
  • 网络agriculture production cost
  1. 农业生产成本对农民农业收入的影响分析

    Analysis on the Cost of Agricultural Production for Farmer Income

  2. 有效地降低农业生产成本能够有效的增加农民收入。

    Effectively reduce the cost of agricultural production can increase the income of peasants .

  3. 第五章为结束语,从农业生产成本的角度总结了提高农民收入的重要意义。

    Chapter V has summed up the great significance of the increased income of the farmers .

  4. 目前,除草剂的粗放式喷洒会污染环境,破坏耕作土地质量,同时加大农业生产成本。

    Presently , extensive herbicide spraying pollutes the environment , destructs farmland and increases agricultural production costs .

  5. 第二章论述了农业生产成本的界定及其和农民增收的的关系。

    Chapter II described the relationship between the cost of agricultural production and the income of peasants .

  6. 依靠科技进步,降低农业生产成本;减轻农民负担;

    Depending on technology advancement to reduce the cost of agricultural production and lighten farmer ′ s burden ;

  7. 与此同时,农产品买方市场要求降低农业生产成本,增加农民收益。

    Meanwhile , the agricultural products market demands to reduce the agricultural production cost , and increase peasant 's income .

  8. 他说,由于干旱,加上农业生产成本增加,他在土地上损失巨大。

    He says the draught , plus a sharp spike in farming costs , has left a generational hole on farms .

  9. 氮、磷肥的过量使用不但增加农业生产成本,还会造成资源浪费和环境污染。

    Nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer overuse not only increase agricultural production costs , but also a waste of resources and environmental pollution .

  10. 我国北方石灰性土壤磷肥当季利用率较低,造成农业生产成本较高。

    In the northern area of china , phosphorus utilization ratio in calcareous soil is low , which makes production cost high .

  11. 磷肥是粮食安全的重要物质保障,但其利用率低下,这不仅增加了农业生产成本,而且加剧了水体富营养化。

    Phosphate fertilizer is the important material guarantee of food security . Low efficiency of phosphate fertilizer not only increased agricultural cost , but also enhanced the eutrophication of water body .

  12. 干旱导致的水资源紧缺,严重影响工业生产,造成粮食减产、农业生产成本加大、森林病虫害蔓延和森林火灾频发。

    The lack of water resource caused by the drought affects the industrial production severely , and leads to the reduction of food supplies 、 the increase of the cost of agricultural production 、 the extension of forest plant diseases and insect pests and the frequent forest fire .

  13. 农业企业生产成本的核算

    The Production Cost Accounting in Agricultural Enterprises

  14. 如果采用工业化污水处理设备对污染进行消除将会大大增加农业生产的成本,大大减少农业生产收益,甚至变成负收益。

    If we adopt the industrialized sewage disposal equipment to , the cost will increase agricultural production greatly , and reduce the agricultural production income greatly , even lose the money .

  15. 近几年来这个问题更加复杂化,因为农业生产的成本在不断上涨,但农产品的价格不但没有随之上涨反而出现了下滑。

    This question has been more complicated in recent years . The cost of agricultural product is going up constantly , while price of agricultural product is falling instead of growing .

  16. 在农地租赁市场不断发展、农业生产劳动力成本日渐增加、粮食消费需求稳步上升的大背景下,农户参与农地租赁市场究竟对农业绩效会产生何种影响非常值得进行实证研究。

    Under the background of continuous development of the farmland rental market , ever growing labor costs and food consumption demand , the effects of farmers ' participation in farmland rental market on farmer agricultural performance are worthy of empirical research .

  17. 但是由于改革的不配套,农民就业不充分、农业生产经营成本过高、农民收入水平有所下降、农产品流通不畅等问题仍然存在。

    But because of the uneven reform , the problems still exist , such as the peasant employment is not enough , the cost of agricultural production and management is high , the peasants ' income is decreasing , the agricultural products circulates slowly .

  18. 通过分析,发现四川省农业生产的环境成本在其整个经济总值中占了很大的比重。

    Through analysis , we found that the environmental costs of agricultural production in Sichuan Province in its overall economic value accounted for a large proportion .

  19. 由此产生的结果是:农业生产和运输成本上升,食品库存下降,土地从生产食品转向生产能源替代品。

    The results have been rising production and transport costs for agriculture , falling food stocks and land shifted out of food production to produce energy substitutes .

  20. 当从事农业生产的机会成本逐渐提高时,作为农业必要劳动力的女性也开始脱离农业和土地,这便为土地流转的发生提供了空间。

    The rise of work-on-agriculture opportunity cost will gradually separate the female , the necessary labors in the countryside , from agriculture and land , which also leaves room for the occurrence of land diversion .

  21. 从不同侧面与角度,分析农业产业在生产成本与生产效益、产品质量与价格、产业规模与市场占有能力等方面的绝对优势和相对优势。

    Different sides and angles , analysis of agricultural industry in the production cost and production efficiency , product quality and price , industry size and market share capacity and other aspects of absolute and comparative advantages .

  22. 但是还存在着惠农政策总体力度不够,农业生产还面临较大成本,惠农政策实施效率低和相关政策缺失,以及相关制度创新不够从而制约农民增收等问题。

    But still exist , inadequate policies in general and benefit agriculture production also facing larger cost , low efficiency and benefit policy implementation missing , and related policies and institutional innovation enough problems such as restrict peasants ' income .

  23. 现阶段影响农民增收的要素多种多样,有农业资源因素,生产成本因素,农产品市场价格因素,科技装备因素,财政支农政策因素,体制与机制因素,产业结构优化因素等。

    Now there are all kinds of crucial factors , such as agricultural resources factor , production cost factor , agricultural products marketing prices factor , science , technology and equipment factor , system and mechanism factor , agricultural structure optimization factor and so on .

  24. 所以无论是从应对外来竞争,还是从调整农业生产结构、降低农业生产成本,都非常有必要对我国种业市场进行深入细致地研究。

    No matter from tackling the outside competition , or from adjusting the agricultural production structure , reducing the agricultural production cost , it 's very necessary to go on painstaking research on the our seeds markets .

  25. 有利于农业科学技术的推广,降低农业生产成本;

    It is favorable to the popularization of agricultural science and technology and reducing the agricultural production cost ;

  26. 并且让愿意进行农业投资的农户通过规模化的农业生产来降低农业生产成本,提高农户农业投资收益。

    And let farmers who willing to invest in agriculture to reduce the cost of agricultural production by large-scale agricultural production in order to increase farmers ' agricultural investment income .

  27. 在农业收入支持和补贴政策中,农业投入品补贴政策的调整,直接关系到农业生产成本,以及农业生产者的利益,并进而影响农业的持续发展。

    Between income-support policy and subsidy policy , the adjustment of the agri-input subsidy policy , can directly affect the cost of agricultural production and the interest of agri-producers , and consequently affect the sustainable development of agriculture .

  28. 更重要的是,进一步依照地区农业生产比较优势格局调整农业生产结构,可以提高农业资源配i效率,提高农民收入,降低全国水平上的农业生产成本。

    Furthermore , structure adjustment according to comparative advantage can improve resource allocation efficiency , increase farmers ' income and decrease production cost in national level .