
  1. 农地是指农民集体所有的农用地,包括耕地、林地、草地、园地以及其他农业生产用地。

    Agricultural land means the farmers collectively owned agricultural land , including farmland , woodland , grassland , orchard and other land for agricultural production .

  2. 20世纪后半叶美国等西方国家经历了逆城市化和都市蔓延,分散开发建设模式致使大量的农田被侵蚀,农业生产用地和产业链的连续性遭到破坏。

    The late of the 20th century has been witnessed the counter urbanization and urban sprawl in USA and other many west countries . The decentralized construction model has brought up the invasion of farmland and broken the integration of the agriculture production land and the chain of industries .

  3. 结果表明:油田开发占用土地面积相对较少,但主要以优质农业生产和生态建设用地为主;

    It was displayed that the oil field occupied rather a little land , but it was mainly high quality land for agricultural production and eco-environmental restoration .

  4. 因此,在土地利用上,应鼓励研究区内其他用地转为农业生产以及直接为农业生产服务的用地,尽量控制农田转变用途。(2)基本农田的空间布局优化。

    Therefore , in the land use , should encourage other regional land into agricultural production and directly for the service of agricultural production , try to control land farmland change purposes . ( 2 ) Space layout optimization to basic farmland .