
  • 网络otherworld
  1. 凯尔特人相信故人的亡灵可以和活着的人结合,因为在萨乌安这天,一年中死去的人的灵魂进入冥世。

    The Celts believed that the ghosts of the dead were able to mix with the living , because during Samhain , the souls of those who had died during the year traveled into the otherworld .

  2. 据说,奥西里斯遭谋害后,生命得以复活,成了冥世的判官。

    At any rate , Osiris , being restored to life , became the judge of the under-world .

  3. 当时活着的人们希望死者在冥世继续生活,所以为他们陪葬了日常生活中所能用到的一切物品。

    People also alive at that time to wish that the dead could take these things to get another world to continue their live , so they buried all things they used in their daily life .