
nóng zhuāng
  • collective farm;grange;farmstead;town;homestead;a farm village
农庄 [nóng zhuāng]
  • [farmstead] 农场建筑及其附近作业区;泛指包括建筑物在内的农场

农庄[nóng zhuāng]
  1. 草地野火烧焦了巴斯克亥农庄附近的土地。

    Grass fires have seared the land near the farming village of Basekhai .

  2. 例句我们住在乡下一个农庄,方圆好几里都找不到任何商店!

    We live on a farm in the countryside . There are no shops in a country mile !

  3. 驴却大相庭径,他有很多的事情要做;到磨坊去推磨,到树林去背回木材,或到农庄去驮运货物。

    The ass , on the contrary , had much work to do , in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdens from the farm , .

  4. 城外有许多农庄,可以供城市居民前往居住和体验牛仔生活,或者只是去享受一下草原上的农家生活。

    Outside the city there are many countryside ranches for city dwellers to live the gaucho life , or just enjoy country life in the pampas , the grasslands outside buenos aires .

  5. 其中的一位发起人HenrySalmon回忆起以前在史坦顿岛长大的时候在朋友的农庄种过葡萄。

    One of them , Henry Salmon , recalls growing grapes on a friend 's farm while growing up on Staten Island .

  6. 曼斯菲尔德的大道马提尼餐厅(Martini’sonMain)供应农家比萨饼,大部分食材来自本地农庄(108NorthMainStreet,电话419-775-5936;martinisonmain.net)。

    Martini 's on Main , in Mansfield , offers pizza made from scratch and gets most of its ingredients from local farms ( 108 North Main Street , 419-775-5936 ; martinisonmain . net ) .

  7. 其他上榜餐厅还有位于牛津郡(Oxfordshire)大弥尔顿(GreatMilton)的四季农庄餐厅(LeManoirauxQuat'Saisons),这家米其林星级餐厅在榜单上位列第三。

    Included in the top 10 was michelin-starred Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons in Great Milton , Oxfordshire , which came third .

  8. CVM评估休闲农地的存在价值&以武汉市和平农庄为例

    Assessment on the Existence Value of Recreational Farmland by CVM : A Case Study of Heping Village in Wuhan City

  9. 他在这个中世纪小村开了三家餐厅:米其林二星级L'Enclume、Rogan&Company以及最近开业的Pig&Whistle。附近农庄什么新鲜,这里就做什么。

    His three restaurants in the medieval village - the Michelin two-starred L'Enclume , Rogan & Company and his most recent addition , the Pig & Whistle - have menus featuring whatever 's fresh on his nearby farm .

  10. 附近矗立着一座农庄,门外停着几辆SUV,还有几座小型的混凝土船坞探入湖中,几乎直指着就在几百码开外的茵湖岛。

    A farmhouse with a couple of S.U.V.s parked outside stood nearby , and there was a little concrete dock jutting out into the lake , pointed almost directly at Innisfree a few hundred yards away .

  11. 农庄住宅和小屋之间有一幢把它们连结起来的建筑物。

    There was an interlinking building between the farmhouse and cottage .

  12. 我们从一个农庄里营救了这只狗和它的狗崽们。

    We rescue this dog and its kids from a farm .

  13. 有一天,我们去贝弗利农庄拜访他们美丽的家。

    One day we visited their beautiful home at Beverly Farms .

  14. 慈溪市海珠山生态休闲农庄详细规划研究

    Study on Detailed Planning in Haizhu Mountain Recreational Grange of Ecosystem

  15. 他们的农庄大体上能自给自足,但还未能达到全部自给自足的程度。

    Their farms were largely , but not entirely , self-sufficient .

  16. 我们说过,农庄不卖。

    We 've already told you , we 'll never sell .

  17. 他去农庄了,我回答。

    ' He 's out on the farm ,' I answered .

  18. 她出生在巴恩翰再过去的一个农庄附近。

    She had been born near a farm out beyond barnham .

  19. 他到达农庄住宅时正好是七点。

    It was just on seven when he reached the farmhouse .

  20. 我将去我叔叔的农庄过暑假。

    I will spend my summer vacation in my uncle 's grange .

  21. 那是小河附近的一个大农庄。

    Should be a large farmhouse right past the creek .

  22. 《动物农庄》的故事发生在一个时间不是很明确的时期。

    Animal Farm is set in an unspecified time period .

  23. 下午去了爸爸的农庄帮忙干活。

    This afternoon I went to help my father on his farm .

  24. 在这些农庄,普遍地以骡代马。

    Mules are universally substituted for horses on the farms .

  25. 百姓被从城里疏散到了农庄。

    The civilians were evacuated from the city to farms .

  26. 我们住在一家提供床位和早餐的农庄。

    We 're staying at a farm that does bed and breakfast .

  27. 在农庄或农场长大的男孩。

    A boy who has grown up on a farm .

  28. 英国有机生态农庄增进就业,保护鸟类。

    UK organic farms seen protecting jobs , bird life .

  29. 他们的农庄正在慢慢衰落下去。

    Their farm was slowly going to rack and ruin .

  30. 我要去一下法瑟的农庄。

    I 'll probably drive over to the Fawcett farm .