
  • 网络gloria hotel
  1. 李春萍女士在凯莱酒店集团工作了很多年,因此对于它有着很深厚的感情。

    Her attachment to Gloria Hotels & Resorts , where she has been working for years , is very strong .

  2. 第一家是香港人经营的凯莱大酒店(Gloria),于1995年开张,以假日酒店和希尔顿为首的国际大牌酒店紧随其后。

    The first was the Hong Kong-managed Gloria , which opened in1995.International brands , led by Holiday Inn and Sheraton , arrived soon after that .

  3. 虽然刘特佐在基金中没有任何正式职务,但是2012年,英国法院的文件表示,在他代表的投资者试图以15亿美元竞购拥有凯莱奇酒店(Claridge’s)的一家酒店集团时,他拿出了1MDB发出的一封支持信。

    While Mr. Low has no official position with the fund , in 2012 it emerged in British court documents that he had presented a letter of support from 1MDB in his investors " unsuccessful bid for the hotel group that includes Claridge 's.

  4. 来自三亚凯莱度假酒店最亲切的问候!

    Greetings from Gloria Resort Sanya !

  5. 介绍了苏州凯莱大酒店在锅炉方面、电能控制方面、节约用水方面取得的显著成绩。

    Introduction has been given to the prominent achievement made by Suzhou Kailai Grand Hotel in the aspects of boilers and electric energy control .

  6. 现在,三亚凯莱度假酒店员工的制服也一直在不断地改进,这也是提升酒店形象的一个重要组成部分。

    Over the past years , Gloria Resort has been improving its staff uniforms , which are instrumental in promoting the hotel 's image .

  7. 在三亚凯莱度假酒店度过人生中的一段闲适时光是再合适不过的了。

    At this time of the year , nowhere is as good as a seaside retreat like Gloria Resort Sanya for a leisured holiday .