
  • 网络decision body;decision-making unit;decision maker;decision-makers
  1. 结构因素有决策主体,权利分配,命令链,正式沟通渠道;

    Structural compact consists of decision body , power allocation , chain of command , formal communication channel ;

  2. 本研究从决策主体的角度对当前我国员工职业选择状况进行实证研究。

    The paper empirically studies the condition of our country 's employee career choice from the viewpoint of decision maker .

  3. 决策主体执行规则的一致性检验与优化是分布式C2组织协同决策和群决策设计理论的基础,也是当前军事决策研究关注的热点。

    Coherence testing and optimization is basis of collaborative and team decision designs for decision-makers to implement decision regulation in C ~ 2 system , is a focus of military decision-maker 's attention too .

  4. 需求数量发生突变时,不同联盟情况下各决策主体的收益也相应发生变化,应用Shapley值法进行变化收益的合理、公平的二次分配,达到了突发事件下供应链协调的目的。

    The profit of each decision-maker under different alliance situation changes correspondingly when disruptions result in demand function . The changed profit is allocated again reasonably and fairly by applying Shapley value method .

  5. 从决策主体有限理性角度,引入行为金融于区域产业发展集群升级管理体系,以Friedman和Savage之谜为释例,给出了其异常现象的行为金融解释。

    From bounded rationality of decision-makers , behavioral finance is introduced into the updating management system of regional industrial cluster . With enigma of Friedman & Savage as a typical case , some non-standard financial abnormity phenomena are interpreted .

  6. 文化对决策主体在决策中的作用与影响

    Culture 's Effect and Influence on Decision makers when Making Policy

  7. 中美两国在台湾问题上的博弈,包括两国领导人之间的博弈和各自国内决策主体之间的博弈,是一个双层博弈的过程。

    Conflict and Cooperation : Factor Analysis of Japan in the Taiwan Question

  8. 知识管理决策主体分析

    The Analysis of the Subject in Knowledge Management Decision Making

  9. 公共政策失败的决策主体性分析

    The Analysis of Policymakers ' Subjectivity in Public Policy Failures

  10. 作为课程决策主体的中小学教师专业发展

    Professional development of high and primary school teachers in the curricular decision-making

  11. 博弈论是研究理性决策主体的决策行为的理论。

    Game theory is a science concerning rational decision-makers and decision behaviors .

  12. 对决策主体的研究是突发事件应急决策领域的一个重要研究方向。

    Studying on decision-makers was a very important direction in emergency decision-making area .

  13. 公共投资建设项目决策主体再界定

    Re-identification of Decision - making Subjects of Public Projects

  14. 要转变政府职能,提高决策主体的责任能力;

    Change government 's function , improve the responsibility ability of the decision-maker ;

  15. 给出了自适应决策主体的定义,并对其自适应行为作了描述。

    Adaptive decision agent was defined , and its adaptive character was described .

  16. 决策主体、决策活动与文化

    Culture and mainbody , activity of policy decision

  17. 从宏观上来看,新课改的推进需要决策主体与执行主体的共同努力。

    The advance of new curriculum needs the joint efforts of decision-making and execution .

  18. 决策主体违背决策程序;

    Decision subject disobeys decision procedures ;

  19. 与其他理论不同,博弈论强调决策主体各方策略的相互依存性。

    Different with other theory , game theory emphasizes decision-making parties the strategy of mutual dependency .

  20. 而出现这些问题关键是法官审理案件中并非合法的法官决策主体不正当干涉造成的。

    Such problems are resulted from the illegimate interference of illegal decision-making judges during the trial process .

  21. 确定了面向不同决策主体的综合快捷货运服务网络的运输能力。

    Computational techniques of multimodal service network capacity for express shipments with various decision individuals are studied .

  22. 第四,将协同度与参与度相结合,得出了应急协同决策主体动态选择的依据。

    Fourth , obtained emergency collaborative decision-makers ' selection basis with combination of participation degree and collaborative degree .

  23. 由于决策主体不同,因此重大工程项目决策受制于决策主体的价值观。

    Because of different Decision-makers , the value analysis of engineering decision Depends on the values of Engineering subject .

  24. 教育改革主体分为教育理论主体、教育决策主体和教育实施主体,其中的任何教育改革主体都不能逃脱意识形态的制约。语文教育主体理论透视

    Each subject can 't escape from the strong control of ideology . The Perspective of Principal Part Theory of Chinese Education

  25. 本文重点分析了其相关的决策主体风险投资者、风险资本家和风险企业家之间形成的双层委托代理关系,即风险投资者与风险资本家之间以及风险资本家和风险企业家之间的契约关系。

    From the view of contract theory in this paper , investors , venture capitalists and entrepreneurs form double-sided agency relation .

  26. 教育变革主体的构成具有复合性,可分为利益主体、决策主体和行为主体三大部分。

    The constitution of educational change subjects is compound , which consists of interest subject , decision-making subject and behavior subject .

  27. 而行政决策主体是行政决策的实际执行者,是行政决策的核心角色。

    The administrative decision-making principal part is the actual executor of the executive decision-making is the core of administrative decision-making role .

  28. 现代项目管理模式是多元决策主体的管理模式,其中业主和承包商是项目管理中的主要决策者。

    Modern project management is a multi-decision-maker management model , in which the client and contractor is the key decision makers .

  29. 其次应当对行政决策主体的权力以及行使方式和步骤予以规范;

    Second , the power of subject of administrative policy making and its way of exercise and procedure should be standardized .

  30. 而控股股东作为公司的投资决策主体,与R&D强度存在着必然的联系。

    As the company ' sinvestment decision-makers , controlling shareholder has a causal link with the R & Dintensity of the company .