
  • 网络Purification workshop;clean room;GMP;cleanroom;cleaning shop
  1. 负责净化车间空调系统的运行控制。

    In charge of the operating and controlling of the air-conditioning system in clean room .

  2. 公司按《环境控制程序》监视和控制净化车间的生产环境和周围的工作环境。

    The ambience and surrounding of clean room shall be monitored and controlled in accordance with Environment Control Procedure .

  3. 焦炉煤气净化车间的水平衡问题

    Problem on Water Balance in Coke Oven Gas Purification Plant

  4. 质量部、生产部分别对净化车间的有关技术参数进行监测及记录。

    Quality Department and Production Department shall be in charge of the monitoring and recording of technical data concerning clean room respectively .

  5. 针对锦西炼油化工总厂炼油三厂净化车间含硫含氯污水汽提装置的生产现状和存在的工艺技术问题进行了技术分析,是出采用三段冷凝三段分离工艺;

    The production situation and process problem of the sour water stripper were analyzed at cleaning workshop in the No. 3 refinery of the Jinxi Petrochemical Company .

  6. 其中炼焦炉周边、荒煤气净化车间、焦油和粗苯加工车间是焦化厂污染最严重的区域。

    The surrounding area of the coke oven , the raw coal gas purification workshop and the coal tar and crude benzene processing workshop would be the most serious pollution area of the coking plant .

  7. 本文介绍了仙妮蕾德广州有限公司厂房的空调设计,着重介绍了空调水系统、净化车间空调系统及通风除尘系统等的设计,供参考。

    This paper presents the air conditioning design of Guangzhou Sunrider factory , emphasize the design of water system , the air conditioning system , ventilation and dust removal system in the clean workshop . It 's for reference .

  8. 空气净化器虽然能够净化生产车间中的空气微生物,但其净化率为53.1%,净化后的空气未达到洁净空气的标准,因此还应同时采取其他相应净化措施。

    The depurator could purify air microorganisms at the workshop , with a purifying rate of 53.1 % , but it did not reach the standards of clean air .

  9. 配粉系统采用正压气力输送。通风除尘系统采用组合风网、布筒除尘器最终净化方式,确保车间内外的环境卫生。

    Aeration and dedusting system applied combined dedusting design to ensure the environment cleaning .

  10. 本文探讨了天然气净化厂硫磺成型车间粉尘和有害气体的产生、扩散及治理的措施;

    The formation and diffusion of the dust and harmful gas in the sulfur solidification shop of natural gas purifying plant and some administrating measures are discussed in this paper .