面存在诸多弊端;

    There exist many shortcomings in policy stability and negotiation and management methods as to returning tax system of exported goods .

  18. 先是对已有的出口退税制度有效性评估方法做了总结,指出了其优势和不足。

    First , we summarize the existing assessment methods of the export tax rebate , and point out their strengths and weaknesses .

  19. 本论文结合我国的国情,对我国现行出口退税制度存在的问题作了探讨。

    In this paper , the situation of our country export tax refunds for our current problems in the system is discussed .

  20. 我国现行农产品出口退税制度中存在的主要问题是:农产品征税过程中存在较为严重的税收流失现象;

    The main problem on the export rebate system of our current agricultural products is a severe tax drain of agricultural products ;

  21. 那么,出口退税制度未来的发展趋势与走出去战略的走向息息相关。

    Therefore , the future development trend of export drawback system is closely linked with trend of the " Go-Out policy " .

  22. 应以走出去战略为依据,真正发挥出口退税制度的保护产业和鼓励出口的基本功能;

    According to " going out " strategy , industry protection and export encouragement-two fundamental functions of export drawback system should be exerted ;

  23. 从理论上讲,取消出口退税制度将有助于缓解人民币的升值压力,该评论称。

    In theory , then , abolishing export rebates will help ease pressures to revalue the [ renminbi ] , the commentary said .

  24. 本文由此入手,首先将我国的出口退税制度与外国做了比较分析。

    Starting from this , first , I made the comparative analysis about the export drawback system between our country and some foreign countries .

  25. 并且在第五章中提出了完善出口退税制度的措施和有效缓解人民币升值压力的建议。

    In Chapter five I give my suggestions as to modifying the taxation rebate system in order to decrease the pressure of RMB appreciation .

  26. 增值税出口退税制度有利于鼓励出口,加快“走出去”的步伐。

    By means of analyzing our VAT export drawback system , this article puts forward some suggestions concerning our export drawback system 's reform .

  27. 我国自1985年实施出口退税制度以来,有力地促进了对外贸易的发展。

    Since 1985 , in which our country applied the system of exportation tax return , the system promoted the development of outside trading .

  28. 而出口退税制度的演变过程对中国的贸易进出口乃至中国经济产生了较明显的影响。

    The evolution of export tax rebate system has made apparent influence on China 's import and export trade and even the whole economy .

  29. 全面、深刻地评估出口退税制度并根据其在实施中存在的问题提出完善的措施建议具有较强的理论及现实意义。

    Comprehensive and profound evaluation system of export tax refund according to their implementation of existing problems in perfect measures has strong theoretical and realistic significance .

  30. 概括了出口退税制度的特点、基本原则和依据,并对其与其他相关范畴进行了区分;对出口退税制度从古至今的理论渊源进行了总结。

    It summarizes the characteristics of the export tax rebate system , the basic principles and the basis differences from the other relevant areas of distinction .