
  • 网络freezing point depression
  1. 克分子冰点降低常数

    Molal depression constant freezing point depression lowering of freezing point

  2. 因加盐于水而使冰点降低。

    Of freezing point of water by addition of salt .

  3. 目的:利用冰点降低法考察国内外人血白蛋白产品的渗透压现状。

    Objective : To determine osmotic pressure of human albumin with freezing point osmometer .

  4. 冰点降低法测定渣油和沥青的分子质量(Ⅰ)&方法的可行性研究

    Determination of Molecular Weights of Petroleum Residues and Asphalts by Cryoscopy (ⅰ)─ Feasibility of the Method

  5. 方法:采用药剂学中的冰点降低数据法、溶质摩尔浓度计算法和渗透浓度计算法。

    Methods : To use pharmaceutics methods of depres - sion of freezing point , solute molarity and osmotic concentration .

  6. 蛋白被加热时变凝固;凝冻点(冰点)降低

    Egg white coagulating when heated ; freezing point depression

  7. 既然结冰的液态水分子减少了,冰点自然降低了。

    Since there are now fewer liquid water molecules to be captured and frozen by the ice , the rate of freezing drops .

  8. 凝冻点(冰点)降低漂白之后,包装产品,降温至冰点以下。

    Following the blanching step , the product is packaged and the temperature is reduced to well below the freezing point of water .

  9. 在番茄的冰点温度以上,降低送风温度,缩短预冷时间,相对增加风速而言,包装箱两侧压力反而有减小的趋势。

    Over the ice temperature , the pre-cooling time will be reduced with the reducing of the temperature of the forced air , and compared with the enhance of the velocity , the pressure drop will be lesser .