
  1. GARP方法是搜集能够用于估计绿色NNP或者能够用于解释标准国民账户(SNA)的卫星账户的信息的实证研究方法,目的在于给出一个经济活动净福利的准确计量值。

    GARP approach can be used to collect data for empirical study of the estimation of green NNP or to interpret the satellite account of SNA with the aim to obtain an accurate estimation of the net welfare generated by economic activity .

  2. 在市场经济条件下,经济人的行为是利益导向型的,之所以选择合作正是由于合作带来的净福利大于竞争带来的净福利。

    In the market economy , economical person is self-interest oriented .

  3. 国际贸易中汇率变动对社会净福利的影响

    Effects of Exchange Rate of International Trade on Social Welfare

  4. 税收超额负担是超过政府所征集的税收收入而形成的社会净福利损失。

    Tax excess burden is a loss of social net welfare in excess of government 's tax .

  5. 处理好金融稳定、金融效率与社会净福利的关系是我国金融市场退出机制建设必须面对的问题。

    And so far we have not yet set up a consummated mechanism for the market withdrawal .

  6. 俘获理论认为基于经济利益保护的技术性贸易壁垒可能导致国民净福利下降,政府政策的制订过程受到经济和政治双重因素的影响。

    While regulatory capture theory addresses the political incentive in government behavior and provides that an economic-based protection may decrease national welfare .

  7. 战略性贸易政策理论主张政府应积极干预存在超额利润或技术外溢效应的寡头垄断产业以实现本国社会净福利的最大化。

    The strategic trade policy suggests the government interfere with the oligopolistic industries that exist excessive profit or technological spillovers to maximize national net welfare .

  8. 在用户被锁定的情况下,厂商实施价格歧视可以获得比无差别定价更高的利润,但并没有导致社会净福利的变化;

    Under the condition that customers are locked-in , discrimination price tactic can bring more profit than flat price tactic , but does not cause the change of social welfare ;

  9. 网络外部性和产品兼容性是导致用户被锁定的主要因素,转移成本的存在增加了厂商利润但会导致社会净福利的损失;

    Network externalities and product compatibility are the main factors that make customers locked-in , and the switching cost leads to the gain of companies ' profit , but the loss of net social welfare ;

  10. 在微观经济分析部分,明确指出主流经济理论中若干非持续性假定;外部性的存在使得社会资源配置效率低下,社会净福利遭受损失,是经济发展不可持续的根源。

    In analysis of microeconomic , a couple of unsustainable hypotheses existing in mainstream economic theories were pointed out definitely . Externalities decrease efficiency of resource allocation and damage net society welfare . They are the roots of unsustainable development .

  11. 功利主义强调通过鼓励新作的创作和向社会传播来促进社会公众利益从而实现净社会福利最大化。

    Utilitarian emphasis on encouraging the creation of new works and disseminating to the community to promote public interest in order to achieve maximum net social welfare .