
  • 网络agricultural subsidy;Agriculture subsidy
  1. 农业补贴占去了欧盟收入的大约一半

    Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU 's income .

  2. 加入WTO以来中国农业补贴政策的实施与调整

    The Practise and Adjustment of China 's Agricultural Subsidies Since Entered WTO

  3. WTO框架下农业补贴问题的法律适用探析

    Analysis on the Applicable Law of Agricultural Subsidy in the WTO Framework

  4. WTO农业补贴协议下中国农民发展权的实现

    Accomplishment of the Farmers ' Development Rights Under the Subsidy Provisions of WTO

  5. WTO框架下我国农业补贴问题研究

    Research on WTO and the Problem of Agricultural Subsidies

  6. 论WTO体系下农业补贴的特殊安排及未来展望

    Special Arrangement for Agricultural Subsidies in the WTO Framework and Its Future Prospects

  7. WTO规则下农业补贴的焦点和我国的选择

    Focus of Agricultural Subsidy under the Rules of WTO and the Choice of China

  8. 欧盟(EU)的农业补贴也是尽人皆知。

    And European Union farm subsidies are infamous .

  9. 第七章,WTO框架下政府投资空间与湖北省农业补贴。

    Chapter seven , the government investment space and agricultural subsidy in Hubei Province under the framework of WTO .

  10. WTO框架下的农业补贴结构与政策调整&对主要WTO成员国履行农业补贴承诺的分析

    The Structure and Policy Adjustment of Agricultural Subsidies under WTO Rules & An analysis on Main WTO Member 's Implementation of Agricultural Domestic Support Commitment

  11. WTO框架下的农业补贴包括“绿箱”、“黄箱”和“蓝箱”三种。

    Under the frame of WTO , agriculture subsidy includes " green box " policy ," yellow box " policy and " blue box " policy .

  12. 全面回顾GATT和WTO框架下有关农业补贴、国内支持的谈判。

    This part makes a comprehensive review of the agriculture subsidy and domestic support negotiations within the framework of GATT and WTO .

  13. 尚未开始改革农业补贴的美国,不希望由世界贸易组织(WTO)为自己的改革设定条条框框。

    The US , which has not yet embarked on reform of its farm subsidies , does not want its changes to be prescribed by the World Trade Organisation .

  14. 其三,运用DEA方法准确测度并比较了中国各省份农业补贴的效率和超效率。

    Third , the efficiency and super-efficiency of agricultural subsidies in every province are measured and compared by using DEA method .

  15. 纳特是所谓多哈回合贸易谈判中四国集团(GroupofFour)核心谈判伙伴之一。他对本报表示,美国需要大幅削减农业补贴,以防止世界贸易扭曲。

    The US needed to scale back its farm subsidies radically to prevent distortions in world trade , said Kamal Nath , one of the Group of Four core negotiating partners in the so-called Doha round of trade talks .

  16. 欧美农业补贴政策对世界农产品贸易和世界其他主要农产品生产国的农业生产产生着巨大且多方面的影响。UnitedStates案标志着美国法院开始接纳显失公平原则。

    The agricultural subsidy policies of the United States and EU have produced enormous influences on many aspects of the world agricultural trade and on the agricultural production of the developing countries with intensive agriculture .

  17. 这是世界贸易组织(wto)的主要职能之一,例如,说服各国政府削减农业补贴,以换取本国制造业进入海外市场。

    This is one of the main functions of the World Trade Organisation persuading , for example , governments to cut farm subsidies in return for giving manufacturers access to overseas markets .

  18. 第九,我们应该在世界贸易组织(wto)多哈会合谈判中达成协议,消除农业补贴造成的扭曲,开创出适应性更强、效率更高、更为公平的全球食品贸易格局。

    Ninth , we should conclude a Doha world trade organisation deal in order to remove the distortions of agricultural subsidies and create a more adaptable , efficient and fair global food trade .

  19. 我国农业补贴政策的SCGE模型构建及模拟分析

    SCGE Model Construction and Simulation Analysis of the Agricultural Subsidy Policy in China

  20. 加拿大就建立专家组审理美国农业补贴问题提出首次请求,加拿大称这些补贴扭曲了贸易,违反了美国WTO下的义务。

    Canada requested a panel for the first time ( WT / DS357 / 11 ) to examine the US agricultural subsidies which according to Canada are trade distorting and inconsistent with US WTO obligations .

  21. 进而,简要介绍了农业补贴效率测度的基本理论与研究方法,运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对各省的农业补贴的效率和超效率进行测度与比较分析。

    The basic theory and research method of measuring the efficiency of agricultural subsidies are outlined . The efficiency and super-efficiency of agricultural subsidies in every province are measured and compared by using DEA method .

  22. 澳大利亚商学院(australianschoolofbusiness)教授法瑞博兹莫西仁(fariborzmoshirian)表示,对于因农业补贴和工业关税问题而陷入僵局的多哈谈判,apec经济体正向全球其它地区施加“微妙的压力”。

    Fariborz moshirian , a professor at the Australian School of business , said APEC economies were applying " subtle pressure " to the rest of world over the stalled Doha talks , which are deadlocked over farm support and industrial tariffs .

  23. 结论如下:一、农户获得农业补贴的次数对政策效率有负的影响;二、亩均农业补贴水平在1%的显著性水平上对VRS有正的影响。

    Conclusion is as follows : 1 . The number of times that peasants getting subsidies has a negative impact on policy efficiency ; 2 . Agricultural subsidies of per unit of field has a positive impact on VRS with significant level of1 % .

  24. 主要农业补贴政策及其效果研究

    A Study on the Primary Agricultural Subsidy Policies and Their Impacts

  25. 河北省农业补贴制度创新研究

    Research on the Innovation of Agricultural Subsidy System in Hebei Province

  26. 改革农业补贴制度,完善农业保险制度。

    The agricultural subsidiary system and insurance system will be improved .

  27. 农民经济利益视角下农业补贴政策的思考

    Consideration on Agricultural Subsidy Policy from Perspective of Farmer 's Economic Benefits

  28. 美国农业补贴政策的演变趋势分析

    Analysis of changing trends of agricultural subsidy policy of the United States

  29. 我国农业补贴政策的效果分析与研究

    A Study on Effects of China 's Agricultural Subsidy Policy

  30. 世行也主张切实削减因贸易而扭曲的农业补贴。

    The Bank argues for real cuts in trade distorting agricultural subsidies .